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Chris Cooley separates from Wife


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First off Mr. "Don't Judge"-

I am Jewish- not exactly a Christian right wing bible thumper.

Secondly, I have EVERY right to judge someone. This is still America, and I have the right to hold whatever the heck opinion I want to hold.

Now, back to the case at hand. Even being seperated means in many states you are committing adultery if you sleep with someone before the divorce is finalized.

Do I expect everyone to abide by this? No, but it doesn't mean you sleep with cheerleaders- and probably lie about being married to them as they both have stated.

Now, let's take everything you say is true. He was seperated, his wife did not mind. He STILL had an improper relationship with cheerleaders, REGARDLESS of the nature of the relationship. Hence they were dismissed from the team.

That is being a scuzzball. There are thousands if not tens of thousands of other women he could date- but he cost them their "careers" as cheerleaders, subjected them to ridicule and caused this whole furor.

that my friend is being a scuzball.

Regardless, you are still a bible thumping christian

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Now, let's take everything you say is true. He was seperated, his wife did not mind. He STILL had an improper relationship with cheerleaders, REGARDLESS of the nature of the relationship. Hence they were dismissed from the team.

That is being a scuzzball. There are thousands if not tens of thousands of other women he could date- but he cost them their "careers" as cheerleaders, subjected them to ridicule and caused this whole furor.

that my friend is being a scuzball.

I believe the cheerleaders had a choice in whether to sleep with Cooley or not. they knew the consequences with fratenizing with members of the team. If they wanted to keep their "career" as a cheerleader.. then I believe they would not have put it in jeopardy.

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First off Mr. "Don't Judge"-

I am Jewish- not exactly a Christian right wing bible thumper.

Secondly, I have EVERY right to judge someone. This is still America, and I have the right to hold whatever the heck opinion I want to hold.

You are absolutely correct -- you can judge whoever you want to. I personally (and most respectable people I know) choose not to judge anyone; that's just a tenet I choose to live my life by. I used to think it was a pretty common thing, maybe I was mistaken.

Now, back to the case at hand. Even being seperated means in many states you are committing adultery if you sleep with someone before the divorce is finalized.

Do I expect everyone to abide by this? No, but it doesn't mean you sleep with cheerleaders- and probably lie about being married to them as they both have stated.

Well, it is the 21st century, not 1950. When people get separated in this day and age and agree to see other people (which for all we know could have happened -- I have no idea myself) its pretty accepted. You can be a stickler and say he's scum by not sticking to the letter of the law, but in cases like this, I think its the wife's feelings that are more important than the law...just my opinion. If you're in the process of getting divorced and both people are seeing others -- its not a big deal.

Now IF he was "happily" married, and the wife had no idea and THEN he went and did whatever with some cheerleaders -- then I would say you and the other shame-shame-shamers have some basis for your finger pointing. But, nobody knows the full details, thus nobody should say anything about it.

Now, let's take everything you say is true. He was seperated, his wife did not mind. He STILL had an improper relationship with cheerleaders, REGARDLESS of the nature of the relationship. Hence they were dismissed from the team.

That is being a scuzzball. There are thousands if not tens of thousands of other women he could date- but he cost them their "careers" as cheerleaders, subjected them to ridicule and caused this whole furor.

that my friend is being a scuzball.

Dude -- you act as if the cheerleaders had no say in the matter...Chris just kind of pointed at them and they wilted in lust and could not refrain from jumping his bones. :rolleyes:

Last time I checked, a relationship took two people...and both had the power to say "yes" or "no" when asked out or whatever. So to pin that on Cooley makes it look like you're gunning for the guy. Not to mention, you STILL have no idea how that went down (unless you're staking CC). He may have said, "Listen girls, I don't want to get you fired" and they may have said "Its okay, cheerleading is only something we do for fun on the weekends, we want to do this." You have no idea.

So you are basing your "scuzzball" comment on something which you have no idea about. That, my friend, makes you a gossip.

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I believe the cheerleaders had a choice in whether to sleep with Cooley or not. they knew the consequences with fratenizing with members of the team. If they wanted to keep their "career" as a cheerleader.. then I believe they would not have put it in jeopardy.

EXACTLY. Its not like they are putting themselves through college with the cheerleading jobs -- what do they make, like $50 a game or something? They knew exactly what they were doing, and made a concious choice.

Maybe Air Force Cane's relatioships have all been of the hit-her-over-the-head-and-drag-her-back-to-the-cave variety, but all of mine have been the consensual type.

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People are you really getting worked up over "scuzzball" WTF is a scuzzball? lol

Cooley is a "boogerhead"

bring it on! :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Point taken -- I guess it wasn't the name itself, it was the pretentious act of judging another man when they knew little to nothing about the circumstances that ticked me off.

So suck on that, poopy-face!! :laugh:

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Yes, because when a man cheats on his wife, we shouldn't hate the playa, just the game. :laugh:

No, because you're all passing judgment on a guy when you have no idea what the circumstances were. It's like listening to a bunch of high school girls ranting and raving.

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Well since 'judging" seems to be pretty unaccaptable in these parts, I guess I'll just say that this guy is not exactly the kind of guy whose name I want on the back of my redskin jersey. I'm glad he's playing for us, because he's a very good football player, but he doesn't seem to be a stand up guy. I hope I'm wrong.

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No, because you're all passing judgment on a guy when you have no idea what the circumstances were. It's like listening to a bunch of high school girls ranting and raving.

Good point. I'm sure CC could rationalize why he felt it was ok to have relations with the cheerleaders.

Talk to people in jail....there is always a reason the silly courts and general public doesn't know which led to them doing what they did. Silly circumstances.

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Good point. I'm sure CC could rationalize why he felt it was ok to have relations with the cheerleaders.

Talk to people in jail....there is always a reason the silly courts and general public doesn't know which led to them doing what they did. Silly circumstances.

Would it be a "silly circumstance" if his wife had cheated on him first?

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Hey Clueless, in this instance, IF true, we wouldn't be judging, God would. The Bible (and common sense) states that adultery is wrong, we're not making the judgement ourselves.

Isn't he Mormon. Which means they believe in polygymy.

Whatever though...it's his personal life. He's a great player, probably a nice guy too. So who cares? since when did you people become the moral jury? No one...I repeat NO ONE has a clean closet.

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Isn't he Mormon. Which means they believe in polygymy.

Whatever though...it's his personal life. He's a great player, probably a nice guy too. So who cares? since when did you people become the moral jury? No one...I repeat NO ONE has a clean closet.

I was referring to the Biblethumper comment, not Cooley's religion. I have no clue what he is. :whoknows:

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lucky cuz he's getting a divorce from his wife now that he's breaking out?

i got love for the guy as a player, but that's chump behavior as a man.

Please, He is a YOUNG man, entering the prime of his life getting more money then he ever thought he could, and he is trying to figure out what he wants in life. His wife obviously wasnt it. Let him live the wild life while he still has his youth. He's not a chump, he's still got some kid left in him. Cheating on your wife isnt right, we all know that, but its not like your dad cheating on your mom while she is at home helping you with your homework kinda thing. Its two young adults finding out that the sex might have been the bomb, but they just wernt compatable. Dont be jealous. :laugh:

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Cooley is very good at getting separation to get open for passes. He has soft hands too.

:laugh: And last I heard, they were calling him "sticky fingers". :doh: that is SO bad, I apologize.....

I really think it is a shame that this divorce is happening. And there is no good time for a divorce, but the holidays make it so much harder. It seems to me that the Holidays either strengthen or break relationships. (sometimes). It's like a lot of couples break up right before, or during holidays or birthdays. It is sad.

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