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In Depth Political Quiz


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:laugh: WHo the hell does your group of lefty nimrods have worth a dime? If Hillary or Barak Osama are all you have then we're in trouble. Newt is better than anyone out there now. Unless you think BIG govt' solves all problems.

I hope Mark Warner gets the Dem nod in '08. He will mop the floor with Newt.

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:laugh: Still the largest group. I think their categories are actually a little skewed to make sure that Liberal is the largest group. They split off Social Conservatives and Enterprisers, but they didn't put a more Libertarian category on the Democratic side, so they've got a bunch of social libertarians mixed up with the pacifist hippies ...

I mean, I'm all for gay people, but cutting defense spending to reduce the deficit? What are you crazy? Cutting spending? What kind of liberal is in favor of that? ;)

I would point out that the pew research center has a decidedly liberal slant to their polls, that may be why there is so many liberals from this test

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I want to know who really believes this

"We should all be willing to fight for our country, whether it is right or wrong"

My grandfather, my grandmother, my uncles, my stepfather, myself, almost everyone I have met that is in the military or has been in the military, that is who.

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My grandfather, my grandmother, my uncles, my stepfather, myself, almost everyone I have met that is in the military or has been in the military, that is who.

I am not attacking the idea of service. It is indeed a very noble thing to do. I am just challenging the notion of somebody fighting for their government even if they know it was in the wrong.

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I am not attacking the idea of service. It is indeed a very noble thing to do. I am just challenging the notion of somebody fighting for their government even if they know it was in the wrong.

I kind of depends on ones concept of wrong, I for one still do not perceive the war that we are in is wrong, I beleive that it was unfortunate that we had to go that far, but it is necessary. I beleive that most current and former servicemen and women would agree with me.

Because you define it as wrong, doesn't mean people are fighting for something they perceive as inherently wrong. Furthermore, if you beleive that war in and of it self is wrong, than you should not enter into the military. If you are one that enters the military just for the GI bill than you are an idiot.

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Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Enterpriser typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues.

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I kind of depends on ones concept of wrong, I for one still do not perceive the war that we are in is wrong, I beleive that it was unfortunate that we had to go that far, but it is necessary. I beleive that most current and former servicemen and women would agree with me.

Because you define it as wrong, doesn't mean people are fighting for something they perceive as inherently wrong. Furthermore, if you beleive that war in and of it self is wrong, than you should not enter into the military. If you are one that enters the military just for the GI bill than you are an idiot.

Fine, but the question wasn't about the Iraq war. I am not sure why you brought it up.

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Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Disaffected typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues.

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Ok how about this. Here is a hypothetical situation...

If you found out that our government was committing acts of genocide, would you still fight for our government (if called on)?

Kind of depends on whether we were provoked or not. If we were just to randomly go into Somalia and kill people that would be wrong, morally. If we were attacked and we went into somolia and we were continued to be attacked than hell yeah I would fight

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Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Enterpriser typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues. Enterprisers represent 9 percent of the American public, and 10 percent of registered voters.

Basic Description

As in previous studies conducted in 1987, 1994 and 1999, this extremely partisan Republican group’s politics are driven by a belief in the free enterprise system and social values that reflect a conservative agenda. Enterprisers are also the strongest backers of an assertive foreign policy, which includes nearly unanimous support for the war in Iraq and strong support for such anti-terrorism efforts as the Patriot Act.

Defining Values

Assertive on foreign policy and patriotic; anti-regulation and pro-business; very little support for government help to the poor; strong belief that individuals are responsible for their own well being. Conservative on social issues such as gay marriage, but not much more religious than the nation as a whole. Very satisfied with personal financial situation.

Who They Are

Predominantly white (91%), male (76%) and financially well-off (62% have household incomes of at least $50,000, compared with 40% nationwide). Nearly half (46%) have a college degree, and 77% are married. Nearly a quarter (23%) are themselves military veterans. Only 10% are under age 30.

Lifestyle Notes

59% report having a gun in their homes; 53% trade stocks and bonds in the stock market, and 30% are small business owners – all of which are the highest percentages among typology groups. 48% attend church weekly; 36% attend bible study or prayer group meetings.

2004 Election

Bush 92%, Kerry 1%. Bush’s most reliable supporters (just 4% of Enterprisers did not vote) Party ID

81% Republican, 18% Independent/No Preference, 1% Democrat (98% Rep/LeanRep)

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Kind of depends on whether we were provoked or not. If we were just to randomly go into Somalia and kill people that would be wrong, morally. If we were attacked and we went into somolia and we were continued to be attacked than hell yeah I would fight

So if we are "provoked" it would be ok to committ genocide because your commander said so? If it isn't ok morally, what would you do about it? Pull the trigger, stand aside, or stop the other soldiers?

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I got Enterpriser, which I guess is fairly close, though I'm probably more religious but less socially conservative than the results would indicate.

What interested me was this:

Media Use

Enterprisers follow news about government and politics more closely than any other group, and exhibit the most knowledge about world affairs. The Fox News Channel is their primary source of news (46% cite it as a main source) followed by newspapers (42%) radio (31%) and the internet (26%).

"Exhibit the most knowledge about world affairs"? "The Fox News Channel is their primart souce of news"?

I don't watch Fox News Channel personally, so I don't know, but I thought the liberal think tanks had proven that Fox News makes a person stupid and uninformed...


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