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Top Redskin QB's while Joe Gibbs has been coach


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This list is for Redskin QB's only and only counting their performance as a Redskin:

1. Joe Theismann...he ked an unstoppable offense (almost) and went to 2 straight Super Bowls.

2. Mark Rypien...he had his bumps but got us to win the big one.

3. Jay Shroeder...he still hoolds the record for most passing yards (4,109 in 1986)...that was a great year.

4. Doug Williams...okay, you have to give him his props...he came as a backup only but was put into action and engineerd the greatest quarter in NFL history.

5. Mark Brunell...he had a great season last year but 2004 was yuck. If he can win the big one I can see him vaulting to #2 on this list.

I doubt a single one of these players make it to the Hall Of Fame...I guess Brunell has a chance IF, he can win the Super Bowl. He has had longevity and good numbers with the Jaguars.

It is more of a testament to Joe Gibbs that these QB's were all great, at least for season's or quarters at a time.

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This list is for Redskin QB's only and only counting their performance as a Redskin:

1. Joe Theismann...he ked an unstoppable offense (almost) and went to 2 straight Super Bowls.

2. Mark Rypien...he had his bumps but got us to win the big one.

3. Jay Shroeder...he still hoolds the record for most passing yards (4,109 in 1986)...that was a great year.

4. Doug Williams...okay, you have to give him his props...he came as a backup only but was put into action and engineerd the greatest quarter in NFL history.

5. Mark Brunell...he had a great season last year but 2004 was yuck. If he can win the big one I can see him vaulting to #2 on this list.

I doubt a single one of these players make it to the Hall Of Fame...I guess Brunell has a chance IF, he can win the Super Bowl. He has had longevity and good numbers with the Jaguars.

It is more of a testament to Joe Gibbs that these QB's were all great, at least for season's or quarters at a time.

I'd put #7 in before any of these quarterbacks, and a lot of ones already on ballots. I love Mark, and loved watching him play with the Jaguars, and he's been a stellar quarterback for us, but, no. Not a chance.

Good list, though.

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It is more of a testament to Joe Gibbs that these QB's were all great, at least for season's or quarters at a time.

Exactly right.

Would any of these QBs had the same impact on other teams/in other offensive systems? I don't think so. :2cents:

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Would any of these QBs had the same impact on other teams/in other offensive systems? I don't think so. :2cents:

I agree Gibbs probably got the best out of these guys at their respective points in their career.

However, Theismann had some success prior to Gibbs, as did Williams. Schroeder had a couple decent years with the Raiders. Obviously, Brunell had a lot of success in Jax.

Rypien plummeted without Gibbs.

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I am judging this based only on performances as Redskins. Otherwise a Brunell would be higher and Schroeder would be lower.

Thiesmann - Best QB we've had here since Gibbs took over the first time.

Rypien - Cannon for an arm. Once he settled down and stopped trying to force his throws he turned into a pretty darn good QB. Being a SB MVP didn't suck either. :)

Brunell - Smart, mobile and very good when healthy. Same skills as Theismann basically, but a little older and slower at this point.

Schroeder - Cannon for an arm. Had one pretty good season with us, which ended in a 17-0 drubbing from the Giants in the 86 NCF Championship game. Never did settle down like Rypien, though, and whined way too much.

Williams - Had a hell of a half-season for us, and for that I will be forever grateful. Only Gibbs Era I quarterback to not make the pro-bowl (though he was a SB MVP.) He only started one full season for Gibbs, and that was Gibbs' only losing season from 81-92.

I find it interesting to note that with the possible exception of Brunell, every single one of these guys had their best years when they played for Gibbs. All of them save Williams went to pro-bowls here, but only Brunell went to one with another coach.

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What about Stan Humphries & Cary Conklin?

Humphries sucked as a Redskin.

So did Conklin, besides he only threw a couple passes while Gibbs was coach. His real shot was in Richie's year of 1993.

My ranking of Gibbs' QB's based solely on how they performed as Skins is pretty similar to others-

1. Joe Theismann- two pro bowls, NFL MVP, the glue of the early Gibbs teams. Was a great QB for us until age caught up with him his last year.

2. Mark Rypien- He had 2 pretty good (88 & 89) and one fantastic (91) seasons.

3. Jay Schroeder- I rank him third because he was a pro bowler in 86 but beyond that, he was clutch. He brought the Redskins back countless times to win in the fourth quarter or OT. He was a 50 percent completion guy but that was because he kept gunning it deep. He was a key reason as to why the Skins had a 23-8 record as a starter. Imagine Mark Brunell in the last 4 min in Dallas last year but doing it consistently for a couple of seasons.....which leads me to

4. Mark Brunell- I place him below Jay right now because he hasn't won as much as Jay yet and I don't think he's as responsible for the wins during his time as Jay was during his time.

5. Doug Williams- Was good in spot duty in 1987. Was mediocre in 1988 and a little less than that in his final season of 1989. Still, he'll always have that 2nd quarter in San Diego.

6. Jeff Rutledge- Like Doug, pretty much a one trick pony. While Doug did his in the Super Bowl, Jeff did it in Detroit in 1990. Bringing us back from 21 down, running in the tying TD and throwing for well over 300 yards in less than 2 quarters of work.

7. Patrick Ramsey- played better in 02 and 03 Pre Gibbs. He was solid in 04, but after the disaster that was Mark Brunell, pretty much anyone would have looked like Joe Montana by comparison.

8. Ed Rubbert- the replacement QB. He faced two defenses with regulars and played well. Got hurt in the Cowboy game and Tony Robinson finished up but the offense pretty much went in the tank when Robinson went in.

9. Babe Laufenberg- never played a down for the Skins, but frankly the only other guy who played under Gibbs was Humphries and he stunk, so I'll list Babe because of the memorable comeback wins he engineered in preseason. "Save the Babe"

10. Stan Humphries- went on to be a good QB with SD but his one shot for the Skins in 1990, he was horrible

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Schroeder - Cannon for an arm. Had one pretty good season with us, which ended in a 17-0 drubbing from the Giants in the 86 NCF Championship game. Never did settle down like Rypien, though, and whined way too much.

Maybe Gibbs could have settled him down eventually. But, when some genius offers you Jim Lachey for Jay Schroeder, you jump all over it.

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To me, tje Joe Theismann/Joe Gibbs era was kind of romantic...Theismann was a veteran who paid his due behing Billy and Sonny, Gibbs was an unproven commodity as a head coach...In Theisemann's book he speaks of a meeting they had on the night of dropping to 0-5 in 1981...They had a "meeting of the minds" and Joey said when they departed that night, they were on their way to the Super Bowl...

The finished 1981 8-3 to go 8-8 and the next year they won it all.

What's kind of cool about it all is that it wasn't a "brilliant" or "calculated" move like you have nowadays when I front office or coach sees a player they want on their team and then goes after him...Joe and Joe were just kind of thrown into the mix together and they made it work.

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