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Time To Rally Around Patrick Ramsey!!! (Merged)


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I like the guy, he played great in relief of Mark.

I'm not trying to start a quarterback controversy, because I'm not a coach, and if my opinion was worth two cents, one, I'd be charging two cents for you to read this, and two, I'd be a coach.

BUT, we are ALL fans, and EVERYBODY needs to support ALL the Redskins, especially if there's an injury to an important member of our team.

I would say the same thing for anybody, be it Campbell or whomever, we need to rally around Patrick, and show him support.

Furthermore, I've heard that Patrick Ramsey indeed knows about us here on extremeskins, and he's been known to glance our site from time to time, so if your reading this...

First, let's hope Mark is alright.

But, if he's not, and it's your go, don't forget what Doug Williams was able to do, theres alot of history here, and I for one want to say that You've got my undying support to kick some ass...


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thats the Christmas spirit, come on fans, it's not about whether or not Patrick Ramsey is or is not your guy, he may in fact be the TEAM'S GUY in 1 week, and we are all fans of this team, so by default, people need to get on their feet and support this guy, have faith, that Gibbs' December magic is going to be there on Sunday, no matter whose behind the center.

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Patrick Ramsey has shown in the past that he's capable. And he's shown in the past that he's not worthy. But he played well against the Giants. I think unlike under Spurrier, he has good coaches calling the right plays at the right time, and he has better players around him, which will only make him better. I didn't see the Bears game when he was pulled after an injury earlier this year, but whatever he did wrong couldn't have been worthy of him being benched. Brunell has played to a pro bowl level this year, and I think Patrick Ramsey can quarterback the Redskins to a big victory over the Eagles in Philadelphia!!!

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Patrick Ramsey has shown in the past that he's capable. And he's shown in the past that he's not worthy. But he played well against the Giants. I think unlike under Spurrier, he has good coaches calling the right plays at the right time, and he has better players around him, which will only make him better. I didn't see the Bears game when he was pulled after an injury earlier this year, but whatever he did wrong couldn't have been worthy of him being benched. Brunell has played to a pro bowl level this year, and I think Patrick Ramsey can quarterback the Redskins to a big victory over the Eagles in Philadelphia!!!

You never know, I mean neither of us would have thought that Brunell would be resurrected here in Washington this year after last season's performance, and we do have a Super Bowl Trophy partly due to the fact that a back up, Redskin great, Doug Williams, stepped up and made it happen....

not alot of other franchises can boast that.

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If you're a Skins fan you better be cheering for who's under center... esp in games that can get us into the playoffs.

I love Ramsey and I'll support him regardless. When/if Brunell is in there, I'll be pulling just as hard for him.

Come on people, it's time to rally around ALL the members of this TEAM.

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It was great at the game when the crowd started chanting "Let's go, Ramsey!" as soon as he came in.

Our offense looks so solid right now that the QB actually doesn't have to do much - Ramsey and Brunell are both very capable of managing the game and making the throws we need. Gibbs has always been able to plug QB's into his system and be successful, and I'm cheering for anyone in a Redskins uniform at this point.

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I have always liked Patrick Ramsey, he is a class act and a team player with all that has happened to him in Washington. Eventhough he will probably not be a Redskin in 06 he will have a lot to prove this Sunday in Philly.

This will more than likely be is finale with the Redskins and hopefully he can lead us to the one win we need to make the post season.


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Job well done Patrick!...There are alot of fan's that gave up on you and talked some trash. Most fans say that cambell will take over (I hope not), again you prove yourself in a "very" critical game...You had a tough first game before you got pulled out and replaced...Maybe it was a "tuff day " not a bad day that had to do with it, maybe it had something to do with you working against the #1 rated "D" in the National Football League "Da Bears". Patrick I and many others still believe in your leadership, skill's and positive attitude...U ROCK! Thank you!

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Don't worry folks, Patrick has all the tools. He always has. His benching in the first game was probably a blessing in disquise. And by watching Brunell excel for most of the year, it has probably helped Ramsey become smarter, and even learn from Mark's mistakes along the way too. He sure was quicker getting rid of the ball than he used to be. In the pre-season he seemed to worry he was gonna make a mistake and that's probably when he would throw a pick, but when he settled down and started using his instincts, he would excel. I believe it may be Ramsey's time to shine. He's still young and will improve the more he plays in this system.

And if you're reading this Pat:

Don't worry - just have fun and let 'er rip! You're a champion in the making!

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Job well done Patrick!....Alot of fans still believe in you, I really didn't know what to think when you got pulled because it was a Gibb's call, had that been any other coach I would have gone crazy! Again you prove yourself, congrats, I watched that first game and you had a tuff day ,not a bad day, maybe it had something to do with that #1 rated "D" in the National Football League "Da Bears"......I believe Patrick.....U ROCK!..Thanks, now maybe fans will stop saying Cambell.

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Hey Patrick, you certainly have my back. Your TD pass to Moss and sound pocket poise were indeed good signs for the future. If Mark can't heal fast enough for the Beagles game, then we all fully support you at the helm. Throw a couple bombs to Moss for TD's next week, please? If you don't mind, a swing pass or two to Cooley for a couple TDs would be appreciated.

Bring on the Eagles!

Go Patrick!



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Patty can do it on Sunday, I think the guy is determined to do well and wants to prove Ramsey haters (like me) wrong. Lets do it Pat, I'm willing to jump on your bandwagon if you throw 2 TD and dont throw any picks.

But you're perfectly willing to overlook Brunell's fumbles and the pick for TD yesterday??

No QB is mistake-free, is my point. If Patrick does a good job, we'll see that, whether or not a ball gets batted in the air (as happens) or even if he throws a pick.

A turnover can't be occasion for people to chime in with the same old nonsense about Ramsey, unless the circumstances and the REST of his performance indicate such.

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If I recall, when Gibbs opted to go with Brunell over Ramsey for the Dallas MNF game, many of us were very against the move, considering that Ramsey still had not really been given a fair chance in the regular season. Brunell obviously made us quickly forget that, BUT I think Ramsey still has much to prove. He was not that bad in the first half against Chicago, and if you remember, he connected with Moss on a 50+ yard reception. Don't mistake me for saying that Ramsey should rightfully be the starter, but let's remember how he has been treated in his career as a Redskin.

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Mark faught hard to get us to this point, he deserves to play if he is healthy for the game. :doh:

He wont be 100%.

I hope Gibbs doesn't make the mistake he made with Brunell in 9 games in 2004. If he is hurt he will hurt the team.

Ramsey is better anyway. :eaglesuck

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I think that Patrick Ramsey is a better at throwing the ball and accuracy than Brunell.

He just gets so nervous in the pockets, and he usually gets sacked. The coach a couple of years ago didn't have that pocket protection that he needed, he got sacked more than any quarterback iv'e ever seen, and he has been nervous ever since. Coach Gibbs told him to sit out a year, and then play as starter, obviously he is ready. I think he should be starter next year.

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I think that Patrick Ramsey is a better at throwing the ball and accuracy than Brunell.

He just gets so nervous in the pockets, and he usually gets sacked. The coach a couple of years ago didn't have that pocket protection that he needed, he got sacked more than any quarterback iv'e ever seen, and he has been nervous ever since. Coach Gibbs told him to sit out a year, and then play as starter, obviously he is ready. I think he should be starter next year.

I like your optimism, but think it might be a bit early for that. :eaglesuck

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