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Andy Pollin Idiot Quote of the Day 03/29/06 (Merged)


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Kornheiser Show 9:10 AM (hear it again at 11:10AM):

In an attempt to start a discussion related to the Duke University Men's Lacrosse team suspending play (while awaiting DNA results) due to a gang rape allegation, Andy Pollin states the following:

"Do you think the Duke Basketball team would stop playing (if they were charged with rape)? I don't think so!"

A woman reports a gang rape by an entire men's college sports team and Pollin feels prompted (and justified in his idiot mind) to hate on the Duke Men's Basketball team?!?!?!?!?

Chris Knotke (sp.) quickly rerouted the segment back to the real story, the report of the rape.

At that point, I turned the station. I only needed to listen for 5 minutes to get an Andy Pollin Idiot Quote today.

BTW: Fear the Turtle (I am not a Duke fan)

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Kornheiser Show 9:10 AM (hear it again at 11:10AM):

In an attempt to start a discussion related to the Duke University Men's Lacrosse team suspending play (while awaiting DNA results) due to a gang rape allegation, Andy Pollin states the following:

"Do you think the Duke Basketball team would stop playing (if they were charged with rape)? I don't think so!"

A woman reports a gang rape by an entire men's college sports team and Pollin feels prompted (and justified in his idiot mind) to hate on the Duke Men's Basketball team?!?!?!?!?

Chris Knotke (sp.) quickly rerouted the segment back to the real story, the report of the rape.

At that point, I turned the station. I only needed to listen for 5 minutes to get an Andy Pollin Idiot Quote today.

BTW: Fear the Turtle (I am not a Duke fan)

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Im down here in dukes backyard and these allegations are SERIOUS....they raped her and called her and her friend the n word.................if the ball players were black and the girl were whoite you damn right basketball would stop......................these happened a few weeks ago, its just getting national attention now...........i'm really disgusted and plan on attending the many protests this weekend...........

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I think he was taking a shot more at Duke, and they way colleges treat their "BIG" sports. Kinda like if the Notre Dame football team had a problem like that would they just try and sweep it under the rug, or actually suspend the team. LAX is not a big, money making sport for Duke, and Basketball is.

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I heard the question. He was just raising a topic. There have been no charges filed (yet) against the Duke Lacrosse team but the whole team is suspended and they have forfeited some games already.

His frame of reference for the question was that since Duke B-Ball is very prominent and a big money maker for the school does the B-Ball team forfeit games without charges against the players at this time. If Duke Football was prominent and the B-Ball team sucked, I believe he would have asked the question about the football team. My opinion, you are reading WAY too much into this and I don't know what Andy Pohlin did to you...kick your dog, sleep with a family member, but you you are making a bit much of this.

BTW - I think what the Lacrosse players allegedly did was horrible and they should fry if they are guilty. Basically, the whole team wouldn't be suspended if they named names of the alleged guilty. Because they have adopted a code of silence...the whole team suffers.


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Ummm....I think he's right. There's no way they would stop Duke basketball from playing until convicted because they make the University money. He was pointing out the hypocrisy of the way our country hanldes athletes. We pretend they're supposed to be these perfect role-models for our children but when it comes to actually punishing someone or risking a $ it'll never happen. Hey, at least we can be happy in the knowledge that Sean Taylor will be here next year.

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Actually incidences likes these probably happen more frequently than we think, regardless of race, sport or school. I think the comment is a shot not only at Duke, but other schools that allow incidences such as these to continue by, like someone said earlier, "sweeping it under a rug." :doh:

Having said that, additionally I think something has to be said about the amount of time it has taken for this incident to get public attention. If the race roles were reversed or the a different sport or school perhaps, it would have been on the front page of every newspaper the next day. How convenient it goes public after Duke is out of the tournament. :2cents:

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Ummm....I think he's right. There's no way they would stop Duke basketball from playing until convicted because they make the University money. He was pointing out the hypocrisy of the way our country hanldes athletes. We pretend they're supposed to be these perfect role-models for our children but when it comes to actually punishing someone or risking a $ it'll never happen. Hey, at least we can be happy in the knowledge that Sean Taylor will be here next year.

I agree that Duke B-Ball would still play. They made a point that Coach K would probably have already found out the alleged players involved and they would have been suspended. So, the team as a whole wouldn't have to forfeit any games. The Lacrosse coach doesn't carry as much weight with his players because no one is talking.

...and to the author of this thread it is Andy POHLIN. Not Pollin!! If you are going to insult him at least spell it right! :doh:

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You guys have no idea how serious the situation with rape is at ALL Universities. At College Park I'm a member of SAFER, Student Advocates For Education about Rape. You think Duke's lax team is alone? Try our entire football team on for size. It happens ALL THE TIME and I'm extremely proud of Donita and RaleighSkinsMann for actually trying to do something about it instead of just ignoring the problem like most people do. BRAVO! :applause::applause::applause::applause::applause:

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Im down here in dukes backyard and these allegations are SERIOUS....they raped her and called her and her friend the n word.................if the ball players were black and the girl were whoite you damn right basketball would stop......................these happened a few weeks ago, its just getting national attention now...........i'm really disgusted and plan on attending the many protests this weekend...........

Were the accused all white guys?

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Im down here in dukes backyard and these allegations are SERIOUS....they raped her and called her and her friend the n word.................if the ball players were black and the girl were whoite you damn right basketball would stop......................these happened a few weeks ago, its just getting national attention now...........i'm really disgusted and plan on attending the many protests this weekend...........

You don't even know if the allegations are true or not!

I was indirectly involved in a situation in college that is almost exactly like this one and the cracked out dancer lied about the entire thing in an effort to extort money from the organization I was affiliated with. She made outrageous claims that she was held against her will, sexually assaulted and raped and the media printed it without doing its due dilligence. In the end, the court found her to be a liar and a crook and it was thrown out of court. To no suprise, no apology or correction was ever issued by the media.

I would refrain from passing judgement on these lacrosse players. Think about the persons who are raising these allegations.

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Were the accused all white guys?

Yes. From what I understand (and I could be misniformed) the girl said she couldn't ID them, but saw that they were white. I don't know all of, or even most of, the facts. Those of you who live down there: How do they know it was the LAX Team? Was the party at a LAX house or was it a LAX party?

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Please: There is plenty of information on this topic available from all the major news outlets (CBS, ABC, FOX, NPR), and some very specific information from the Durham area newspapers and the Duke student newspaper, including a few related 911 transcripts.

Let's not hash this out here. Nothing has been proven except that some of these guys were very, very stupid one night because they used reprehensible language and were hosting a party where there was underage drinking. That's it. That's all that's confirmed. To go beyond that at this point is unfair to everyone involved. The DNA tests should resolve many of the more serious allegations.

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