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I'm Tired


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Lord knows, the last thing this board needs is another rant thread, but sometimes its the only thing you have left. And today is my day. So here goes.

I'm tired.....

of dealing with some of the people at work who never put anything back where it belongs.

of listening to my wife ***** about not being able to go out partying with her friends again this week and then feeling guilty about it.

of people seeing me only as a cancer survivor

of having this desease hang over my head like the sword of f'ing damocles

of the same old monotonous day in and day out drugery

of being constantly reminded of how much I've given up in the past year.

of feeling like I've lost all control in my life.

of being asked "how are you feeling"

of doctors appointments and needles and the receptionists with thier painted on smiles.

of feeling and being treated like I'm the enemy by upper management.

of the loss of inocence and the gnawing, constant drum of reality

of all the crap we have to take and the fact there's nothing that can be done except shake our heads at the tradegy and pay the price anyway.

of leaders who spew forth their venom of hate and intolerance and the people like sheep who follow them without the slightest hint that they can begin to think for themselves.

of a world that turns a blind eye to injustice because their to focused on their $5 dollar starbucks coffee all the while screaming into their cell phone.

of people idolizing the Paris Hiltons of this world

of being tired.

O.K. I feel better now....

lets all go get a beer......:cheers:

please feel free to continue the rant.

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A man wiser than me once said...

I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink

I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink

I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink

No, no, no

I'm so tired I don't know what to do

I'm so tired my mind is set on you

I wonder should I call you but I know what you'd do

You'd say I'm putting you on

But it's no joke, it's doing me harm

You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain

You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane

You know I'd give you everything I've got

For a little peace of mind

I'm so tired, I'm feeling so upset

Although I'm so tired I'll have another cigarette

And curse Sir Walter Raleigh

He was such a stupid get

You'd say I'm putting you on

But it's no joke, it's doing me harm

You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain

You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane

You know I'd give you everything I've got

For a little peace of mind

I'd give you everything I've got

For a little peace of mind

I'd give you everything I've got

For a little peace of mind

[Monsieur, Monsieur, Monsieur, how about another one?]

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You know what's truly sad?

That you actually have the "choices" in life to change almost all of those. And yet, you don't and would rather drown in your own self-pity. Too bad.

I would've figured you'd appreciate your life more.... dealing with cancer and all.

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You know what's truly sad?

That you actually have the "choices" in life to change almost all of those. And yet, you don't and would rather drown in your own self-pity. Too bad.

I would've figured you'd appreciate your life more.... dealing with cancer and all.

ummm you don't know boots too well do ya. I don't really classify him as drowning in self pity...it was just a rant. :doh:

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You know what's truly sad?

That you actually have the "choices" in life to change almost all of those. And yet, you don't and would rather drown in your own self-pity. Too bad.

I would've figured you'd appreciate your life more.... dealing with cancer and all.

no one is sitting here "drowning in self pitty" but there are a few things I needed to get off my chest. Thats all. Period

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I don't view you as a cancer survivor. Mostly because I didn't know anything about it until this thread. SO at least everyone doesn't view you that way :D

Boots, if it makes you feel any better I don't think of you as a cancer survivor, either. I have always viewed you as a sarcastic, know-it-all prick. Great post and I would add a couple dozen smilies if I could figure them out. I can't, so here is a song.

A long time ago, way back in history

When all there was to drink was nothing but cups of tea

Along came a man, by the name of Charlie Mopps

And he invented a wonderful drink and he made it out of hopps


He might have been an admiral, a sultan, or a king

And to his praises we shall always sing

Ah look what he has done for us, he's filled us up with cheer

The Lord bless Charlie Mopps,

The man who invented beer beer beer beer tidilly beer beer beer.

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ummm you don't know boots too well do ya. I don't really classify him as drowning in self pity...it was just a rant. :doh:

Those are hardly random statements. Almost all involve factors in his life (including his wife) that he's complaining about.

If he changed his outlook in life, his environment and lived proactively... guess what... he wouldn't be ranting. He'd be happy.

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Those are hardly random statements. Almost all involve factors in his life (including his wife) that he's complaining about.

If he changed his outlook in life, his environment and lived proactively... guess what... he wouldn't be ranting. He'd be happy.

wrong...everyone needs to rant from time to time. if you don't you'll explode eventually.

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Boots, if it makes you feel any better I don't think of you as a cancer survivor, either. I have always viewed you as a sarcastic, know-it-all prick. .

Thanks for that:rolleyes:

Really made me laugh:laugh:

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wrong...everyone needs to rant from time to time. if you don't you'll explode eventually.

You don't need to rant... you need to fix the problems. That's the long-term solution. Ranting isn't necessary.

Of course, it's a lot more difficult than simply whining about it. Of course, you are who you are.

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It's amazing what crappy weather will do to one's psyche. :D

Also Boots, why is your wife complaining about not being able to go out and partying AGAIN?

Is she a every weekend drinker? How old is she? Can we swap women? :silly: My girl goes nuts when I buy a few 22's.:doh:

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Here I stand, the goddess of Desire,

set men on fire,

I have this power,

morning noon and night it's drink and dancing,

some quick romancing,

and then a quick shower,

stage door johnnies always surround me,

they always hound me,

with one request,

who can satisfy their lustful habits,

I'm not a rabbit!

I need some rest!

I'm tired,

sick and tired of love,

I've had my fill of love,

from below and above,


tired of being admired,

tired of love uninspired,

let's face it,

I'm tired!

I've been with 1000's of men,

again and again,

they promise the moon,

they always coming and going,

going and coming,

and always too soon!

Right girls?

I'm tired,

tired of playing the game,

ain't it a crying shame?

I'm so tired,

God dammit I'm tired!

Hello cowboy, what's your name?

Tex 'mam

Tex 'mam ? Tell me Tex'mam, are you in show business?


We'll then why don't you get your freaking feet off here

La ha

Ah ha he hu...

Hello handsome, is that a 10 gallon hat? Or are you just enjoying the show?

Ah ha ah...

Oh miss lilly, oh my laby, oh my ***** cat, put it there baby, put it... ohhhhh

I'm tired,

tired of playing the game,

ain't it a crying shame,

I'm so tired


she's tired

-she's tired

sick and tired of love

-give her a break

she's had her fill of love

-she's not a snake

from bellow and above

-can't you see she's sick?


-she's bushed

tired of being admired

-let her alone

tired of love uninspired

-get off the phone

she's tired

-don't you know she's pooped?

I've been with 1000's of men,

again and again,

they sing the same toon,

the start with Byron and Shelly,

and jump on your belly,

and bust your ballon!



tired of playing the game,

ain't it a freakin shame,

I'm so...

let's face it,

everything below the waste is kapput!

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Those are hardly random statements. Almost all involve factors in his life (including his wife) that he's complaining about.

If he changed his outlook in life, his environment and lived proactively... guess what... he wouldn't be ranting. He'd be happy.

You're right, none of those things were random statements. They are all things that have either pissed me off in the past and I think of from time to time or they are more recent events and the weight of carrying their load fatigues me. Generally I'm a very happy person and I love my life. Things do tend to pile up sometimes and a good rant helps. Since I can't very well run up and down the halls here at work, I thought I'd unload on you good people.

Don't tell me you've never had an off day!?!

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You don't need to rant... you need to fix the problems. That's the long-term solution. Ranting isn't necessary.

Of course, it's a lot more difficult than simply whining about it. Of course, you are who you are.

:doh: some of those things on his rant list you personally have no control over.

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You're right, none of those things were random statements. They are all things that have either pissed me off in the past and I think of from time to time or they are more recent events and the weight of carrying their load fatigues me. Generally I'm a very happy person and I love my life. Things do tend to pile up sometimes and a good rant helps. Since I can't very well run up and down the halls here at work, I thought I'd unload on you good people.

Don't tell me you've never had an off day!?!

apparently he fixes things...so when someone asks him how he's feeling he punches them so they won't ever ask again, and make that person an example for all future inquiries :doh:

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