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Read this and tell me your thoughts,i got this from a Seahawks message board


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Six wins against St. Louis, S.F., and Arizona. Two gift wins against NYG and Dallas. I have a gut feeling that the SKINS are going to win. Nobody shows the SKINS any respect. The SKINS will use that to their advantage and bring back a big W. I feel it!!

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Somebody on here mentioned that the Seattle corners could simply play off and stop the 'Skins passing game. So Moss will run a slant and burn the subpar secondary for a couple touches on what should be 7 yard completions. Or, perhaps he and Cooley will catch 5 or 6 screens before the corners start to play up, and then Moss will burn them deep.

As for Portis, I hope he can stay healthy all game. I think that the O Line will play an inspired game because they know they have to keep that D Line off of him. As an O Lineman, you don't get a whole lot of glory, so you have to live vicariously through your backs, and O Lineman take pride in protecting them. Should Portis have to go to the sideline, Betts will come in and run straight up the gut in a completely different style and will definitely shock a D-Line that will, at that point, have been hit hard all day long.

The Seahawks played 5 games against the 3 worst defenses in the League, and two more against the Cardinals. They also played Tennessee (22nd Rush D), Atlanta (26th rush D), and Indianapolis WHEN NO ONE WAS PLAYING. Alexander rushed for 12 of his touchdowns in games against St. Louis (30 Overall), Houston (31 Overall) and San Francisco (32 Overall). He rushed for 6 against the Cardinals, 1 against Tennessee, 1 against Atlanta and 2 against the Colts. That's 22 of his 28 touches. Might have been interesting to see what he would have done if he had rushed against some better Defenses all year long. This is not to say that he isn't a great back and the Skins need to game plan for him, for sure. But, I'm sure that Williams has done just that.

The Redskins have been playing as underdogs almost all year long, and especially for the last few games. Even the game at Philly, the talking heads were saying what a tough game it was going to be. I think that the Redskins secondary will be able to hold the receiving corps(es) from Seattle in check. And, like another poster said, if anyone comes over the middle, they'll need two body bags to take him off the field...one for his body, the other one for his head.

The D is just too good and playing too inspired right now for them to give up a ton of points.


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This is NOT going to be a close game: Seahawks 49 - Redskins 17

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You will be eating crow Saturday. What a ridiculous prediction, you must be an extension of Tubfart.

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There is absolutely zero chance we lose this game. It won't even be close.

That is the most foolish, unintelligent post I have ever seen. Nobody with any football knowledge at all would make such a stupid statement. You must be another of the legions of "rah rah" fans that just came around and never watches a regular season game unless there's food and friends.

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correct me if I am wrong but didnt the Redskins BEAT Seahawks in week 4 the only game they truly won hand downs was against the 49ers and he Eagles now that SA big accomplishment

this will be a close game because why not thats what we have been doin all season

Redskins prevail 24-21

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Seattle will find out in the postseason that playing the Rams, Cardinals and 49ers during the season didn't really prepare them for a real battle. The Redskins would have gone 6-0 against these teams too. In fact they did beat ALL three teams during the regular season. Nothing like playing at Philly or at Dallas on Monday Night.

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5) Their two TDs both came off of silly turnovers. One was an INT that was thrown directly to Arrington. The other was a cheap fumble with some amazing bounces. Neither Matt nor Shaun have been careless with the ball this year. Both are FAR more experienced than their Buc counterparts. I'm not even remotely concerned with our ability to protect the ball.

How quickly Hawk fans forget that we DID force a fumble on Alexander, it just went straight out of bounds. I believe that was on a scoring drive as well. Alexander doesn't get hit very hard all season...I hope he's prepared. This defense hits harder than the entire NFC West combined.

We'll stack 6 in the box to slow down the run.

Your lack of football knowledge is astounding.

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How many times did Simms throw passes that seemed to be aimed at the helmet of the O-line? Hass won't do that.

I see Moss getting a couple of TD's

Defensing TB was easy-Double Galloway, play to stuff the run, and let Simms beat you with no WR's and no TE. Try that next week and Hass will still have JJ, Engram(is the guy ever covered?) and Stevens to throw to.

Philip Daniels will spend most of the game on his back after another pancake by WJ.

Lofa will drill Portis and he'll be done due to his shoulders.

Hawks 42, Skanks 23. Look at who your D padded their stats against down the stretch. No one good(don't tell the Giants were any good when you played the second game, and Bledsoe was a screw up from the time he threw that INT in Seattle). Last decent team you played was SD and we all know how the D folded down the stretch as well as how they folded against TB in the last 2 minutes(and against Seattle too).

Did I mention Hawks 42, Skins 23?

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How many times did Simms throw passes that seemed to be aimed at the helmet of the O-line? Hass won't do that.

I see Moss getting a couple of TD's

Defensing TB was easy-Double Galloway, play to stuff the run, and let Simms beat you with no WR's and no TE. Try that next week and Hass will still have JJ, Engram(is the guy ever covered?) and Stevens to throw to.

Philip Daniels will spend most of the game on his back after another pancake by WJ.

Lofa will drill Portis and he'll be done due to his shoulders.

Hawks 42, Skanks 23. Look at who your D padded their stats against down the stretch. No one good(don't tell the Giants were any good when you played the second game, and Bledsoe was a screw up from the time he threw that INT in Seattle). Last decent team you played was SD and we all know how the D folded down the stretch as well as how they folded against TB in the last 2 minutes(and against Seattle too).

Did I mention Hawks 42, Skins 23?


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Seattle only scored 17 points on the Redskins in the first meeting, I don't see the Hawks as a better offense now than then.

In fact if anything the Redskins are the team that has improved over the course of the season in forging a team identity and positive chemistry.

Seattle had that coming into the season based on their playoff appearance last season.

The two factors that are in Seattle's favor are the homefield advantage and the extra week of rest.

The extra week of rest rather than Alexander may be the Redskins biggest challenge given the lengthy injury list.

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Seattle only scored 17 points on the Redskins in the first meeting, I don't see the Hawks as a better offense now than then.
Not a flame by any stretch of the imagination, but if you truely believe this you are in the minority. In addition to having nearly the entire season to continue to work together, the #1 and #2 receivers are returning to the lineup in full health.
In fact if anything the Redskins are the team that has improved over the course of the season in forging a team identity and positive chemistry.

Seattle had that coming into the season based on their playoff appearance last season.

Actually, improved team chemistry is one of the biggest reasons why Seahawk fans are so optimistic this year. There's no doubt that there have been destructive (albeit talented) players in the Seahawk locker room the past several years.

Seattle has improved chemistry, but it's not based on last year's playoff appearance. It's based on removing destructive players during the off season.

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Re: Read this and tell me your thoughts,i got this from a Seahawks message board

My thoughts are that it is is a very well written and thoughtful post. Not spewing off meaningless crap, but real hard facts. Let's face it, the Hometown Boys are favored BY THE PROFESSIONAL ODDSMAKERS by more than a touchdown. Think about that for a second...the pros are handing the Redshins a free TD+, and still expecting the Hawks to win. If you follow football, you know that an eight and a half point spread is a large in the NFL...in regular season games...in a playoff game, it is simply mammoth and really unheard of. For those of you who will say, "who cares about the spread, it doesn't matter, blah blah blah..." Well, they are Professionals for a reason, they are rarely wrong. Of course, anything can happen in the NFL on any given Sunday, as the saying goes, but I'm afraid there is just too much going against the Redshins and their favorite classy son, Spit Taylor.

On the bright side, the Redshins really should thank the Hawks (and specifically, Josh Brown) for missing two FG's in regulation. Without those misses, this board would be as quiet as a mouse and the Redshins would be boarding planes for their favorite vacation destinations (to which I say, go ahead and book those flights Sunday, boys...it's a looooong offseason).

Don't get me wrong, I am a big Mark Brunell fan, having watched him lead the Huskies to a National Championship...but get real, that was what, 1892? When Mark entered the league, they didn't take planes to the games, they rode in horse and buggys.

Finally, I would like to wish you all good luck and good health in the offseason. It was really a valiant effort by your team, but alas, all things must come to and end, and this week that enevitably will happen to the Redshins.

Oh, and for some excellent reading, I just came across this article written by NBC Sports:


Happy New Year!!




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Our corners will have no trouble doubling Moss - your only threat.

We'll stack 6 in the box to slow down the run.

Brunell is old and hurt - he can't move in the pocket or run for a first down.

We have the #1 offense in the NFL (pts scored).

We're playing at home - just ask the Giants what that means.

I'm not rich, but I put down $250 on the Seahawks as 9.5 pt favorites. There is absolutely zero chance we lose this game. It won't even be close.

Your name suits you perfectly.

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How many times did Simms throw passes that seemed to be aimed at the helmet of the O-line? Hass won't do that.

I see Moss getting a couple of TD's

Defensing TB was easy-Double Galloway, play to stuff the run, and let Simms beat you with no WR's and no TE. Try that next week and Hass will still have JJ, Engram(is the guy ever covered?) and Stevens to throw to.

Philip Daniels will spend most of the game on his back after another pancake by WJ.

Lofa will drill Portis and he'll be done due to his shoulders.

Hawks 42, Skanks 23. Look at who your D padded their stats against down the stretch. No one good(don't tell the Giants were any good when you played the second game, and Bledsoe was a screw up from the time he threw that INT in Seattle). Last decent team you played was SD and we all know how the D folded down the stretch as well as how they folded against TB in the last 2 minutes(and against Seattle too).

Did I mention Hawks 42, Skins 23?


:stop: stop giving Richmond VA an even worse reputation.

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:stop: stop giving Richmond VA an even worse reputation.

Richmond doesn't need my help, Home to Michelle Mitchell, The Richmond City Council follies, 6th street Market Place, The Performing Arts Center hole in the ground, and a very high per capita murder rate. They are doing just fine without me.

Did I mention Hawks 42, Skins 23?

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