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The Post has us trimming our 2006 cap number from $113 million to below $90 million..


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There are so many ifs in all these arguments...

I'll believe it when I see it. March 3 is just a few days away.

Of course, if the cap hell doesn't come, I doubt we'll see any apologies from the resident cap "experts".

Of course there are if's

If there were no ifs that means every thing was certain, and there can be no debate over certainty

As for apoligies, if a new deal is reached and you push everything into the future why should anyone apoligize for discussing what would happen without a new CBA?

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  • 2 weeks later...
How bout the players that have to replace their roster spots, as dictated by the rule of 51? Are they going to play for free? Now, you have 8.8 million, without taking the rule of 51 into account. Let's say you really trimmed 6 million because players making the league minimum will take up over 2 million to replace those players.

Now, how do you account for the other 14 million you'd have to remove to be under the cap? Now that me, Adam, and BigD have schooled you on the 30 percent rule (which you say you knew all along but look at your responses in the beginning of the thread and now :laugh: ) how exactly will the Skins cut the other 14 million and stay in compliance with the rule?

this thread is very funny, now the truth is out.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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this thread is very funny, now the truth is out.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Excuse me if I wait for the NFL to put out some updated salary cap numbers on each team before I start patting you on the back.

I mean, I know you feel totally vindicated based off of a comment by Eric S where he said you'd have made it under the cap with or without an extension.

Even though you haven't seen any numbers, this is enough. With how ultra sensitive the Skins are about getting their story out before the media UNFILTERED, I'm surprised there hasn't been more from the Skins....maybe even an article explaining how far they are under the cap....if your desired scenario was entirely true.

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Even though you haven't seen any numbers, this is enough. With how ultra sensitive the Skins are about getting their story out before the media UNFILTERED, I'm surprised there hasn't been more from the Skins....maybe even an article explaining how far they are under the cap....if your desired scenario was entirely true.

I think quotes from player agents is really what is driving this

What incentive do they have to paint a rosy cap picture for the Redskins. Per Wynn's agent "it was seamless, there were no negotiations"

And of course this

Rick Smith, Jansen's agent, said yesterday the Redskins contacted him about a week ago and termed the talks "pretty easy."

"They have a plan and they'll get it done," he said. "They weren't desperate. I don't know why there was this big doomsday [outlook] for them. They'll get to where they need to get."

Redskins re-work deals

And WB since you are one of the wanabee accountants on here, you certainly know that no Redskin took a pay cut, in fact they got cash now, and we still will have no problem getting to where we need to be

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SHF, I don't doubt that there have been restructures. I'd like someone to tell me how much the Skins saved on each one and how they totaled 20m.

Can you provide this information? Or are you content enough with the fact there have been restructures to know there can possibly be no trouble?

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SHF, I don't doubt that there have been restructures. I'd like someone to tell me how much the Skins saved on each one and how they totaled 20m.

Can you provide this information? Or are you content enough with the fact there have been restructures to know there can possibly be no trouble?

As soon as that info is out we will know ;)

But as I said, an agent with really no incentive to paint a rosy picture, has done just that. And he is far more privy to the info then you or myself

And btw, Jansen was one guy you said we would cut ;)

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As soon as that info is out we will know ;)

But as I said, an agent with really no incentive to paint a rosy picture, has done just that. And he is far more privy to the info then you or myself

And btw, Jansen was one guy you said we would cut ;)

No I didn't. I said he would be a possibility if there wasn't a CBA extension. I love how the NFL gives you a get out of jail free card until Sunday night and that empowers you to think that there was never any real trouble. :laugh:

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Excuse me if I wait for the NFL to put out some updated salary cap numbers on each team before I start patting you on the back.

I mean, I know you feel totally vindicated based off of a comment by Eric S where he said you'd have made it under the cap with or without an extension.

Even though you haven't seen any numbers, this is enough. With how ultra sensitive the Skins are about getting their story out before the media UNFILTERED, I'm surprised there hasn't been more from the Skins....maybe even an article explaining how far they are under the cap....if your desired scenario was entirely true.

Westy not even good spin attempts.

There are several sources confirming the Skins would have been or will be under the cap by restructuring, and only having to cut those players expected even if the CBA was extended.

AP, Joesph White sites an NFL league official confirming it. Lenny P. explained how the Skins could do it, after first saying an AFC capologist said there is no way the Skins can get under the cap.

The contracts aren't public, because the deadline was extended.

I know you are just trying to save face, after making a fool of yourself ripping us in this thread... but now the shoe is on the other foot. Maybe you should have waited before crowing like a rooster, and proclaiming the Skins were doomed :laugh:

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No I didn't. I said he would be a possibility if there wasn't a CBA extension. I love how the NFL gives you a get out of jail free card until Sunday night and that empowers you to think that there was never any real trouble. :laugh:

:nono: you are just making yourself look even more foolish.

How do you know the Skins were in cap hell to begin with? Because Lenny P said so.... the same guy now explaining how the Skins can get under the cap??? :laugh:

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No I didn't. I said he would be a possibility if there wasn't a CBA extension. I love how the NFL gives you a get out of jail free card until Sunday night and that empowers you to think that there was never any real trouble. :laugh:
Guess we'll see what happens Sunday night, eh? I'd say we feel a lot more confident than you right now. :D
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I love how the NFL gives you a get out of jail free card until Sunday night and that empowers you to think that there was never any real trouble. :laugh:

How do you figure the NFL gave Washington a get out of jail free card?

Could it be that possibly, the FO was on top of this the whole time?

Could it be possibly, that you were just flat out dead wrong?

Can you admit you were wrong? If you could.....would you?

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Westy not even good spin attempts.

There are several sources confirming the Skins would have been or will be under the cap by restructuring, and only having to cut those players expected even if the CBA was extended.

AP, Joesph White sites an NFL league official confirming it. Lenny P. explained how the Skins could do it, after first saying an AFC capologist said there is no way the Skins can get under the cap.

The contracts aren't public, because the deadline was extended.

I know you are just trying to save face, after making a fool of yourself ripping us in this thread... but now the shoe is on the other foot. Maybe you should have waited before crowing like a rooster, and proclaiming the Skins were doomed :laugh:

Yeah, and there are several sources that say the Skins are in salary cap hell. You choose to ignore anything anyone says that isn't positive for the Skins yet use this as your proof.

At least I attempt to talk in specifics regarding contracts and how much they can be cut by the rules, etc. You just talk in generalities and haven't shown one logical argument on how what you say has been done is possible.

I see it now. The CBA will be extended before Sunday night and everyone will stay in their glass house and talk about how the Skins were never in any salary cap trouble and it was largely made up by the media.

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Westy not even good spin attempts.

There are several sources confirming the Skins would have been or will be under the cap by restructuring, and only having to cut those players expected even if the CBA was extended.

AP, Joesph White sites an NFL league official confirming it. Lenny P. explained how the Skins could do it, after first saying an AFC capologist said there is no way the Skins can get under the cap.

The contracts aren't public, because the deadline was extended.

I know you are just trying to save face, after making a fool of yourself ripping us in this thread... but now the shoe is on the other foot. Maybe you should have waited before crowing like a rooster, and proclaiming the Skins were doomed :laugh:

Bubba....Could you please provide links to the sources you cite. I'm not doubting you but I'd just like to see how they are worded. Thanks in advance.

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My guess...

5 to 8

I'm not going on record that no starters will be cut, because I still find that a slight possibilty. I do not see it hindering our chances to make a run for the Super Bowl this year.

What's your guess BigD?

I don't think I have actually ever given one, and to do so without details of the restructures would be futile. But I would say 6-8 sounds right depending on the savings in the restructures.

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