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Privacy Invaded


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As for beating him down? Im more than capable of that, and I do wish he could pay for this somehow someway, but Im afraid it would just escalate everything more than it already is. I hate this stuff.

Smart. :applause:

The best thing for Football Henry is to have this guy out of your life. The sooner the better. There's an old saying - "Never wrestle with a pig. You'll both end up covered in ****, and the pig loves it."

As for him, he's got a miserable life ahead of him. In fact, I'll bet he's already miserable. As Mr. T might say, feel free to pity the fool.

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Just curious Henry - How did you find out your friend was the one accessing your My Space account?

Hes the only one that had knew my password, plus he admitted it. I mean I knew it was him right away, he was the only one that could have accessed it even if he didnt admit it. But he did in any case. Still, I have taken steps with the university and have launched a formal complaint, noone deserves to have their life invaded into.

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Hes the only one that had knew my password, plus he admitted it. I mean I knew it was him right away, he was the only one that could have accessed it even if he didnt admit it. But he did in any case. Still, I have taken steps with the university and have launched a formal complaint, noone deserves to have their life invaded into.

I don't want to sound like an ass, but if you don't want your privacy invaded (and I am sorry that it happened to you...it was a dick move by your friend) you shouldn't a) dish out your password (even with good intentions) and B) store personal things with a public service like MySpace.

Anyway, your friend who did this is definitely a bit strange...but you pretty much served it up to him on a silver platter.

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I don't want to sound like an ass, but if you don't want your privacy invaded (and I am sorry that it happened to you...it was a dick move by your friend) you shouldn't a) dish out your password (even with good intentions) and B) store personal things with a public service like MySpace.

Anyway, your friend who did this is definitely a bit strange...but you pretty much served it up to him on a silver platter.

yes I know this, its a learning experience...Ive already said that a couple times in this thread, thanks for the feedback though. :)

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Well he didn't do anything to my account per se...but he accessed EVERYTHING. All my personal messages to everyone, received and sent. Personal information i have enclosed in there. Its just a complete invasion of privacy. It never occured to me that someone would stoop to this level. The fact that he sends me an email threatening to ruin my life just makes it that much more mind boggling...I honestly don't understand this. I would never do any of these things hes done to me. As my mom would tell me, Im just learning a lesson about some people and life right now.

Your stuff is on the net. There is no privacy on the net. If you are putting stuff that you wouldn't want anyone to see and storing it on a public server, then let this be a lesson learned. Besides, I'm sure all of the script kiddies and lesser hackers are messing with people's myspace accounts accounts already. It's not that hard to crack a password, especially given the simplistic ones used by many people. Use this as a lesson. At least it was a friend (how is this guy a friend, anyways?), and not someone with more severe intentions.

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Well my account itself is fine. Nothing was changed except for the password. But he cant get back in because I changed that of course. Its the fact that my whole life has been opened up to him, we all have things that we keep to ourselves. Or that are personal and private to ourselves, and hes violated mine in a very painful way.

Football sorry to say this but you need to grow up. He took your id big deal, you can change it so he can not log in. He did not steal anything of yours, he did not run off with your credit card or ruin your credit etc... Ask others about what losing your identity is really about, and it isn't someone taking over a space on the web.

You just learned NEVER give your password to someone, thats all. Heck that is part of HIPPA regulations :)

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Your stuff is on the net. There is no privacy on the net. If you are putting stuff that you wouldn't want anyone to see and storing it on a public server, then let this be a lesson learned. Besides, I'm sure all of the script kiddies and lesser hackers are messing with people's myspace accounts accounts already. It's not that hard to crack a password, especially given the simplistic ones used by many people. Use this as a lesson. At least it was a friend (how is this guy a friend, anyways?), and not someone with more severe intentions.


Everyone is to open on the web. Where I used to work a while back we would track people that tried to do harm to others in high places, kidnap children, blackmail etc...

They found all of that info on the web, be careful about what you post, sometimes someone you do not want to see something will find out, maybe not now but when you get older and are a public person you do not want your entire life on the web.

Someone posted a while back about a kid screaming stuff about his teacher on line, well yes there is free speach, however what you say can also fall in other terms that is not free, you have the right to say what you want untill it turns into something else, then you have no right.

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