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Kids say the darndest things:


Is this guy a scammer?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this guy a scammer?

    • Heck yea!
    • Probably not a scam, you can probably scam HIM for the extra cash.
    • I don't see nothing wrong with it. Don't let the typos scare you off!
    • What's ebay?

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I know that there has been other posts regarding this topic... I looked briefly, and didn't find anything... So, all of you "use the search function" people... r-e-l-a-x! *winks*

Anyway... I was with my niece the other day, and we were watching some previously recorded show called "Little People". It is about the everyday lives of midgets (and perhaps dwarves). Anyway, it was showing this lady driving a van, and my niece asked me... "How can she drive a van?". Just as I was going to answer her, she said... "Oh, I know... duh... It's a 'mini'van.". My apple juice came out of my nose!

I just love children!

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Just after High School, during summer break from college, there was a period where I was working two full-time minimum-wage jobs. I'd work 7-4 at a McDonalds, and 5-Close at a Pizza Hut two blocks away. I'd spend the hour in between killing time at tha Radio Shack halfway in between, where a few friends worked, and where I played with the TRS-80.

One afternoon, a girl, about 10 years old, (she came in with a parent, who was talking to one of the salespeople), saw me standing there in my McDonalds uniform, and asked me:

"Do you work at that McDonalds over there?" (pointing out the front window)

"Why, yes. I do."


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Just after High School, during summer break from college, there was a period where I was working two full-time minimum-wage jobs. I'd work 7-4 at a McDonalds, and 5-Close at a Pizza Hut two blocks away. I'd spend the hour in between killing time at tha Radio Shack halfway in between, where a few friends worked, and where I played with the TRS-80.

One afternoon, a girl, about 10 years old, (she came in with a parent, who was talking to one of the salespeople), saw me standing there in my McDonalds uniform, and asked me:

"Do you work at that McDonalds over there?" (pointing out the front window)

"Why, yes. I do."


and you have asked yourself that same question everyday since

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Just after High School, during summer break from college, there was a period where I was working two full-time minimum-wage jobs. I'd work 7-4 at a McDonalds, and 5-Close at a Pizza Hut two blocks away. I'd spend the hour in between killing time at tha Radio Shack halfway in between, where a few friends worked, and where I played with the TRS-80.

One afternoon, a girl, about 10 years old, (she came in with a parent, who was talking to one of the salespeople), saw me standing there in my McDonalds uniform, and asked me:

"Do you work at that McDonalds over there?" (pointing out the front window)

"Why, yes. I do."


is this a typical child asking why or was this suppose to be funny

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Now that's funny! I actually had the 5-year-old granddaughter of a friend of mine tell me that she wanted to be a doctor. When I asked her why, she said, "Well, I really don't know what that is. But, I can learn!"

Additionally, when she told me that all she did in kindergarten was play all day and I responded that I just work and don't get to play, she said, "Well, why don't you just quit and hang out by the pool?"

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Me, my wife, our 3 kids, my mom, my sister and my niece were wagon-training to the mall for family photos. Apparently, my wife thinks I drive a little faster than my mom, so she said "Don't lose your mom."

I looked in the mirror and said, "They're right behind us."

My 7 year old soon looked out the back window and said "Yep, they sure are. Apparently 'right behind us' is a really long way."

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I was helping RdsknBill chop and stack firewood a few years ago. His youngest daughter was about 4 or 5 at the time and she wanted to help. So she would pick up 1 piece of chopped wood at a time and stack it. After several minutes she yells, "Look Dad, I got wood!" Me with my twisted mind and Bill's is twisted as well, thought that was the funniest thing we heard in a while. I dropped the load of firewood I was carrying and I laughed for a good 5 minutes.

She just stood there with a puzzled look on her face saying, "What? What are you laughing at?"

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Last year, my 3 year old son wanted to say bad ice-cupcake but kept saying bad-ass cupcake but it took quite a while to figure out what the heck he way saying. I kept saying "Where did you learn to say that!"

His favorite Thomas the Train character was Percy but unfortunately the "r" was never was pronounced. So we went out to eat and he took his train with him. He'd go up to everyone and say, "Do you like my big Percy?" :doh:

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