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My new **Redskins** tattoo!


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I've been wanting a skins tattoo for a while now, and I finally got the balls to go and get one yesterday... here is a pic (not the best bc I took it with my cell phone bc I left my camera at work) but you get the idea. I'll post better pics when I get my camera back or get someone to take some of it.

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I'm having difficulty seeing the tatto.

Oh, the clothing is in the way, THAT'S IT.

Could you be so kind as to move the clothing out of the way entirely, so I can get a completely unobstructed view of the tattoo.


the feathers are kind of covered up...

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I'm having difficulty seeing the tatto.

Oh, the clothing is in the way, THAT'S IT.

Could you be so kind as to move the clothing out of the way entirely, so I can get a completely unobstructed view of the tattoo.


If you'd prefer not to have the rest of the guys see such a picture, then just email me directly, the modified version I requested. Then I'll be able to give you the analysis that you need. ;)

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the only problem is....he told me to be reeeeeeeeally still bc he was doing "not one, but TWO circles"....and then i giggled right in the middle. So at the bottom left of the inside circle it kinda dips a lil bit. So then he was like, "you have three choices... i can fill in the circle completely black so you can't tell at all.... i can leave the outside black and white and do the coloring inside, or you can hold COMPLETELY still and i can do the entire coloring." hahaha..he got mad at me. He recommended he make the outer circle black... but in the end he tried to make the outer part look like a rope and have sort of a 3D effect... i like it, but u can still see the little dip..and the inner circle isn't perfect. I may go back at some point and just make the circle black altogether to fix it, but i don't really care...it's hot nonetheless..

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