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Advice on selling ideas.


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Has anyone ever sold an idea? If so, how. I always have great idea's for products and people are always telling me that I should sell them. How do you sell an idea? I've done some research on line but everything I've found wants you to produce a prototype first. Most of the ideas I have I don't have the means to make. So, if anyone here has sold an idea or know's how I can get in touch with the right people to market my ideas, please let me know. I'll buy you a beer or two if you help a brother out. :cheers:

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You need a business plan. There are templates that banks offer for free.... where you develop the entire outline.

Then, you can use this business plan to pitch the idea for a business venture loan... or you start pitching the idea the investors. Somebody has to subsidize the business... and you mentioned you couldn't :)

The business plan will lay out everything for you.

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If you don't want to apply for a patent, or incur the cost of building a prototype, there are companies that will work with you for a fee to do it for you. But bear in mind the success rate is very low. One company even had the following in their ADVERTISING.

"From 2003 to 2005, we signed submission agreements with 6,592 clients. As a result of our services, 119 clients have received license agreements for their products, and 15 clients have received more money than they paid us for these services."

So out of 6,592 clients, 15 have made some money. :doh:

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You would think there would be companies out there in the business of developing products that would purchase your ideas for a fee and develop them for themselves. hanks for the advice so far, I'm still doing some searching on line.

Anyone see the Starbucks drive through? I remember seeing the lines across from the Warner theater where my wife used to work. I told my wife over two years ago they would make a killing if they opened a drive through, yes, yes they are. :doh:

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Elaborating on what Die Hard said...A bank will send you to your local Small Business Administration to write a business plan. After the business plan is developed you need to see if a venture capitalist will fund the cost of developing a prototype or the cost of marketing your idea. A bank generally won't fund an "idea"....you need something more tangible for collateral.

Bottom line, if you have no money to build prototypes or market your idea...then you need to roll up your sleeve and start pitching your idea to others...and they won't speak to you unless you have spent some time and research developing a business plan...otherwise you will be like RealJbird says above: "Kramer" filled with ideas but too lazy to do something about them... :2cents:

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Small business admin is the place to start. A few of the ideas I have I could probably build a prototype but some are just making modifications or changes to existing products. Would it be worth contacting the company that currently manufactures the product? I tried contacting a couple companies for one of my ideas but most won't talk to you directly.

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