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KFFL says we are going after Randle-El


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I can't see us going after randel el AND lloyd. Considering Lloyd would require a 1st round draft pick as compensation and Randel El is the premiere receiver on the market, I don't think we go after both. It would be SICK though if we got both. And it would also probably mean we'd be getting rid of Patten.

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Redskins | Team targeting Randle El

Fri, 10 Mar 2006 15:02:40 -0800

The Associated Press reports the Washington Redskins are targeting free agent WR Antwaan Randle El (Steelers) via free agency, according to a league official. He spoke on condition of anonymity because under league rules, the team is not allowed to contact the players until the market opens at 12:01 a.m. EST Saturday, March 11. Randle El is one of four free agents the Reskins are targeting. As noted earlier, the other three are free agent WR Brandon Lloyd (49ers), LB/DE Andre Carter (49ers) and S Adam Archuleta (Rams).

:doh: God I hope they are wrong...

and before everybody goes off the deep end... this site had the redskins going after bruce a couple of days ago...

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Anybody but randle-el...I am just hoping we get outbid. The other three guys I am perfectly fine with. Do you think we are looking at Carter at LB or DE?

hybrid role... like charles haley.. carter totally torched samuels from the def end spot the year before last. he has amazing closing speed from the edge. i do not know how strng he is at the point of attack, so he won't be a 3 down player. he is at 265 so that is heavy for a linebacker and he does not drop back in coverage that well. what he truly does well is get after the passer

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hybrid role... like charles haley.. carter totally torched samuels from the def end spot the year before last. he has amazing closing speed fromthe edge. i do not know how strng he is at the point of attack, so he won't be a 4 down player. he is at 265 so that is heavy for a linebacker and he does not drop back in coverage that well. what he truly does well is get after the passer

He finished 2002 with 54 tackles and 13 sacks, sounds like he could be a steal if Williams can coach him up to his potential. Last year he had 44 tackles and 5 sacks...in that hybrid role.

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I can't see us going after randel el AND lloyd. Considering Lloyd would require a 1st round draft pick as compensation and Randel El is the premiere receiver on the market, I don't think we go after both. It would be SICK though if we got both. And it would also probably mean we'd be getting rid of Patten.

lloyd would only require a 1 if we cannot agree on a trade.. they will likely accept a 2nd rounder or perhaps a player in exchange.. perhaps betts, although they do have gore and others at runner...or perhaps dockery ??

you are absolutely correct that having patten would make no sense at that point. same with jacobs. and maybe even thrash, although he is more of a special teamer now

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We have to keep in mind that our coaches and front office are clearly incapable of recognizing talent when they see it. Lets face it, Santana Moss will NEVER be a #1 receiver in this league!

Yep, that was a disaster. And the deal to get Portis was by far,the dumbest thing they've ever done! (Like he'll ever be any good)


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Anybody but randle-el...I am just hoping we get outbid. The other three guys I am perfectly fine with. Do you think we are looking at Carter at LB or DE?

i was just thinking: if we go after randel-el and lloyd it would make randel el our #3 receiver. and I love him as a #3 b/c that means we dont need to have a roster spot used up by a #3QB. And as a #3 receiver, randel el could be QB in a pinch and we'd still have our #1 and #2 receivers on the field.

Goodbye Patten.

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I cant imagine Patten is out after his short stint here...that doesnt make any sense.

My bet is they are targeting both receivers, and probably keeping an eye on Givens as well, and seeing what deal they can work out for 1 of the above. Lloyd costs a pick, and Raandle El is being pursued by everyone under the sun and WILL be overpaid...I cant imagine they pick up both guys...that would be one insane receiving corps, where there are other areas to address in terms of depth.

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and Super Smart. :laugh:


I think we would go after Lloyd OR Randle El but I can’t see us going after both. We still have Patten, who is a decent receiver who got hurt before he could get comfortable, and I can’t see Gibbs getting rid of Thrash.

Randle El wants to be at least a #2 receiver; he’s certainly going to expect to be paid like one. I doubt he could be that with Lloyd and Patten on the team.

I’m not knocking Randle El, I think he would fit nicely. But if we go after one we don’t need to go after the other.

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I read on KFFL a couple of days ago that Archuleta was ready to travel to DC, but when FA was delayed, he delayed his trip. People are using his stats as a negative, but I see it as opposing teams wouldn't throw it his way (much like teams don't throw to Roland), so you won't get an INT if you don't get it thrown to your side.

As someone mentioned, Lloyd will cost us a first round draft pick, something we don't have this year, so there's no chance there.

Venturini (sp) to the Girls? Puleese, if you are going to break news, at least know who it is you are talking about. However, don't think that the Skins can afford Vinatieri as he would want big dollars.

Would Andre Carter be the fix we need at DL, or would he be a replacement for Lavar? If we have the dollars, go after Witherspoon or Thornton, and then go for Kemoeatu if we sign one of the LB's.

Isn't Javon Walker's agent Drew Rosenhaus? If so, there's two reasons to steer clear of him!

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