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Joe Gibbs Story....


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I just got a phone call from my friend(he's a defensive coach at Elon College, NC).....he told me he had a great story for me. Let me start by stating that he's as big of a Redskins fan as i am. Well, he was down in Charlotte on a recruiting trip, and he said he decided to go by the mall to pick up a new pair of running shoes, well as he's walking up to the door, he holds the door for a lady coming in behind him, and as you goes by, he looks back, and guess who was 5 feet behind her....Joe Gibbs. Well, he tells my friend Jay thinks for holding the door for his daughter in law, and pats him on the back.....well, my firend tells Coach Gibbs that he's a huge Redskins fan and that he's the defensive coordinator at Elon College, and he said the next thing he knows, he and Coach Gibbs are sitting outside on a bench talking casually while his daughter law picked up her children from the mall. My buddy said that it was one of the best experiences of his whole life, and that he couldn't believe how nice Coach was. He said that coach asked him questions about who his favorite Redskin was, and how long he had been a fan(to which my buddy's reaction was, i can't ever remember not liking the Redskins), and about how his young coaching career was going, and my buddy said he was sitting there the whole time thinking to himself how cool it was for the head coach of the team he loved all his life to be sitting there talking to him like a normal guy. He said Coach gave him a little card or flyer with some religous messages on it, and my buddy said they probably chatted for 5 to 10 minutes....but it was an experience that he'll not soon forget. He was still on cloud nine today telling me about the story. He said it was hard to describe the feeling he had while he was sitting there chatting with Coach Gibbs. I can only imagine what that must've felt like....pretty damn cool.

Anyways, i hesitated to even share this, because i know that Coach Gibbs isn't the type of guy who does things like that for any type of notoriety. Instead, like my buddy said, it's amazing, truly amazing, how much that guy really appreciates the FANS of the Washington Redskins, and just how special that is. Just by taking the few minutes he took to talk to my friend out of the blue like that, made a life long lasting impression upon him....i'm not trying to blow this out of proportion or anything, but if you think about what type of guy Coach Gibbs is, and what he stands for, and the way he is universally respected by all, it's very humbling, and makes very proud that he is the Coach of my favorite team. He truly is a leader, and an excellent role model to boot.

So, i just thought i'd share that with you guys, and i'm sure not telling you anything you don't already know as far as the type of person Coach Gibbs is. My buddy said that Coach Gibbs was just as cool and easy to talk to as you could possibly imagine. I asked him what went through his mind when he looked up and saw Coach Gibbs coming in, and he said "he looked up, and thought to himself, wholey *****, is that Joe Gibbs!!!!!! I wish you guys could've heard him telling the story....my buddy is 33 years old, but he sounded like 5 year old telling me this story!!! That lucky fool!!!!!!!!!!!!

To Coach Gibbs i say.... :notworthy

And you know i had to think to myself, i wonder if someone like Bill Parcells would do the same thing.....and as i started to debate it, i thought why don't i try and be more like Coach Gibbs, and not judge others, and just be thankful that we have such a wonderful person leading our favorite football team!!! :applause:

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Great story! I have always felt that Joe Gibbs was a great person because he shares his faith with others and lives in such a way as to honor his belief in God. I would love to meet him and of course other Redskins, but I don't think that will ever come about since I'm in Chicago. But for those of you who get to see Joe and his staff are very fortunate indeed.

Hail to the 'Skins!!!

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And you know i had to think to myself, i wonder if someone like Bill Parcells would do the same thing.....and as i started to debate it, i thought why don't i try and be more like Coach Gibbs, and not judge others, and just be thankful that we have such a wonderful person leading our favorite football team!!! :applause:

I can never hear that kind of statement enough. It's at the core of what makes Joe Gibbs such a great man. The ability to hold judgement and offer respect no matter how different you are from someone is one of the more admirable traits you can find in someone, imho.

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wow, what a story! I always admired his faith and how he carries imself. I met him here in Tampa after the first game. Even after a tough game like that he was still out talking to people and signing autographs. When I met him I was so excited that I couldnt help but giggle, like a little kid. I'd love to have the opportunity to meet him again

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Good read.

Those qualities are what has made Gibbs successful at not only in the NFL, but in Nascar as well. Those two are much more of a "team" sport than other in professional sports.

Treat people like people, find out what makes them tick, and push the right buttons at the right time. You don't necessarily have to yell and scream and run a person into the ground to get the most out of them.

Being a "people" person is how Gibbs has gotten people to give their best effort and win championships in mutliple sports.

We should all learn that lesson.

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I just tried to call Jay, but no answer....and i sent him an email to see who responded to being his "favorite player"....and for Gibbs' response! I'll pass it along as soon as i hear back from him.

Not that it matters, but my choice would've been Art Monk.....there's no telling who Jay picked though, because everytime that fool sends me an email, he'll sign off in some old skool Redskins name......like Dave Butz, Diron Talbert, Neil Olkewicz, Pat Fischer, Mike Nelms, Chris Hamburger, etc.....so there's no telling who he said.

He did say he called his Dad and told him about it, and his Dad was floored, and couldn't believe it.......it's just amazing how little things like that can mean so much!!

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Great story man. This is why Gibbs is the face of the Redskins and will continue to be for as long as the NFL exists. I can honestly say that when people mention the Redskins 100 years from now, Joe Gibbs will come to mind...just like Vince Lombardi and the Packers...except Gibbs will never coach another team.

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As I sat here reading this, in the bad mood of all bad moods, I couldn't help but smile. Its not so much Coach Gibbs' faith that hits me, but his unique character. He's in the hall of fame, he's won 3 superbowls, he's coached some of the best, he's won in football and nascar. He could act like TO, "i'm the best, im the best" but he doesn't. I love his genuine sincerity. i love how he looks for the good in everyone, be it superstar, or just a regular person. I love that he came back so that I could experience first hand the man behind the legend. I love the determination and hard work ethic that he has.

...I love the Redskins.


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He said Coach gave him a little card or flyer with some religous messages on it,

Heh. I've got a copy of that, and I imagine a lot of other Extremers do as well. Very generous with his time and about giving autographs. A lot like Cal Ripken in that respect.

Little wonder that Gibbs and Ripken are probably the two most beloved sports figures in their respective towns.

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He said Coach gave him a little card or flyer with some religous messages on it,

.....and as i started to debate it, i thought why don't i try and be more like Coach Gibbs, and not judge others, and just be thankful that we have such a wonderful person leading our favorite football team!!! :applause:

It kinda makes me wonder if Coach Gibbs keeps religous paraphanelia on him for the purpose of passing it out to his many admirers. He would make one hell of a Jehova's Witness.

It is kinda funny to hear you say maybe I should try to live more like Joe Gibbs. I have joked to my friends many times that during football season more people worship Joe Gibbs and the Redskins on Sunday than anything else.

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what the hell is wrong with me? Why can i meet any Current Redskins?!

Nothing's wrong with you, as far as I can tell. :)

But you won't meet many players hanging around Bethesda, so here's what you can do: get yourself to a Skins game at FedEx. Then, when there's just a couple of minutes left, start making your way down to the seats which are closest to the field. Wait there, close to the tunnel, and you'll see some of the players come out of the locker room to sign autographs.

Oh, and when you meet them, ask them who their favorite fan is. If they say "The Chief" give them a fifty dollar bill - it's the least you can do. :)

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