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What NFL receiver are you??? (Quiz)


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I got Santana Moss, thank goodness.

I think this quiz is sort of lame, but this deep into the offseason, we are running out of ways to pass the time.

yea it did suck, for one, I didnt get Santana lol, the other, it was too short. But yea, the season needs to hurry up.

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I am Santana Moss, haha. They need to refine that quiz, make it more accurate and longer. And I think the guy that made that quiz is a Redskins fan because he wrote the other team's full names and he only wrote 'Skins'.

On a second attempt I got Chad Johnson.

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I got Santana Moss, thank goodness.

I think this quiz is sort of lame, but this deep into the offseason, we are running out of ways to pass the time.


I can't not get Randy moss. I hate him and I can't not get his dumb face.

Did anyone else notice that under style of play there is "I'm half black/chinese"?


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