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My Day Without Illegal Aliens (and friends)


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I can only guess that you don't have children.
whether or not i have kids isnt the point............................................that is no justification for sneaking across our borders,if life is sooooooooooooo boo hooing good in mexico as they claim,then why arent they there?and they wanna protest waving the mexican flag?my black ancestors died for the very rights they steal from everyone else in america,they break in line while those who play by the rules are shoved aside like worthless trash:2cents:
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whether or not i have kids isnt the point............................................that is no justification for sneaking across our borders,if life is sooooooooooooo boo hooing good in mexico as they claim,then why arent they there?and they wanna protest waving the mexican flag?my black ancestors died for the very rights they steal from everyone else in america,they break in line while those who play by the rules are shoved aside like worthless trash:2cents:

It wasnt just your black ancestors it was everybody who fought and earned the rights we now have. Seriously Illegals should either shut up and enjoy our lifestyles or go home, come back and do it the right way.

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It wasnt just your black ancestors it was everybody who fought and earned the rights we now have. Seriously Illegals should either shut up and enjoy our lifestyles or go home, come back and do it the right way.[/quote everybody? oh really
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I would venture to say she was speaking in hyperbole. I also would venture to say that you knew this already.

I would have to disagree. Clearly you don't share the individual's feelings, and that's fine. I would also ask that you not "venture to say" what I do and don't know. I do find that to be a bit condescending and I don't appreciate it. If you had heard the tone in which she spoke, you may think twice about your statement.

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Yeah, you have been punked (many on this thread and many in the blogosphere as well). It was a hoax


Are the xenophobes this desperate?

I'm not sure "Punked" would be the right word:

700k people JUST in LA? get paid under the table?

Not 95% but 60% murders

FBI list "not known" but obscure...

25% in Prison: Well Detention center is such a "Broad" word :)....

200k living in Garages: Well we cant be sure everyone living in the garace is illegal :) its may be more like 50k-70k living in garages...

21 Radio station speak Spanish: WRONG only 16..... xenophobes...

Thats like saying: HA your punked! See I didnt beat your wife to death, I just raped and beat her... sucker........ she died on her own.

You did make me look up xenophobes though...

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Racist implies that I judge people by the colors of their skin. Which is simply not true. I judge people by their culture. My opinion is that Islam is about equal to national socialism. (I can make this comparison because religion is government in middle eastern countries) The parallels between the two ethos are far too similar to discount.

The highlighted/bolded part above is the definition of racist. Skin color is but one "qualifier" granted the one we in the states are most familiar with. Applying stereotypes and prejudices against an entire group of people based on their race(which is more that saying their skin color) is the definition of racist

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Racist implies that I judge people by the colors of their skin. Which is simply not true. I judge people by their culture. My opinion is that Islam is about equal to national socialism. (I can make this comparison because religion is government in middle eastern countries) The parallels between the two ethos are far too similar to discount.

Not so different from the Catholic Church at the time of the inquisition. Islam is in a bad way right now, but it has not always been so. In time I believe they will change too. But I don't believe your average Ahmed on the street agrees with the way the mullahs have corrupted their religion. The people in power do but it's for surreptitious reasons - not religous conviction. There are probably more exceptions to that than I would like to admit in this case but it's really hard to know. Regardless, it's never good to apply the philosophies of leaders to regular people - I don't want that happening to me. :2cents:

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whether or not i have kids isnt the point............................................that is no justification for sneaking across our borders,if life is sooooooooooooo boo hooing good in mexico as they claim,then why arent they there?and they wanna protest waving the mexican flag?my black ancestors died for the very rights they steal from everyone else in america,they break in line while those who play by the rules are shoved aside like worthless trash:2cents:

It's absolutely the point. My bet is that most Americans with kids would do the same exact thing if they found themselves in the situation.

Also, don't judge 12 millions+ people on the actions of a few thousand. Every Mexican I've spoken with about this issue, and that's quite a few, says that the flag protests and Star Spangled Banner rewrite were huge mistakes. It's kinda like there are millions of people against abortion, but that don't all believe it's ok to bomb abortion clinics.

Please explain how illegals are stealing any rights away Americans that your ancestors fought to obtain.

To me you come off as a very angry, hate filled person, but you don't seem to have taken the time to understand the people you hate.

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It's absolutely the point. My bet is that most Americans with kids would do the same exact thing if they found themselves in the situation.

I agree with you on this point. But, I also believe that they would realize that if they did get caught, there would be consequences for their actions. And I would hope that those Americans wouldn't feel like they had a right to work in that foreign country. If they could find an employer willing to break the law to hire them, good for them. So, if illegal workers can come here and find jobs, then that's our fault. But, if they are caught, then they should be subject to the law.

If you look at the immigration laws of some of the other countries in this world, the United States looks real good in comparison. One specific country that comes to mind is Mexico. Check out this site under "immigrants" for the requirements to enter the country as an immigrant: http://www.mexperience.com/liveandwork/immigration.htm

This doesn't have the penalties on it, but I imagine they are probably harsh. I know that the U.S. and Mexico are two different countries, but why shouldn't the United States be allowed to determine who comes into the country like Mexico and Canada and Britain can? Simply because the United States is a prosperous country, does that mean that we have to open the borders and allow everyone in? I am not in favor of curbing immigration, and I think quotas should be raised, but it is the sense of entitlement that gets to me.

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