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The Feather!


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Now I am usually the first one to go freakin' crazy when ever the topic of changing our uniforms comes up...


What if...

For this year only...

We wore the feather that is tucked under?

1982 was the only year we wore it and we won the Supoer Bowl that year.

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I personally perfer the feather hanging

I've always preferred it hanging too..it just seems that I have seen so many replays of the John Riggins run lately...with the thread about the greatest play ever...that one seems to be the winner and i've been watching it on youtube and that one guy's signature...I feel like I have a "curled feather fetish" right now or something.

And yes, we did win 2 other Super Bowls without thee curled feather...but it seems so retro-80's to me...I love it!

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I always wondered why we changed it for one year and went back. Did someone (JKC, Gibbs) decide they didn't like the curled feather? Anyone know the background on that?



a post was made on it before, but I think it had something to do with them switching to decals. They couldn't get the decals with the feather unattached. I could be wrong though, I'm just going by what I remember from that thread.

Either way, a hanging feater looks better, but I would like to bring some gold pants back and go real old school, throw in some of those Gold helmets with the "R" on them for kicks.

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Yet we managed to win two other Super Bowls without it. ;)

Well, a ray of sunshine................

:laugh: :laugh:

I could care less if the team showed up in bergundy and gold union suites, with half the players flaps hanging, and the other half tucked under.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

As long as we win....................

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