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Teacher caught in Bush "rant."


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Someone should check this guys teaching credentials.

First, we're not a democracy, we're a representative republic

Second, we didn't "give" any land to make Israel, the Brits did that

Third, there never was a nation called "palestine"

Fourth, this is what happens when you have no moral compass and can't differentiate between terrorists and the US

Like I said, what a great reason to homeschool your kids

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Exactly. Which is the opposite of what this teacher in Colorado was doing.

True, but by that time they should already have some ability to think for themselves... and also come home to parents and discuss what happened in school... talk about the world, politics, economics... it all comes from parents. Teachers are important but parents have control over everything. Parents are teachers 24/7, you cannot compete with that! :)

I think what this teacher did was wrong - teacher's job is to guide thinking, not give packaged ways of thinking. However, if this happened to my kids I would not be outraged (whichever way it happened, anti-US or pro-US).

They will be exposed to many people throughout their lives. You cannot shield them from certain type of people. You can only teach them to process incoming information properly... Being exposed to this particular teacher might help them think (anything different from the ordinary has that effect).

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Because if you homeschool your kids, you can feed them a steady diet of your own beliefs and biases without fear that they will hear anything contrary or ever think for themselves. Whoot!

Which is worse paying someone to feed your kids a steady line of bias and beliefs OR teaching YOUR children according to your own bias and belief? ;)

As soon as the socialist **** started in on my tabbaccy, I knew he was a subversive,anarchist pig....Sumbody get a ROPE :laugh:

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So you believe we should not be able to question or criticize our government?

Not in a high school Geography class. Those of us with common sense know that he was abusing his power. Tax payers don't pay him for his personal input on politics, they pay him to teach Geography.

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Point blank, teachers shouldn't be pushing their agendas on any educational level. I didn't show up at a business class to hear about my teacher rant about how great Bush is and how she supports the war. I didn't pay to go to my english classes to hear my teacher rant about how evil she thinks Bush is.

Let kids make up their own minds based on what they're learning and the facts. People need to learn to put aside their differences in this country when things such as teaching kids are more important.

As for the lefties on the thread here, how much would you care if this was during Clintons presidency and the teacher was praising Clinton? Wouldn't care at all, I'm sure.

I see your point, but if you look at the voter turnout among young people, its absolutely terrible. So obviously kids aren't making up their own minds. I think teachers should do everything in their power to motivate these kids to vote. And while they may be impressionable, these kids aren't stupid. If they have the ability to make up their own minds, why would this matter anyway?

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the big thing is, this isn't even an american history/gov't class, it's geography! a rant like that is in no way educational for the subject he is supposed to be teaching.

Actually...politics and geography are so closely intertwined that I think geography class is the perfect venue for this kind of thing. :2cents:

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Like I said, what a great reason to homeschool your kids

I think we need to get rid of public school all-together and have only private schools. Let Americans keep their tax dollars and choose their kids' education. A for-profit, competitive industry will work better than a socialized one.

This jerkoff propagandist Geography teacher can not be fired because he's with a union. :rolleyes:

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No, that's an absolutely false statement...


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I love it when people post links trying to disprove what you are saying, but they only serve to further prove you right!! :laugh:

2 : the geographic features of an area

- (geographic -- 2 : belonging to or characteristic of a particular region)

4 : a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements : CONFIGURATION <the philosophers ... have tried to construct geographies of human reason -- Times Literary Supplement>

EDIT: Political geography is one of the oldest subjects there is...there is so much politics behind the geography of most regions, the subjects are a natural fit to one-another...;)

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I love it when people post links trying to disprove what you are saying, but they only serve to further prove you right!! :laugh:

2 : the geographic features of an area

- (geographic -- 2 : belonging to or characteristic of a particular region)

4 : a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements : CONFIGURATION <the philosophers ... have tried to construct geographies of human reason -- Times Literary Supplement>

EDIT: Political geography is one of the oldest subjects there is...there is so much politics behind the geography of most regions, the subjects are a natural fit to one-another...;)

So are you under the impression that this is a "political geography" class and not a "physical geography" class? They typically don't cover human geography on a high school level. I love it when people mislead others with their ignorance. :laugh:

Here you go. Since you're unable to identify what applies in the broader definition of Geography, I'll provide you with this link...


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So are you under the impression that this is a "political geography" class and not a "physical geography" class? They typically don't cover human geography on a high school level. I love it when people mislead others with their ignorance. :laugh:

Here you go. Since you're unable to edit out what applies in the broader definition of Geography, I'll provide you with this link...


Oh, so when you're wrong, you add the "physical" so that you can look better. Nice try...but that dog don't hunt! The fact remains politics and geography are closely related, proven correct by your own link. Oh, and please point to the part of the article that describes the class as a "physical geography" class. Its high-school dude...;)

Christ, it even says in the article that he was part of the school's social studies department. Why is geography in the social studies department? Answer that, and you'll realize your error.

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Wait, so some punk kid took a tape recorder to try and nail his teacher? What a p@##y. If he wants to set an example, he should argue his teacher down point by point. If he cannot do that, prove that the person is unqualified to teach. How many of his students learned about geography? How many graduated from high school? If the students had been doing well enough for years that it was not an issue, why is this kid so thin-skinned? I thought conservatives never complained, that only liberals whined ;).

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I see your point, but if you look at the voter turnout among young people, its absolutely terrible. So obviously kids aren't making up their own minds. I think teachers should do everything in their power to motivate these kids to vote. And while they may be impressionable, these kids aren't stupid. If they have the ability to make up their own minds, why would this matter anyway?

I think young people don't vote because they don't like all the mudslinging going on. I know its one of the reasons i didn't vote the first time i was elligible. I was so disgusted and turned off I just decided not to.

Kids aren't gonna vote if they don't want to vote. I just feel that the assinine actions of politicians are enough to turn young people away from politicis.

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I think young people don't vote because they don't like all the mudslinging going on. I know its one of the reasons i didn't vote the first time i was elligible. I was so disgusted and turned off I just decided not to.

But if that's the case, kids would be posting on this board either.

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Wait, so some punk kid took a tape recorder to try and nail his teacher? What a p@##y. If he wants to set an example, he should argue his teacher down point by point. If he cannot do that, prove that the person is unqualified to teach. How many of his students learned about geography? How many graduated from high school? If the students had been doing well enough for years that it was not an issue, why is this kid so thin-skinned? I thought conservatives never complained, that only liberals whined ;).

if you actually read, he only showed the tape to his dad. his dad was the one to release it to the media.

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But if that's the case, kids would be posting on this board either.

We have a group of kids that post on here, doesn't mean they vote, right? I think the voting numbers speak for themselves, not extremeskins.com

I'm just waiting for the day when people from the right and left stop bashing each other, take a look around and realize they've alienated a whole bunch of people while they were being *******s.

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if you actually read, he only showed the tape to his dad. his dad was the one to release it to the media.

Me cant read :).

"Sean, who appeared on Rosen's show Wednesday morning, said in an interview he had been disturbed by the "political rants" he heard in Bennish's class. He added that he wanted to tape the session for his father, who later shared it with the media.

Sean, who described himself as a political independent, said the comments seemed inappropriate for a geography class.

"If he wants to give an opinion in class, I'm perfectly OK with that," he said. "But he has to give both sides of the story." "

It sounds like he wanted to nail his teacher to me.

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Oh, so when you're wrong, you add the "physical" so that you can look better. Nice try...but that dog don't hunt! The fact remains politics and geography are closely related, proven correct by your own link. Oh, and please point to the part of the article that describes the class as a "physical geography" class. Its high-school dude...;)

Christ, it even says in the article that he was part of the school's social studies department. Why is geography in the social studies department? Answer that, and you'll realize your error.

There is a significant difference between physical geography and human geography. Even if this course was intended to include Human Geography, there is no way it was intended for him to get so specific with his very own political views about the Bush administration. I am willing to bet that might be why he's been suspended. :laugh: It's not a political science course, and even if it was an ethical teacher offers a balanced presentation, not a bunch of psychotic horse****. That is what common sense tells us...

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