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Ok, I'm a man that can admit when I'm wrong


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Carter is not very good.

Not tonight.

I'm not sure about not ever.

I've heard at UGA he'd have games like this. That he breaks your heart.

We may be in for a long year.

But I still love my team.

The defense has been pretty good though.....

Ready for my crow....

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I took a break from the seemingly endless number of Quincy threads that have sprung up here since....... Tired of :gus: all the time. The recent essay fest left me a little dizzy. Dallas right now is going back to their bread and butter. Running over the left side with some quick throws sprinkled in. Quincy has made some bad decisions tonight. A few should have been more costly than they were. Awfully big of you to come in and take it. :cheers: I'll wait till the game's over. :cheers:

sigh. Wonder how long it will take before this thread, ( or the Texans one) ends up on a Cowboys board.

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Originally posted by Bizwah

Carter is not very good.

Not tonight.

I'm not sure about not ever.

I've heard at UGA he'd have games like this. That he breaks your heart.

We may be in for a long year.

But I still love my team.

The defense has been pretty good though.....

Ready for my crow....

Yeah, bad night for Carter, no denying it. I won't write him off after one game, but he better get things going in the next few weeks. Defense has been good, especially Glover, Hardy, Myers and Edwards. Westbrook on the PI and Woodson missing the pass when he had the coverage really hurt us.

Gotta give it up to the Texans, they played a better game so far.

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I've tended to avoid the endless Quincy threads to date, seeing as how they've all been pure speculation. Having actually watched him play a bit tonight, though, I gotta admit to being shocked at how lost he's looked out there.

Not sure when I've seen an NFL quarterback tighten up and throw more ducks into the dirt and butt ugly bail-outs at the first sign of pressure like he has tonight. And I mean over, and over again.

At the end of last year, I thought I had seen some of the improvement and poise the 'boy fans who frequent this board keep talking about. Kind of expected to see that tonight.

I haven't.

It will be illuminating to see how the Silver & Blue faithful spin this performance tonight.

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No Spin. We sucked. Everything but the D. They did a good job. Texans scored that first TD after a 50-yard pass interference call. Defense had 6 or 7 sacks tonight. But QC sucked, the OL sucked, we couldnt do anything on offense.

There is no way QC or the Offense are this bad. From last years finish, to this years' Training Camp and preseason, they looked decent. Im not throwing in the towel just yet. I still think Dallas will finish with 7-8 wins.....there is just no way QC and our OL will continue to play this badly, based upon what we've seen from them going back to the late 2001 season.....

But I admit, this doesn't look good.

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To be honest, I was more surprised by Carr's performance than Carter's. Carr was a hair away from having a 200+/3/1 night in his first pro game that has been billed as an in-state rivalry against "America's Team" on national TV. And he looked far more confident and in command than Carter ever has, even though the Cowboys put a lot of pressure on him.

But what shocked me the most about Dallas was their apparent lack of interest/fire in a season opener. Even Emmitt, who I regard as a consummate professional, looked totally dispirited; it was written all over his face.

I'm not convinced that your players are buying into the plan for the franchise.

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Carter is not in an offense that suits him. He is better throwing the ball 10 to 15 yards than throwing short. Watching tonight, I'd rather have the Cowboys at third and 4 with Carter passing than third and 10. Pressured, he had no idea where to go with his progressions. He had open guys if he only checked to them correctly.

Conversely, you saw what Matthews did in a system he is completely comfortable in and that suits his physical talents and mental strength. I wasn't surprised to see Carter struggle. The Texans have a very strong set of corners and run a scheme he's never seen and won't see much of.

What was surprising was how badly your offensive line was abused by the Texans. They generated great pressure and did a nice job stopping the run save that one nice drive you put together. Glover and Hardy played a splendid game for you, as did Coakley. But, of the six sacks you got, only one or two would have been had against a non-rookie. Carr was frustrating with how long he held the ball and refused to release it.

I was actually surprised you didn't get a lot more pressure and sacks. In all, though, the most surprising thing is just how badly your offensive line was shredded. That has to be the most troubling thing for you. Carter is a young player who isn't nearly ready to play the game on any consistent basis. He'll have a great game and three bad ones and eventually you'll know where he is once he gets enough experience to see how he deals with the same situation the next time around.

But, you can only go as far as your line will take you and as I've been saying, our line is an admitted weakness. It just played like a strength. Your line is a perceived strength that played like a weakness. That is the area you can shore up and improve the entire performance of your team.

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Carr is much more ready for the pros than Carter is even yet. That's always been obvious. Carr played in a pro offense throwing for 42 TDs and 7 INTs. He came into the league knowing more about how to pass against defensive looks than Carter knows even now.

What I was surprised at though is just how befuddled he looked when his initial men were taken from him and he refused to get rid of the ball. He took needless sacks because he simply stood there, seeming to have no pocket awareness and refusing to pass. As the game went on he seemed to get a better feel for it and started to look more comfortable. But, given his pedigree and obvious advantages from college, I had expected to see him more decisive.

No one questions that arm though. I want to see he and Ramsey have a throw off :).

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Pressured, he had no idea where to go with his progressions. He had open guys if he only checked to them correctly.

Good point, Art. I remember an article from the preseason which outlined Coslet's philosophy:

"Don't bother yourself with reading Defenses or coverages: just throw to the open guy in the play that looks just like the other plays"

Sounds like a winning plan to me! :laugh: :laugh:

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I remember that too. Carter was relieved of having to read the defense. You'd think that would help him know where people would be in the offense. But, he just LOCKED in on a primary receiver and threw it badly most of the time, and much of the time into the hands of stone fist Glenn. You'd think he'd know enough to pull off a primary on those plays where the corner is jumping your route, or on pressure plays where his backs are for the dump down, but he seems so terribly lost back there. It's important to remember that Carter has never been a good QB. He's always been a good talent and he has to learn to play QB. He hasn't learned yet. That talent he does have will shine through in some games and he'll look really good. But, it's when he faces teams that are onto him and how he adjusts that will eventually show whether he's the QB or not.

One thing to watch out for though is if the Cowboys are 0-4 to start the year, which is a very distinct possibility as they'll be underdogs the next three weeks, then you may see Hutchinson rushed into action before he's ready just as Carter has so obviously been.

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Carter really has only had one really good game as a pro. One game over 200 yards passing as a pro. He played well against the Niners last year. He has talent and has great moments from time to time. Not really much different than Heath Shuler had talent and could shine from time to time. Carter is learning a new system he's not yet comfortable in and that he is ill-suited for. He is an intermediate timing passer. He's not a WCO QB and the Dallas offense under Coslet is based on those principles.

Once he learns the offense and can just play rather than thinking through every snap, he'll have some really nice games. He just has to get comfortable with what he's learning. The question is whether he'll be allowed to get there. If the Cowboys are 0-4, which is likely, he may not be given the time he needs. Carter can play when he's comfortable. He's not yet comfortable.

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What I was most shocked by was the o-line play of the Cowboys. Houston dominated the line of scrimmage for the most part. Dallas looked almost disinterested at times, as though they had read too many articles proclaiming their return to respectability and decided they had beaten the Texans before they took the field. Campo did a lousy job of getting his team ready to play.

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Art, I agree, Carter locked into his reciever too much. Part of that perhaps was the lack of pass protection from the OL forcing carter to throw the ball and the defensive pressure that frazzled him.

I was really disappointed at the OL play, granted they played a 3-4 defense that was difficult to play against, I still expected more than that. where was the pride.

I was also disappointed in the play calling, Galloway was doubled most of the night and the Texans forced us to go to Bryant who as expected was up and down. they didnot utilize the TE at all trying to force those LB to play off the line a little or help free up galloway.

I was surprised not to see Galloway in motion more to free him up a little more.

Dallas need to mix it more in the offense in the running game, Emmitt in 1,2 and then hambrick and wiley and that's all too easy to defend. put hambrick and wiley in on 1,2 and then go a whole series with emmitt or vice versa.

you almost knew what was coming when emmitt was in and when hambrick and wiley were in. I would have liked to see us go deep a little more. we had a little bit of success and at least could have stretched the field a little bit more.

I liked our defense, westbrook is a waste. I don't like him or never really did. I was just hopeful he could be decent. He cost us two TDs, with the two stupid penalties.

if we go 0-4 then cut westbrook, its time to put in Ross and let him learn. they consistantly picked on that side all night and they found success on couple of occasions that paid big dividends.

the one very very disappointing thing was the penalties. we have been plauged with those for 4 years now and they continue. that needs to stop and I have no idea what's wrong any more. (the stupid penalties by westbrook not withstnading)

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I was very impressed with David Carr. I thought Ramsey had a arm.This kid has arm just as good as Ramsey and the kid is mobile on top of it. If a vetern qb played them last night it would have been a blowout. I thought the Cowboys defense played great but you have to consider who the Cowboys played. The game really showed you the Cowboy corners are not very good.It should be a real concern for COwboy fans. I thought the Texan oline more then held their own, but then again who were they playing against. The Texans had 2 rookies on the line.They were without their 2 best players. Cowboy fans its early yes, but you should be worried

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