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Lavar will be a Redskin


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You know, I saw your subject title and thought, "Poor **** came out of a coma and didn't realize LaVar signed with New York." Then, I saw the anti-Giants symbol. Then I opened the thread. I suppose I COULD view this as a "fake" post, but, since, it is IMPOSSIBLE for this to be the case given LaVar is in New York, anyone who actually buys in deserves all the anguish they receive :).

But, I am the least anal so, no promises this stays this way :).

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He will have some good plays against us, and he will get some sacks and big hits. But for every good play he will have 4 or 5 blown assignments that will lead to Redskins first downs. And it does not matter who gets the big play when the score board reads --> Redskins: 36 Giants: Suck!

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I'm a Cowboys fan and you actually scared me when I first read it.

Not that I'm overly scared of Arrington, it's that I'm a Syracuse fan and when I read the first line and saw Lobdell's name, I thought he lost his college eligibility or something like that.


eh, they'll still suck

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