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Brazil vs Croatia.


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Somebody told me that since we lost to the Czechs, we are now in Brazil's draw for round two if we happen to advance. Should the US even show up?? They will get slaughtered like 45-0.

yes they would draw brazil....if the U.S somehow got outta this group i would consider it a better accomplisment than last world cup..considering the quality of the team they are facing this year compared to 4years ago.

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Not necessarily true.

If we win both of our next games, we could easily win the group.

Also, while it's likely Brazil will win the group, it's not absolute. They could tie Australia who could then beat Croatia by more goals than Brazil and "win" the group on goal differential.

Further, while we would likely lose to Brazil, even advancing out of the group would be a HUGE victory for the US.

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I was really surprised with Croatia today and I was really impressed by their hustle (and by Prso). I think that they'll manage to win second after Brazil blows out Australia and, as I predicted before the cup started, I feel Brazil will win this group before getting ousted by Italy.

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all I can say is-


I dont think there is a single player in the world NOT on Brazil, that could start for Brazil.

It looks like they are playing with 14 men.

The problem is their D though, that is only weakness they have. Offensively they are not even touched.

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The World Cup is fine and all that, but can we keep it all in one or two threads please?

The world cup is watched by more then anyone else for any other event, something like 4 billion tune in. This is the biggest event in sports in the world.

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The world cup is watched by more then anyone else for any other event, something like 4 billion tune in. This is the biggest event in sports in the world.

Do you suppose Captain Obvious and Captain Irrelevant are at home watching too?


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I wouldn't discount Brazil even after the way they played yesterday. I think they knew they were going to win and just cruised through the game. If Crotia had scored then you would've seen Brazil kick it in a notch.. The only thing I would be concerned about is the shape that Ronaldinho seemed to be in.. Good god dude, lay off the beer and chips, this is the WORLD CUP man...

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Try and explain to me how this game was more exciting than the miami dallas game...

Easy in the NBA you can tune in to the final two minutes to watch the most imporant part, in soccer you have to watch the whole game or you miss it all.

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Considering the Soccer game was watched by about 20 times more people, maybe you should explain why anyone with a clue would think the NBA game was more exciting?

Ooooooo the elitist american soccer fan. A common breed these days. Sometimes says a "more kids are being brought up on a soccer so it will soon become more popular." Thinks that because lots of foreigners watch soccer its "better."

Sorry bud just b.c. the purina dog chow nation only lost by 1 instead of the predicted 3 doesn't make it an exciting game.

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Mostly just to respond to the ignorant soccer fearing knuckledraggers.

But keep cheering that exciting game they call NBA basketbore. Without knowing the score or the result, I bet the game was close with about 2 minutes left. The both teams actually started to play?

Basketball's not just boring, it's predictable.

Of course you have the added thrill of the thugs that play it. Maybe that's what excites you? Any player assault fans last night?

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Mostly just to respond to the ignorant soccer fearing knuckledraggers.

But keep cheering that exciting game they call NBA basketbore. Without knowing the score or the result, I bet the game was close with about 2 minutes left. The both teams actually started to play?

Basketball's not just boring, it's predictable.

Of course you have the added thrill of the thugs that play it. Maybe that's what excites you? Any player assault fans last night?

you forgot the 10 minute lead in the 1st half, then a 10 point lead going into the 4th all wiped out with 2 minutes to play and then a 30 minute stretch that was the final 2 minutes :)

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Mostly just to respond to the ignorant soccer fearing knuckledraggers.

But keep cheering that exciting game they call NBA basketbore. Without knowing the score or the result, I bet the game was close with about 2 minutes left. The both teams actually started to play?

Basketball's not just boring, it's predictable.

Of course you have the added thrill of the thugs that play it. Maybe that's what excites you? Any player assault fans last night?

I love it. Defending a completely emotionally flat game. I think I can count on one hand the amount of times that crotia attacked the goal. Their opossum strategy worked great! They lost by 1 point. Hey man can I get some your vics and perks sure makes soccer much more fun to watch.

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I love it. Defending a completely emotionally flat game. I think I can count on one hand the amount of times that crotia attacked the goal. Their opossum strategy worked great! They lost by 1 point. Hey man can I get some your vics and perks sure makes soccer much more fun to watch.

I am sure you enjoyed watching 100 of your basketball goals.

If a game with so much stakes, and so much tension can't excite you then you are beyond hope. You are just going to have to enjoy watching your NBA games, as inconsequential as they are. Me? I will watch the most important sporting event in existence. Even if a I don't see 100 points for each team. I mean can seriously say that there is nearly enough tension in an NBA or any basketball game compared with soccer?

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I am sure you enjoyed watching 100 of your basketball goals. If a game with so much stakes, and so much tension can't excite you then you are beyond hope. You are just going to have to enjoy watching your NBA games, as inconsequential as they are. Me? I will watch the most important sporting event in existence. Even if a I don't see 100 points for each team.

I feel as if someone was hitting piano keys as I read that -- Yeah, sorry I guess I'm lost... Poor me. How will I live out my sad pathetic existence without fully being able to appreciate the "subtle complexities" that make soccer the greatest sport ever? Please help and guide me. I'm in a dark place and I'm so lonely.

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I feel as if someone was hitting piano keys as I read that -- Yeah, sorry I guess I'm lost... Poor me. How will I live out my sad pathetic existence without fully being able to appreciate the "subtle complexities" that make soccer the greatest sport ever? Please help and guide me. I'm in a dark place and I'm so lonely.

Look man, its ok, not everyone can understand or reach this level of existence. :cool:

I am just saying it isn't for you

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