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Carlos Rogers--Love him or Hate him? (Merged)


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He needs to work on his hands BIG TIME. Enough is enough with the drops. He's obviosuly not ready to be the number 1 corner he was supposed to be, but I think we've kinda thrown him to the wolves this year. This is the first time in my life the Skins haven't had a great cornerback.

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The only play that sticks out in my head is the play in Seattle when he could have intercepted the ball and took it to the house but didnt. Why should I be confident that we dont need to look for another corner.

I dont have the same confidence in him that I usually have in our corners like Green, Bailey, Smoot, Springs.

Carlos is a poor corner. He has no game breaking skills. He continues to give up big pass plays.

He is NOT and NEVER will be an elite cover corner like Champ Bailey, Ty Law, Freed Smooth.

In today's game against the Giants, he dropped another ball. If he would have taken it to the house ...it would be game breaking! He is a liability in an already delepted secondary.

Coach Williams just doesn't have the players to have a good defense.

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Originally Posted by joeknows

it just seems to me that you would want your most talented cb against their most talented WR. and yeah we are playing really conservative today.... what gives?

Our CB's play sides, they don't match up.

and this is what im getting at. why ARE THEY NOT MATCHING UP??!!so what we are going to let eli and everyone else burn rumph and wright because we dont have the sense to move our #2 CB to the #! CB spot when our #! is out injured?

and by the way, the thread i started that got merged here was dealing with matchups..... not love or hate because i dont think rogers was the one getting burned so bad today. i still like him and think he has something to offer! i sure as hell wont pin this loss on him because this was a total catastrophie of a team loss and none of our guys, with the exception of just a couple, should even be able to look himself in the mirror this week. they should be ashamed!!! i know i am!!

any player that even hints a smile this week while at work should get 50 laps just for being dumb enough to think they have something to smile about!!

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