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Is Ray Brown fast enough for the outside screens? (Merged x2)


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He was playing Right Tackle last year, where his lack of foot quickness was exposed. Now he's playing Right Guard where he can better utilize his power. It isn't the end of the world, but it certainly hurts.

This is the key. Last year he was playing the bookend, while this year he will have Jansen and Raubach there to help him. It really hurts to loose one of the better guards in the league like Thomas, but we could do worse than look to Brown.

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Thought this might be worth a quick look back:


DOC WALKER - 7/16/05

ES: We’ve been talking big picture, now let me ask you about a couple of roster areas. The starting OL, as we’ve talked about before, has been upgraded with the return of Jansen, the signing of Casey Rabach, the continuity ... but if there is a question mark among many fans, it’s in terms of depth—specifically at guard. Are you comfortable that the team has enough depth along the line in the event they lose a starter again?

DW: Well, don’t forget, you get Ray Brown back at guard. And Ray Brown’s a pro. I’ll tell you what, if you have to throw Ray Brown in a guard ... he fought his guts out and gave you a good performance at tackle where he was clearly out of position ... he’s so bright, so strong—he’s a warrior. Now you get him back as the swing guard and you are strengthening your position. You have Randy Thomas and Derrick Dockery—I think Dock is due to have one of those explosive seasons, and Thomas, again, is another pro, a guy who’s very talented. Now, I agree you want to have a couple of people to step up and show you that they can play if you get a hangnail again at tackle, so you don’t go right back to the same situation you had a year ago. I think it’s a great opportunity for some young tackle to come in there and establish themselves, and I feel very good about the depth. You have great teachers in Joe Bugel and Rennie Simmons who are there to cultivate that. I do think that Extreme fans who question that [depth] are smart, because that really is the primary area right now that I’ll be watching throughout training camp to see who that individual is.

ES: I just guess I see, especially in the middle of the line behind Dock, Rabach and Thomas, some question marks. I know Ray Brown is a great pro, but do you think the idea of him having to start a long string of games again is a real happy prospect?

DW: Don’t doubt Ray. I mean, Ray at guard? Don’t worry about it—trust me. Ray is a freak of nature, man. Ray’s last season in San Francisco, he was in the Pro Bowl. That was what, three years ago? When you think of Ray, you’ve got to think of like [Dennis] Rodman—these genetic freaks. Ray Brown is a pro—he’ll be in condition, he’ll know both positions. If your problem is Ray Brown, you don’t have a problem.

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I haven't read all of the posts, but the answer as to the screens to the outside, especially to the left is "no". Ray's a solid player - still - and I don't doubt his ability to in-line block, and even to pull a short distance to right. But he's just not got the mobility that Thomas has shown. Thomas is relatively unique in the league in that regard, and he was peaking for us. He's been the best o-lineman week in, week out for us this year, so this is a big loss.

Again, we can do worse than Ray Brown. I'll bet the Packers would give their eye-teeth for him right now. But he's no Randy Thomas.

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It sucks losing a guy like Thomas, but I think Brown will do a great job. The guy is a bull and while he isnt as quick as RT, he is fresh and strong as an ox. Charles Mann touched on it last night when he said Ray Brown sandwhiched between Jansen and Rabach is scary. We might have had to worry if he came in at tackle but he can more than hold his own at G. Portis should do just fine next week. 137 yards in 2 games to get the Redskins single season record!

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G is a far more protected O-Linemen spot then T. The only problem is whether or not the sweeps and counters that Randy excelled at playing will still be a weapon. Pass protection shouldn't have a steep drop off but the running game could take a turn for the worse. Hopefully the ol' man can give us 6 great games with limited drop off.

:gaintsuck :eaglesuck :dallasuck

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I'd almost bet that Ray was at the faciliy bright and early this morning, hitting the weights and machines to get ready for this saturday. I'm much less concerned with this loss, than I would be with Jansen or Samuels. Not to downplay the talent of Randy, but we saw what happened when JJ when down last year. Not to mention that he's one of the best locker room assets there. When you have a man that was there throught the last Superbowl we won, I have no worries!!!




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It's true about the pulling, but Gibbs will adjust to what Brown does best. 40 gut and stretch and power. His technique is pretty good on those. Pass protection is

where he may struggle.

I know it's not appropriate for FEDEX but " What can Brown do for you ?" :2cents:

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The team will have to adjust the scheme a little bit to work towards Ray's strengths, but it won't be a devistating loss. Ray Brown is an absolutely devastating staight ahead blocker. The man is simply too strong for almost anyone to take on in closed quarters, especially if you let him come off the ball and drive block.

They will use other lineman as the pull blockers, and let Ray hold the line back home. He will be just fine in that respect. That is why he still here, he is still to this day probably the best straight ahead run blocker they have.

I think they will compensate by letting Ray simply lean on the defense a bit. We may even have better success in the up the gut run game with him in ther than with Randy.

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Does anyone remember how bad he was last yr? And guess what -- he is a yr OLDER now. I love the guy's heart and longevity.....but he is definately not the answer on a consistent basis.

last year he came in and subbed at tackle. guard is his natural position. his power blocking will be at least on par with thomas, and yes, they will suffer in the pulling. surprisingly, dockery has good feet. i'd like to see them start calling some of the pulling plays to the right side, with dockery kicking out in lieu of thomas.

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Remember when Ray Brown played a few snaps against the Giants earlier this year and on his first play in he got popped onto his butt? Hopefully he has that under control by now, or else we're in trouble. Randy is a HUGE loss and our gameplan will be affected. Still, Ray Brown is experienced and hopefully he can give Brunell and Portis time to make something happen.

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Come on people, get your heads out of your asses. How many friggen times do you have to read "He was playing out of position" and thats why he struggled when replacing Samuels.

Did you notice him getting blown up yesterday when Thomas left the game? No. As I recall Betts had some good runs. The Giants defensive tackles are average players, the ends are who are strong in thier d-line. Brown may not be dominationg but he will fill in just fine.

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