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Pediatric Mental Illness:


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Okay, here goes...

I strongly believe that ADD and ADHD were too widely diagnosed, and while many doctors have yielded in tossing out such a diagnosis... There has been another to replace it. Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. I am really disturbed by this. I believe diagnosis such as these are often times used to mask poor parenting (ie. mental/emotional neglect).

*sighs* I am angry with my sister and ex-brother-in-law... I have disagreed with their choice of parenting for the past couple of years, and now they are looking to a medication and diagnosis to make something right that just will never be unless there is a lifestyle change on THEIR end.

Have any of you heard about this new Pediatric Bipolar Disorder? Has anyone had any experience with it? I would love to just take my nephew and raise him myself, but they are not going to let him go... They use him to gain advantage on the other every since the divorce. This just sucks!!!

Thanks for letting me vent!

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Pediatric Bipolar?? I will have to ask my wife about that one. She is a Special Education Teacher and was a Mental Health Counselor before that...I know Bipolar is a chemical imbalance in the brain. My understanding is that on-set doesn't usually occur until late teens/early 20's.

I know their is a lot more diagnosis of child with ADD and ADHD. Some theories beening studied are this is on the increase due to "crack babies". Children born addicted to crack are being diagnosed with this regularly. My wife says that all but one of her case load of kids with a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD was born addicted to crack ... :2cents:

I will have to ask my significant other when she gets home about this Pediatric Bipolar. I will get back to you.

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I wish it were that simple.

My ex-brother-in-law went through a nervous break down, and threatened suicide in front of the kids several times then would leave for days. They were always informed by my lesser intelligent sister of the circumstances (ie. "The police still haven't found your father yet. I hope he's not dead."), they never spend time with the kids unless they feel they can gain something from it (usually to hurt the other parent), and my sister hollars at my nephew all the time because she sees his father in him (supposedly).

I love my sister, but I am ANGRY with her! I had to curb my anger, because they threatened to not let me see the kids again. I'm just so disturbed by this entire situation.


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wow, never heard of this, but it pisses me off if more and more cases come up about this. Is it just me, or are there way too many mental illnesses now? Seems like the people I know who were diagnosed with some and dont try to play it up are actually in relative control. People who do play it up are the ones who just do not want to control it themselves.

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Look at this site... www.bpkids.org

This is an exerpt from their site:

How common is bipolar disorder in children?

It is not known, because epidemiological studies are lacking. However, bipolar disorder affects an estimated 1-2 percent of adults worldwide. The more we learn about this disorder, the more prevalent it appears to be among children.

* It is suspected that a significant number of children diagnosed in the United States with attention-deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) have early-onset bipolar disorder instead of, or along with, ADHD.

* Depression in children and teens is usually chronic and relapsing. According to several studies, a significant proportion of the 3.4 million children and adolescents with depression in the United States may actually be experiencing the early onset of bipolar disorder, but have not yet experienced the manic phase of the illness.

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<sigh> Pediatric Bi-Polar Disorder....... it's sad but to a large extent I see a lot of these things as an outgrowth of the Oprahesque-there's always else someone to blame mentality in our society these days. The overwhelming majority of "problem" children were molded that way by their parents, and the lack of parenting they got. I agree 100% w/ Kilmer, turn off the damn TV, that's a start but it isn't all of it. Children need and deserve someone in their life that's involved, seriously there for them and caring. Looks like you may have to be that person Aunt Misty, if their homelife is even remotely as bad as you say then they desperately crave some attention from you. I know it's hard to intervene, and even harder to bite your tongue (I know it is for me) but the only thing that genuinely matters here is those children and seeing to it that they receive some compassion and affection in their lives before they are too screwed up to fix.

And as a side note, I absolutely HATE people that use their children as pawns in their relationship wars, it is not extreme to call it outright child abuse.

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Just remember, whenever someone has a mood disorder, there is usually a lot more that comes with it and the causes are sometimes much more complicated than you think.

And by what you're sayin, it sounds like there's a lot more **** goin' on there than just the kids. Since I don't know them as well as you do, what I would do is see if it really is a chemical imbalance. Make sure that the family history is emphasized there because drugs alone will not solve this. I think that you're sister might be the one that's in mental trouble rather than the kids.

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I think that you're sister might be the one that's in mental trouble rather than the kids.

I support that diagnosis 100%!!!

And for treatment, I recommend a swift kick in the ass to start followed by intense parenting classes! I feel she is being selfish... And I am sorry, but the day you make the choice to become a parent... You choose to relinquish over-indulgance in such a luxury as selfishness.

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