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Remember January 1987


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With us being 9.5 point underdogs going into Seattle just remember Chicago in the 1986 Divisional Playoffs.

The Redskins were coming off of a short work week playing a Wild Card Game on Sunday and then playing in Chicago on the next Saturday against the defending Super Bowl Champions Bears. 7.5 Underdogs in the Windy City with several injuries and a Chicago Paper printed in their sports section the day of the Game “Bears Ready, if Redskins Show Up” Curtis Jordan said “We have been the sisters of the poor all week 7.5 under dogs and no respect”

Redskins 27

Bears 13

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You know I would have scoffed at this email a few months ago, being that I thought tales and stats from years past didn't mean a thing....


the game in Arizona, and when someone told the the numbers that is Joe Gibb's all time record in December, then when won we 5 straight and now all I can say is I love your post, that is great man ... and those were the bears are hard nosed tough NFC team, not a soft transplat like the Seattle

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Isn't that the same game that Darrell Green injured his ribs while returning the ball off of a punt/kick/interception? (I can't remember which one) Great game and I think the Skins are poised to do it again. No one and I mean NO ONE! is picking the Redskins to even put up any competition in this game. I hope the Skins prove them wrong!


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Isn't that the same game that Darrell Green injured his ribs while returning the ball off of a punt/kick/interception? (I can't remember which one) Great game and I think the Skins are poised to do it again. No one and I mean NO ONE! is picking the Redskins to even put up any competition in this game. I hope the Skins prove them wrong!


That's the one! I was at the Championship Game against Minnesota when Joe Gibbs was down on his knees paraying. Darrell Green also made the game saving tackle against Darren Nelson at the two yard line on fourth and goal to seal a trip to the Superbowl!

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That was a great playoff run that year. I remember in the NFC Championship game, I stood up in my living room, pacing, the entire 4th quarter. :)

I remember when Gibbs got down on his knees on that 4th down play. I almost mimicked his posture (though I just barely got down on one knee :) ).

When that pass was incomplete, I just jumped up and down for like several minutes while a friend of ours (who is a Vikings fan) just hung his head and said "CRAP!" :laugh:

It was a great day. :)

I see a lot of similarities in these two teams. Niether is a dominant team, but are both tough and scrappy and never give up.

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Yes, remember it very well actually this works in the teams' favor really and I really do think they relish it I am sure they have heard the remarks of Shaun Alexander and of all people a kicker :doh: and the media. I really believe the seahawks is in for a game that they weren't barging for no matter what the end result will be the Seahawks will know they were in a dog fight.

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Some of you are way off. The game where Darrell hurdled the Chicago tackler and ran back the punt for a TD was the next year - January 1988. Then we beat Minnesota at home to advance to the Super Bowl where we tore Denver a new one.

BTW, I hate to kill people's memories, but in that Minny game, the ball just bounced off Darren Nelson's chest. He flat out dropped it. Green didn't hit him until a split second later.

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Some of you are way off. The game where Darrell hurdled the Chicago tackler and ran back the punt for a TD was the next year - January 1988. Then we beat Minnesota at home to advance to the Super Bowl where we tore Denver a new one.

BTW, I hate to kill people's memories, but in that Minny game, the ball just bounced off Darren Nelson's chest. He flat out dropped it. Green didn't hit him until a split second later.

He knew better than to catch that one!

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this team like the 87 team is a clasic gibsb team. win anyway possible. only one gibbs team was trully dominant and that was the great team of 91. this team gets no respect because of the spoiling people get from teams like the colts, who throw up 40 to win. i learned along time ago a win is a win. the key is to score more than ur oppenet and all i can say is the media says we can;t score enough to beat them. i say the seahwaks can;t score enough on our defense to win. win ior lose the skins will show up and after this game win or lose people will see what makes joe gibbs a hall of famer. this season is beyond my expectations but that doesn;t mean i don;t have a new goal. no one gets to the playoffs just to get to the playoffs. theres one goal and no man takes what u work for. the seahwaks have erned nothing and must take it if they want it. all i know is this skins team doesn;t give anything to anyone and a 9.5 underdogg makes it seem like we have no reason to be here. well in 24 hrs the world will sht there pants and say damn thats the best 4-12 team i have seen lol. man i am glad we suck so bad. makes winning so much more enjoyable. go skins, go gibbs and hail to the redskins

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u know whats funny is that we are conffusing play off wins and stuff. lol when the seahwaks have not one a playoff game in 21 years. they would love to have our history lol. let joe be joe. walk tall joe talk quietly but carry a big stick. that big stick is GW and that killer d baby.

I love hoe people run there mouths when they have done squat. to this point in the year the skins have done more than the seahawks. we will teach them that football is not won in vegas, not won in the mdeia, won on the field. and don;t open ur mouth or sean taylor will spit in it and insert his foot. love this team. love sean taylor (stop spitting damn) and i love ole joe. hell i even like daniel snyder because he is a real fan. he is burgandy and gold and might have made mistakes but he just wanted to win. he got joe back.

like the blues brothers said. "hey we getting the band back together, we on a mission from god"

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Yes, I remember that game well. We beat the Los Angeles Rams in the wildcard game and played Chicago the following week and won 27-13 at Soldier field. That win in particular was one of my all time favorite wins ever as a Redskins fan. Our defense put the clamps on Doug Flutie that day altough Willie Gault did beat Darrell Green on a bomb that day. Still I remember Dexter Manley and Charles Mann played great and our special teams and offense played really well that day.

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We know the playoffs were in '88, but it's still considered the 1987 Washington Redskin team as that's the year the season was played.

We played Chicago two straight years in the playoffs, 1986-1987 and 1987-1988 and beat them both times at Soldier Field. The score of the 86/87 playoff game was 27-13 and the score of the 87/88 game was 21-17.

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Some of you are way off. The game where Darrell hurdled the Chicago tackler and ran back the punt for a TD was the next year - January 1988. Then we beat Minnesota at home to advance to the Super Bowl where we tore Denver a new one.

BTW, I hate to kill people's memories, but in that Minny game, the ball just bounced off Darren Nelson's chest. He flat out dropped it. Green didn't hit him until a split second later.

To expound on this--we beat Chicago in Chicago two straight years, in Jan '87 AND '88. Fuji above, to start the thread, is talking about the Jan '87 game. BUT we got shut out by the Giants in the NFC Champ game that season. The following year, we didn't play in the Wild Card game, beat Chicago 21-17, then beat Minnesota, the Denver in the Super Bowl.

I don't remember which year was the one Green hurdled the player on the punt return TD though.

EDIT: See two threads above...I'm too slow of a typer, I guess!

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"I remember when Gibbs got down on his knees on that 4th down play. I almost mimicked his posture (though I just barely got down on one knee :) )."

I have watched many a Redskins game on my knees in font of the TV... Hell if it was not so gross I might have actually got down on them and prayed at the stadium as well :)


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Alright I got it now the original thread was about the January 87 playoff game but we somehow got side tracked into talking about the 88 playoff run, which led to a Super Bowl trophy.

Sometimes it's hard being a Redskins fan and having to remember all these important dates, man Seattle fans have it so easy, Steve Largent.

:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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