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the moves not made


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lol we sign a couple f.a. in 3 yrs. weak man weak. 95% roster is drafted. I know you don't remember how that works. the skins are trying to be the yankees of the nfl. you CAN'T Buy a team. you BUILD a team through the draft. lesson over

I like how you have completely bought into the fiction that the Eagles FO predetermining the value they will pay for certain positions is a good thing.

Bentley, Finneran, Hutch... all desired, all gone. But the FO is really doing a great job managing the cap. Go with that.

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I like how you have completely bought into the fiction that the Eagles FO predetermining the value they will pay for certain positions is a good thing.

Bentley, Finneran, Hutch... all desired, all gone. But the FO is really doing a great job managing the cap. Go with that.

When did the Eagles desire Finneran or Hutchinson? Maybe Eagles fans (not Finneran, but Hutch), but there is nothing that leads anyone to believe the Eagles pursued either player. That is simply a mistake.

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Here's another claim that the Eagles made a "serious push" for Finneran.

"Philly showed a lot of interest [saturday] morning, and things were hot all day," said Finneran, an undrafted free agent out of Villanova who got his start in the NFL with the Eagles in 1999. "I was wishy-washy for a minute, but Atlanta decided to step up. Being able to stay here and hopefully finish out my career here also played a role in my decision."
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All in all, every FO has a way of doing things. Some are louder than others. I know the Eagles are trying to do something. There is over a month till the draft. A lot of crap can happen. Eagles always have plenty of picks to trade, but if they keep them, I give props on the scouting side of the Eagles. They will be fine. But as a Skins fan :eaglesuck

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When did the Eagles desire Finneran or Hutchinson? Maybe Eagles fans (not Finneran, but Hutch), but there is nothing that leads anyone to believe the Eagles pursued either player. That is simply a mistake.

Here's one for Hutch

Eagles Look To Formulate "poison pill"

By Scout.com

Date: Feb 26, 2006

Perhaps one of the reasons the Eagles aren't looking to bring back Jon Runyan is because they've made Seattle's Steve Hutchinson their prime target. The addition of Hutchinson could be costly, but it would give the Eagles the offensive lineman that they need.

The Philadelphia Eagles, armed with a decent amount of salary cap room, have very strong interest in signing Seattle Seahawks G Steve Hutchinson who was designated as Seattle’s transition player earlier this week.

A transition player designation gives the team the right of first-refusal to match within seven days of an offer sheet being given to the player by another team after his contract expires (which is March 3). If the team matches the offer sheet, they retain the player. If they choose not to, they will not receive compensation.

According to a source familiar with the situation, the Eagles are looking at designing a contract which will make it hard for Seattle to match. The Eagles have one of the best capologists in Joe Banner who put together a contract for then free agent DE Jevon Kearse a few years ago that made it very difficult for the Tennessee Titans to match.

The Eagles, according to the source, could put together the so-called “poison pill contract.” This kind of contract is usually front loaded which makes it hard for the originating team to match. It should be noted that Seattle has around $20 million in cap space which is believed to be more than Philadelphia has at this point.

Also, according to a source with knowledge of the situation, it’s “highly unlikely” the Eagles will re-sign starting right tackle Jon Runyan. The plan, as of now, would be to move starting right guard Shawn Andrews or second-year offensive lineman Todd Herremans in to his spot.

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I think the Eagles got caught flat-footed. They thought they had Bentley and when he took a hike, their FA plans became unravelled. What ever they wanted--or didn't want-- got lost in the flurry of weekend signings.

That's not to say that the Eagles are destined for the bottom of the NFC East.

TO might have gotten all the ink, but the Eagles real problems last year were injuries. Their window may be closing. But it's not shut.

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Here's one for Hutch

Sorry, that hardly validates anything. The person who runs the Eagles MB and essentially serves as the team PR lacky has stated from Day 1 that the Eagles had no interest in Hutchinson and that he was being overvalued. No source since FA began has even mentioned the Eagles making a run for him. It's all speculation. Fox 29 in Philadelphia reported the Eagles were interested in Finneran, but that was the only source.

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No source since FA began has even mentioned the Eagles making a run for him. It's all speculation. Fox 29 in Philadelphia reported the Eagles were interested in Finneran, but that was the only source.

Come on E_L, don't just believe the hype. Just because an Eagles board says it was only covered by Fox29? I tend to believe Finneran's quotes. Why would he lie?

"Philly showed a lot of interest [saturday] morning, and things were hot all day," said Finneran, an undrafted free agent out of Villanova who got his start in the NFL with the Eagles in 1999. "I was wishy-washy for a minute, but Atlanta decided to step up. Being able to stay here and hopefully finish out my career here also played a role in my decision."
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sometimes the moves not made by teams end up being twice as good as ones that are sexy, or media picks. building long term is good in todays nfl cap. talk in 6 months if all the moves made by other teams actually help them win, skins included.

Are you saying this because the Eagles let another one get away in the mighty Brian Finneran?

Sour Grapes anyone?

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you remember, that's where you get young players that develop into long term stars. I know this year it will be thin for the skins, but you build teams through the draft.

And the Eagles have been so succesful at doing this because of all of the Lombardis you have laying around? Not saying going crazy in free agency has worked for the Skins in the past, however this year the acquisition of young talent vs washed up vets is the big difference between now and the 2000 signings.

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Come on E_L, don't just believe the hype. Just because an Eagles board says it was only covered by Fox29? I tend to believe Finneran's quotes. Why would he lie?

Dockery, I'm not one to pull quotes off of message boards and throw them out as facts. The only thing I'm saying is that the Eagles could have beaten the Falcons offer if they wanted to. Maybe they did offer Finneran a contract, but I doubt he was/is their top priority (at least I hope not :( )

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Jeez, building throught the draft. The Skins have done some of that as well, and done very well. Sean Taylor and Chris Cooley have worked out pretty well. Carlos Rodgers started for us his rookie year. We have our QB of the future. 3 of 5 offensive linemen were drafted by this team.

Building through FA has allowed us to fill in the rest, when the draft doesnt provide one. If you need a WR this year then you get stuck with, at best, Chad Jackson, who just doesnt grade out like a Braylon Edwards or Larry Fitzgerald have in years past.

How can anyone talk about how this team is managing the cap. Does it look like they have had any problems whatsoever doing whatever they want to do?

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Building a team through the draft works to a certain degree and the Eagles excell at it.

However it stands to reason that you need free agents to get to the next level.

The Eagles stood at the doors of the superbowl before going on the wild spending spree and getting Owens and Kearse, that move got them to the big dance. In effect they had to buy thier way in by adding free agents.

It was a good plan and if not for Owens going bonkers they could be back in the hunt again.

Having a ton of draft picks each year doesn't do jack if you don't fill in holes in the free agent market.

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Sorry, that hardly validates anything. The person who runs the Eagles MB and essentially serves as the team PR lacky has stated from Day 1 that the Eagles had no interest in Hutchinson and that he was being overvalued. No source since FA began has even mentioned the Eagles making a run for him. It's all speculation. Fox 29 in Philadelphia reported the Eagles were interested in Finneran, but that was the only source.

Hutchinson is not worth the contract Minny signed him to...ridiculous. I hope at least some people criticize them for overspending now, instead of calling out the Skins all the time!!!

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sometimes the moves not made by teams end up being twice as good as ones that are sexy, or media picks. building long term is good in todays nfl cap. talk in 6 months if all the moves made by other teams actually help them win, skins included.

How many championships has that approach produced?

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Guest santana4prez
lol we sign a couple f.a. in 3 yrs. weak man weak. 95% roster is drafted. I know you don't remember how that works. the skins are trying to be the yankees of the nfl. you CAN'T Buy a team. you BUILD a team through the draft. lesson over

You can build a team 2 different ways thru Free Agency and the Draft. To bad the Eagles dont get the Free Agency part yet.

Since Gibbs came back they have drafted Taylor,Cooley,Carlos Rodgers and their future Jason Campbell and have signed/traded for Brunell,Portis,Moss,Daniels,Washington,and Springs to name a few.

Joe Gibbs has build and molded a great team with free agency & the draft to team up with the players the Skins had before he got their. I had the same agruement with a Cowboy fan yesterday. I guess this is the only way some fans can diss the Skins ( or at least try:laugh: ).

Trust me Joe Gibbs knows what he is doing.:helmet:

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The truth of the matter is that every team has a 3 year window of opportunity to win the SB or else they have to start over again. Other teams in the division pile up talent to compete and your own talent becomes expensive/old to keep around. The Eagles find themselves in the same situation. Cowboys, Giants and skins can all win against philly on any given day which was not the case the past 3-4 years. As soon as Mcnaab goes down so does the eagles season. They have no WR's and they can't run the football which means mcnaab throwing 50 times a game which is a recepie for disaster.As far as i am concerned the eagles are done.

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2000 Ravens: Arguably the two most important pieces to that defense were Sam Adams and Tony Siragusa, both free agents. Michael McCrary, their main pass-rushing threat, was a free-agent. Their pro-bowl FS, Rod Woodson, was a free-agent. Both QBs were free-agents, Banks and Dilfer. The most vital part to their offense, Shannon Sharpe, was a free-agent. Their kicker, Matt Stover, was a free-agent.

What if Baltimore hadn't made any moves??

1999 Rams: The two most vital components to the "Greatest Show on Turf," Marshall Faulk and Kurt Warner, were free-agents. Their pro-bowl CB, Todd Lyght, was a free-agent. The biggest role-player on the team, Ricky Proehl, was a free-agent.

What if the Rams had sat tight and not signed anyone??

I could go on and on, but I think my point is clear. Free-agency is important to some teams.

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