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I know I will probably be blasted for starting another Lavar thread but I just want to get this off my chest for my own closure.

Does anyone else get sick on their stomachs when you read about how excited other fans are at the thought of their teams getting a chance to sign Lavar. I know some people on this site are happy to get rid of Lavar but I would say the vast majority are not.

My question is what does our management know that so few other people know. Lavar is the topic of almost every teams message board. They point to his age and his athleticism and describe him as a freak. They also give him the benefit of the doubt for the last two years when he was injured and the contract dispute.

It just seems like everyone feels like this guy is worth the money and can play football with the exception of redskins management.

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I know I will probably be blasted for starting another Lavar thread but I just want to get this off my chest for my own closure.

Does anyone else get sick on their stomachs when you read about how excited other fans are at the thought of their teams getting a chance to sign Lavar. I know some people on this site are happy to get rid of Lavar but I would say the vast majority are not.

My question is what does our management know that so few other people know. Lavar is the topic of almost every teams message board. They point to his age and his athleticism and describe him as a freak. They also give him the benefit of the doubt for the last two years when he was injured and the contract dispute.

It just seems like everyone feels like this guy is worth the money and can play football with the exception of redskins management.

Not only a Lavar thread but a meaningless subject line :doh:

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good observation. we'll just have to wait and see. part of the answer lies in what we are able to replace him with. while I think the move was not smart for many reasons...I also think that we will adapt and adjust........we do have a top notch coaching staff afterall (whether they are agreeable people or not)

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See, I never worry about what other fans think. I have much more faith in our FO than I have in a random fan of another team.

We're all fans...we were excited at some HORRIBLE acquisitions and were proven wrong. At the same time, a lot of fans were disgusted by the Moss/Coles trade and that turned out great.

Trust that they know what they're doing.

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I'd have to disagree with you on the fanbase or atleast the fans on this board. There is more loathing of Lavar than appreciation of Lavar. All he ever did was freelance, *****, complain, not a team guy, selfish, stupid, not a team guy, doesn't practice well.

When you leave the Redskins it is your fault, you weren't this and you weren't that. The only thing more sickening to me than Lavar going elsewhere in the division is the reaction I have seen around here.

So let them blast away on you and me both brutha.

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you can get just as much closure from saying what you said and adding it to one of the existing lavar threads. i do understand what you are saying though, and agree with you somewhat. i beleive lavar is just not the type of player this team needs. the facts are his salary vastly outweighs his production on the field. he accused the redskins of cheating him out of money. he also accused HOF coach joe gibbs of lying. he said no one told him why he wasnt playing when he did know. the controversy around lavar was a constant distraction from the team, and you cant argue that our defense wasnt really any better when he was on the field. sure, lavar made some good plays, but he also cost us the tampa bay game, a game that if we had won, we would have had a bye week and who knows how far we would have gone in the playoffs.

lavar is going to be a hot commodity on the free agent market, but its a thin LB market and he has big name recognition. fans are mostly upset about this b/c they love lavar, not because they can make a legitimate claim that he was worth the price.

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Please don't forget a couple of things. One, there is no way he was worth what the cap hit was going to be this coming year. Second, he was given the option of restructuring, with guaranteed money, and staying or helping with the cap and becoming a free agent. He CHOSE to become a free agent.

Doesn't sound to me like he was shoved out the door the way everyone is lamenting around here.

Glad he loves the team and the fans so much (as he was so fond of saying) that he wants to stick around for us.

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The Skins should have chose Champ over Lavar in the first place. Lavar is a good LB but LB are not hard to find (See antonio pierce and lamar marshall).

Just watch Lavar's highlights last year. There were some nice plays but he seemed much slower sideline to sideline. Maybe this trainer he is working with can help him regain his speed. For a team guy there was always too much Lavar in Team for me.

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I'd have to disagree with you on the fanbase or atleast the fans on this board. There is more loathing of Lavar than appreciation of Lavar. All he ever did was freelance, *****, complain, not a team guy, selfish, stupid, not a team guy, doesn't practice well.

When you leave the Redskins it is your fault, you weren't this and you weren't that. The only thing more sickening to me than Lavar going elsewhere in the division is the reaction I have seen around here.

So let them blast away on you and me both brutha.

star,how do you know he didnt pratice well,were u there?
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He was being paid too much. If he gets the same kind of contract somewhere else I would be very surprised.
aj,why complain about his pay,when ceo's make more than 1,000 times what the average worker does? dont be hypocritical bud.:dallasuck
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It isnt an issue of us not wanting him anymore, he didnt want to be here, thats why he offered to return 4.4 mil and opt out of his contract. He is over priced anyways, and for what we were paying him, we didnt really see what we paid for. I like Lavar a lot. But he is gone, and if he ends up stinking up the joint somewhere else, it will make us all feel better. But it wasnt just a one sided " We dont want you, here are your walking papers" He didnt want to be here.

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you can get just as much closure from saying what you said and adding it to one of the existing lavar threads. i do understand what you are saying though, and agree with you somewhat. i beleive lavar is just not the type of player this team needs. the facts are his salary vastly outweighs his production on the field. he accused the redskins of cheating him out of money. he also accused HOF coach joe gibbs of lying. he said no one told him why he wasnt playing when he did know. the controversy around lavar was a constant distraction from the team, and you cant argue that our defense wasnt really any better when he was on the field. sure, lavar made some good plays, but he also cost us the tampa bay game, a game that if we had won, we would have had a bye week and who knows how far we would have gone in the playoffs.

lavar is going to be a hot commodity on the free agent market, but its a thin LB market and he has big name recognition. fans are mostly upset about this b/c they love lavar, not because they can make a legitimate claim that he was worth the price.

I think that's more of the issue here. His salary does outweigh his production. I honestly think LA will thrive somewhere else. No matter what the coaching staff says about him. The man has ability and someone else will find a way to get the best out of him. As long as Warrick Holdman isn't his replacement then I'm fine with it.

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Why did they let Pierce go? Did we miss him? and Smoot, Bailey?

And last year did he play all that great or did we just make a big deal out it because he was in there so few times, we concentrated on watching him more. Or could it be everyone else played their position so well he was able to look better.

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See, I never worry about what other fans think. I have much more faith in our FO than I have in a random fan of another team...

Trust that they know what they're doing.

That trust seems a little misplaced, don't you think? This is one of those ridiculous 'argument from authority' statements that always bother me. If you think he's wrong, argue. Don't simply hide behind an asinine statement like "Trust that they know what they're doing".

If you're going to judge the front office, you've got to judge them on all the moves they've made, not just the ones that have panned out, right? If you examine their entire body of work, well, the results are on the field, aren't they? And during the time this FO has been working, minus the Schotty year, the results have been among the worst in the league.

Only the arrival of Saint Joe has changed that. So they guy is well justified in questioning the FO. If you feel otherwise, say so, but arguing to "trust" them just makes you look kinda dumb.

I'm not arguing pro or con on the Lavar issue, which is a horse, long dead and badly beaten, that I'm not inclined to hit, I'm just saying that you need a better argument that "trust me".

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That trust seems a little misplaced, don't you think?

If you're going to judge the front office, you've got to judge them on all the moves they've made...

Only the arrival of Saint Joe has changed that.

Isn't this kind of a contradiction? Joe runs the front office now. So, if you trust Joe, you trust the front office.

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I know I will probably be blasted for starting another Lavar thread but I just want to get this off my chest for my own closure.

Does anyone else get sick on their stomachs when you read about how excited other fans are at the thought of their teams getting a chance to sign Lavar. I know some people on this site are happy to get rid of Lavar but I would say the vast majority are not.

My question is what does our management know that so few other people know. Lavar is the topic of almost every teams message board. They point to his age and his athleticism and describe him as a freak. They also give him the benefit of the doubt for the last two years when he was injured and the contract dispute.

It just seems like everyone feels like this guy is worth the money and can play football with the exception of redskins management.

Since you ask.

There were people here exited to death about the idea of getting Courtney Brown. Its a typical dynamic with fans across the league, as any fan shgould know.

And until lavar signs a deal we don't know if he "worth the money" to someone else. He has to get a 10 mil contract to equal what he chose to decline for the 'skins. I'd say that our FO was hardly undervaluing lavar if you look at what he would have made by staying.

Take some Pepto for your sick stomach and move on is my prescription. :)

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My feeling is that LaVar is damaged goods, and I don't just mean by injury. I have no problem with other fans wanting him because I know what he can, or cannot do. It's like when some of us got all excited about Jeff George, Deion Sanders, Bruce Smith, Duane Thomas (okay, that goes back a little...). LaVar is younger than those guys, but not sure he has anything left in the tank to get all jacked about.



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I'm sad to see him go, but will watch whatever team he goes to, as long it's not the Cowboys.

As for the multiple, ridiculous Lavar posts, EVERYONE please expect to see more. If he excels w/ another team and his replacement sucks, you will see posts how bad a decision it was to let him go. If he sucks w/ another team, every week you will see posts on what a good mgmt decision it was. Either way, Lavar will live in this messageboard for at least another season.

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I know I will probably be blasted for starting another Lavar thread but I just want to get this off my chest for my own closure.

Does anyone else get sick on their stomachs when you read about how excited other fans are at the thought of their teams getting a chance to sign Lavar. I know some people on this site are happy to get rid of Lavar but I would say the vast majority are not.

My question is what does our management know that so few other people know. Lavar is the topic of almost every teams message board. They point to his age and his athleticism and describe him as a freak. They also give him the benefit of the doubt for the last two years when he was injured and the contract dispute.

It just seems like everyone feels like this guy is worth the money and can play football with the exception of redskins management.

Regarding what our staff knows, ask yourself a couple questions. What was the Giants defense like minus LT; the Eagles minus Reggie White; Chargers (back in the day) minus Seau; Ravens minus Ray Lewis; Bucs minus D. Brooks; the Bills minus Spikes? The answer is, at the very least, NOT NEARLY AS GOOD! Now, the Skins minus Lavar....2 years straight in the top 10. Moreover, he gives a season ending interview the week of an important NFC East game for Christs sake.

LA's best bet would be to go to a team that does not require an impact player. Pittsburgh and San Diego present an opportunity for him to do well because he will be alondside other great players on the front 7. In Pitt he'd be welcomed back as a homer. In SD he'd be back w/ Manusky and alogside Merriman. Or he could choose Philly where I think they'd just let him shoot the gaps. Either way I'd take the matchup of him filling a gap that Seller is lead blocking through ANY DAY. I've seen LA get blown up by lesser FBs.

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