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sopranos and dream sequences


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Yeah last season was kinda weak. I heard that Big ***** is coming back this season, so I think that these dream sequences are going to continue alot. Tony will probably have to atone for his sins, and see the people he killed or something.

Chase has put him in a bad position Tony's injury is very serious and not something he can come back in a couple of weeks or even months, did you see the hole in him.

The key to show is Tony he is what makes it tick. If Tony is in a bed the entire season then the show may take a turn for the worse. I like the concept of having everyone fight for his spot, but to take the main guy out this early might hurt the show. Only time will tell though. Knowing how many episodes are left I think these 10 episodes is going to be the internal war, then the final 6 Tony will be back, but who knows.

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I personally get really irritated when people bash the Soprano's when there isn't a lot of action in every single episode. I can't believe that people can't see how well this show is written and how many good actors are on this show.

One of my friends that used to watch the show with me would say, "That was the worst episode ever!", after almost every episode during Season 4. I can't think of an episode of the Sopranos that I didn't enjoy. If people want to see constant action during every second, they need to go rent "The Fast and the Furious" or "XXX" or some other horrible action flick. :2cents:

Agree 100% people say the same about Lost and 24 :doh:

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Notice how the criticism of last night's episode faded away after the post of what the episode was actually about?

Personally, I said the same thing as the reviewer- there's edie falco, and then there's everyone else that will be nominated for an emmy this year- it's not even close. If I've ever seen better acting (in anything) in my lifetime, I'm not aware of it.

I saw last night's episode and thought to myself, "Good God, if they were taking such a long time to come back because they were making the episodes this good, then it was time well spent."

I personally get really irritated when people bash the Soprano's when there isn't a lot of action in every single episode. I can't believe that people can't see how well this show is written and how many good actors are on this show.

One of my friends that used to watch the show with me would say, "That was the worst episode ever!", after almost every episode during Season 4. I can't think of an episode of the Sopranos that I didn't enjoy. If people want to see constant action during every second, they need to go rent "The Fast and the Furious" or "XXX" or some other horrible action flick. :2cents:

I have to agree. Last nights episode was extremely intense to me.

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okay, rewatched the last episode, here's what I got from the dream...

Tony is in limbo, stuck between life and death.

That beacon in the distance that you see at the start and end of his dream is the afterlife on the horizon.

It's both a wish fulfillment dream and reality talking to him.

The wishful part is that he invisions a more ideal life where he's not a gangster but an honest businessman with his kids sounding like the Brady Bunch (over the phone). This could be him, if only...

The reality talking to him was:

--In the bar he has a pain in his stomach and grabs himself right where he was shot.

--The light from the helicopter is the hospital light, the girl says, they're looking for perps, which means they're looking at what is wrong with him.

--After he takes a fall and is seeing a doctor, the doctor tells him he has alzhiemers. In reality they are concerned about him having brain damage.

--The Chinese monk complains about temperature to Kevin Finnerty. The Chinese doctor is looking into changing his medication to lower his temperature.

--He's in Costa Mesa, the bartender tell him it's dead, and on the TV there, it shows fire and it's labeled Costa Mesa. Carmella told him he'd go to hell.

--He sees the TV add asking if there is sin, and we see a cross, which reminds him of his religion.

--The hotels he's in is a transitory place.

--At the very end he loves his family and wants to call and tell them that, but decides he can't right then, then looks at the beacon on the horizon.

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how freaky would it be to hear what the actors really sound like in real life without their mafia accents? I think Paulie Walnuts really sounds like his character.

Because he is, or was. Check out this Smoking Gun info on him from back in the day:


He went up to John Addison, the owner of The Together, and told him, "You are going to get yourself --" He said "I'm going to come back here and I'm going to carve my initials in your forehead. You put these guys on me. I'm going to take care of them. You want to play with guns? We got guns. We're going to shoot them. There is going to be shots fired. There is going to be a war. I have an arsenal of weapons, and an army of men, and I'm going to use them, and after I take care of those guys I'm going to come back and carve my initials in your forehead. You better learn a lesson, you better show me the respect I deserve." Then Mr. Sirico walked to another area of the bar.
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Here's my guess.

Tony comes out of his coma and recovers. Only, as a result of his near-death experience, he takes on a personality which closely resembles his character in the coma dream sequence.

Tony begins to run things not with profit in mind, but with concern for doing the right thing. Enemies start to detect weakness and begin to move in on Tony's territory. Tony refuses to fight back for fear of starting a war in which there will be bloodshed. Tony's captains and leutenants are frustrated at his lack of action because it's costing them power, and therefore money.

Carmela and Meadow are the only ones who stand behind Tony. AJ turns bad-@ss and wants part of the action - initiating himself by taking out Junior. Rivals want Tony dead. Tony's own people want him dead, using the excuse that Tony is no longer mentally fit to head the family. Even the widow of the guy who hung himself wants Tony dead. Hell, maybe even Carmela wants Tony dead if his new-found morality means more money going out than coming in.

The question which will be in everyone's mind is whether Tony's new personality is the result of finding "religion" after nearly dying, or the result of brain damage.

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