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igglephans on Portis' Mom


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You are the only one who doesn't know what's going on.

For the last time......



YOUR STADIUM SUCKS!!! (we just humiliated you there)

And everyting about you sucks...........

We sent you to the superbowl last year as the pride of the NFC......

Guess what?


And you still suck!

And you will always suck!

And we kicked your ass not once........but twicw this year!

Can you spell suck?????


Have a nice off season!


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First of all....can any of these Philthy Iggles fans learn how to TYPE and SPEAK correctly....I mean dayum...its like reading a first graders homework...I can not even understand the point of most of the posts and I am not going to even try to decipher and justify their ignorance..I go to school in Philthy...and its just not the football fans who have the disease there is plenty of ignorance to go around....

:eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck

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Yeah, I find it hard to believe anyone on that website is over 14. If there is such a thing as a respectable Philly fan - they probably don't go to that site because they're embarrassed. The fact is, Mrs. Portis could probably take every one of them one on one.

I sure wish I could get a pic of a bloodied nose Eagles fan..cuz then I would stoop to their level...

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She should have knowed what to expects from us.

You come to Philly wearing your colors be prepared to rumbles. That how it is.

She has luck she not sit down in my sexion. We would have busted her up with more than beer if she talk that "Go Skin" crap around us.

(I will not edit this filth)We get her to go to private area on some pretenses and then we get a gang together to bukkake her and make her look like a glazed donuts then we sends her back to Cliton with her saggy breasts ecsposed and a smile. See how many yards he get then huh.

I don't care if she Ronald McDonalds mother you don't come to Philly disrespecting us wearing another teams colors. Never ever ever.

My Granpop taughts my Pop-- my Pop taughts me-- and one days I'll teach my son how we defends the turf.

We may not win know championships but we sure knows how to put a hurting on peoples that buck us.

That is all.

Too bad his "granpop" didn't teach spelling or English Grammar. You know; gram·mar pron.jpg ( P ) Pronunciation Key (grabreve.gifmprime.gifschwa.gifr)


    1. The study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences.
    2. The study of structural relationships in language or in a language, sometimes including pronunciation, meaning, and linguistic history.


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These are actual grown men on that Eagles site? Wow. Unbelievable. And they are breeding?

Lord help this planet.

EDIT: Maybe the Eagles should be made aware of this stuff, to see what their fanbase is up to. I wonder if they would care what kind of absolute Neanderthal animals are following their team.

I need a shower now.

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I swear I didn't make this up....this is from that thread :doh:

#194850, "RE: I really don't doubt that"

In response to Reply # 6

She should have knowed what to expects from us.

You come to Philly wearing your colors be prepared to rumbles. That how it is.

She has luck she not sit down in my sexion. We would have busted her up with more than beer if she talk that "Go Skin" crap around us.

We get her to go to private area on some pretenses and then we get a gang together to bukkake her and make her look like a glazed donuts then we sends her back to Cliton with her saggy breasts ecsposed and a smile. See how many yards he get then huh.

I don't care if she Ronald McDonalds mother you don't come to Philly disrespecting us wearing another teams colors. Never ever ever.

My Granpop taughts my Pop-- my Pop taughts me-- and one days I'll teach my son how we defends the turf.

We may not win know championships but we sure knows how to put a hurting on peoples that buck us.

That is all.


"If god loves the Eagles like he's supposed too watch out because Roy Williams will get his soon enough!!!" Ezekiel the profit

Taught? He used the word taught? By his insanely immature speak and disgusting grammar and spelling, I'd say he has never been 'taught' a thing in his life. Plus, what well-to-do, self-respecting father and/or grandfather would teach their child/children to support the Iggles???:doh:

What an assclown. It truly scares me knowing that there are people of such stupidity in the world.

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