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Post-game thread: Skins at Seahawks.


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To all of the classless skin "fans" who like to criticize individuals on this team...you are pathetic..you are supposed to support your redskins..i cannot believe people call out the same people they cheer for..it's sad...thank you to the ENTIRE redskins organization..you have made my 2005

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I really don't think it was Brunell's fault. I saw at least three calls that should have had review. Not one review from Gibbs. How many calls against the redskins? If Brunell is out, who will replace him? Ramsey? You have got to be kidding me. As much as Gibbs brought the skins further than they had been in years, I still think it's his fault. He should have at least called for a review on at the least, two of those calls in the second and third quarter. Even the telecasters said they saw nothing wrong with the plays. Right from the beginning, hubby and I felt there was something wrong with the game.

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And for what it's worth, guys, I didn't stop being nervous until the final turnover on downs.

BT, you're cool. And for what its worth, I didn't stop believeing until the final turnover on downs. In poker the saying is "a chip and a chair", in football I guess its, "1 second, and ball possession".

Honestly, I hated seeing Alexander go down. Even if we won, I didn't want to win like that. I truly hated to see him get hurt, and I pray he gets better quick.

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Things can only get better. Thats the way I see it. This year the Redskins are definately better than last year for the first time in a while, and while its clear they have weaknesses, its also clear that if they address those weaknesses its possible to make a serious run at it next year.

In order to win the super bowl this year the Redskins would have had to do something no other team has ever done: Beat the Number 1 seeded team as the Number 6 seed. That's never happened before, and they gave a great effort.

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Brunell looked like crap when he was under presure, look at the Hasselback and what he was able to when he was under pressure! Matt made plays, the Skins should have won this damn game!
This game showed we were living on borrowed time with our offense.3 turnovers and we lose!Our offense really picked a good time to lay and egg.But I'm still proud of this team.Thank you Coach Gibbs for a GREAT YEAR!
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Guys... What can I say?? It's been great season, not really great but lottttt better than last year.. We proved everyone, I repeat EVERYONE wrong except for Skins fans, well, most of them.. In my school, everyone beside Skins fans (including teachers) kept telling me that Redskins would NEVER be playoff contender ever again.. And that was last yr and in middle of season.. And all I did, was smile.. Because I knew inside my mind that they are wrong and we proved them all..

Defense... There is no words that can just explain our defense.. They have everything that a defense needs.. Heart, aggressive, 11 men working together, and everything else.. They never gave up even though we were losing and yet they kept fought.. I would never forget 2nd week, vs Dallas.. 13-0 in 4th qr and they kept fought as Marcus kept encouraging them.. And they were right, two passes to Moss is all what we needed.. Next year, it will be same, I hope better than this yr.. But about Lavar situation, ehh.. Some people are saying that he won't be with us.. I hope they are wrong because he is def one of big playmakers.. Very aggressive too.. We need him.. GOAL FOR '06-'07 SEASON: ranked: 1st defense..

Offense.. You guys proved lot people wrong, everyone in fact.. We got lot better than last season.. I have to admit, I was absolutely disappointed when we traded Coles for Moss.. Until 2nd week, after that I loved him.. :D And he keeps proving people how elite he is.. All because of us, he is one of elite WRs.. Offense linemen, def got lot better too.. Working together.. Portis, I am very impressed with him.. As usual.. He always keep fighting, that's one of things that I love about him.. He is a warrior.. I think one of great things about our offense is Running Backs situation.. We have 3 good RBs.. Noo, make that 4 RBs.. Because of addition of Nemo.. Now about Brunell situation.. In my opinion, I think he did good.. Lot better than last year, no question about it.. And all of you guys dissing about him, dudes and gals.. Relax.. He is part of reasons why we got this kind season, he carried us to playoff.. Now, don't go flying off.. I said PART of reasons.. Twpo great thing about him is his wisdom and experiences.. He does still have the arm to throw.. Even Moss insulted ESPN people for saying that Brunell doesn't have the arm.. Like I said before, I truly think it's because of conservation calls.. Sure, Brunell does make some mistakes sometime.. Every QBs do, even Peyton Manning.. I think and kinda hope that he will be QB next year.. He already have some rapport with our offense players.. It won't be right if we just take the literally QB out from the system.. Yes, I do think Ramsey do have the talents to be good QB.. All he needs is to get rid of his nervousness, once he do then he would be one of good QBs.. But right now he looks pretty decent back-up QB.. Campbell, I would prefer if we wait one more year then we can unleash him at '07-'08 season..

I think I have said enough..

Thank you for nail-biting season.. I am grateful I am young becaue if I wasn't that young then I would have got few heart attacks this year.. Ha..

AND this marthon "watch out for next yr", we do mean this time.. :)

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Congratulations to the Entire Washington Redskins organization for a great building block season. First off, we sweep the Cowboys, then the Eagles, get one against the Giants. We are ready for a run next year and the years to come. Once again, we are not the team to overlook on Sundays. We will be back next season!!

Hail to the Redskins......

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Coach Gibbs thanks for continuing the turnaround.. The team is headed in the right direction, not sure what you really think about the QB position, you have said the the offense is your responsibilty, the D has done a great job all year, they deserved better than they got from the offense all year. I trust you will continue filling in the pieces the Redskins need to move closer to THE goal, but please look at the QB position again, is #8 really the guy to get the team to a championship?


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Yes, I am proud of skins. And yes they far exceeded expectations. Yes, their defense is about the best in the league. It is just frustrating imagining what if.

Anybody who doesnt see that Brunnell was hurt and playing poorly last 3 games needs glasses. Even if you think he is/was good, he did not belong in the game. I dont feel he gave the skins the best chance to win. 2 miserable performances in a row. Yeah he was hurt, but his presence was horrible- feeling pressure when there wasnt any, etc.

So you can say i am picking on him, I just see him as the obstacle that is keeping the skins from playing next weekend. watch game again and look at his performance. It really was horrible. It could have been from injury, i dont know and dont care.

All that being said- thanks skins for doing the unbelievable and even making it.

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Enough of this "we need a QB" crap. Gibbs doesn't need Payton Manning to win a superbowl, he needs a smart quarterback that's smart with the ball and makes plays when they are there....in other words Burnell. You think a guy (Cambell) who has never started a NFL game is gonna take the skins to the super bowl? :doh: Championships are won and lost in the trenches, thats what redskin football is. The O-line was is bad shape heading into the playoffs, really after the 2nd dallas game. We had no offense because we couldn't block, not because of the play of our "skill" position players.

It's been a good season, one we haven't seen in a long time. It's a good time to be a redskins fan. :dallasuck

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If you think our defense got us to this point soley then you are an idot!

The entire team got the wins to advance us to the playoffs. YES we rode our defense in the playoffs, but the season was a success because we had an offense that scored points. You metnion looking at the numbers, well we are in the top tier in offense and defense. PLUS WE had a running back who broke the redskins single season rushing record, and a wide receiver that broke the redskins single seaon receiving yards record. But the defense carried us the entire season....

What an idiot! :doh:

I commend the team on a GREAT season. This was a tough game and the officiating didnt help us out either. But all in all just a great effort by the team and I cant wait until the offseason and the draft so we can fine tune some things..

Go Skins!

I was talking about the defense carrying MArk Brunelll, not Portis. Portis held his own! When Brunell could not make plays for the offense, the defense stepped up and made plays! Thats what I was saying dumb ass!!!

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Great Season...I had a good feeling about this season before it started...but they really exceeded all of my expectations, and certainly ALL of our expectations.

I must admit I was disappointed about the game today as there were a few plays that could have been called better and our O-Line could have blocked for Brunell better, but overall I'm just happy with the fact that they made the Divisional round.

As much as Brunell did for us (and it's all appreciated) I feel that Jason Campbell should get a chance to show his stuff. We need a QB that can pass under duress in the big games.



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