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OT - Baseball strike


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Now that the players have set a strike date I have to wonder: Could they have picked a time when we wouldn't care less? Just after the start of college football and just before the start of the NFL season will allow even avid baseball fans to switch gears seamlessly.

I've heard the thought was to encourage a quick agreement since that date wouldn't leave much time before threatening the post-season. Who cares? Regular seasonfootball is better than post-season baseball anyway ... especially the excitement of opening weekend.

Seems to me they would have done better to strike while nothing else was going on ... right after the end of the NHL playoffs for instance.

Anyway, it won't bother me a bit. I like post-season baseball, but as long as it's football season I couldn't care less. :)

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I have coached HighSchool Baseball for 9 years, My dad has for 7 and my younger brother was a high draft choice out of high school. Base ball has been my life. PRO Baseball sucks now. I don't watch anymore. They are a bunch of pu$$ies. The make ridiculous money, they wear armour to the plate and cry and start brawls if the pitcher comes inside. Steroids RULE the game. I know first hand. Note: they drug test in the minors, but only use the results as they see fit. (if a player is producing, they look the other way, if a player is trouble, see ya).

I'm glad Football season is here.

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If they strike just means more room on TV and radio for Terps, Hokie,Navy and Skins football to be watched and discussed.

MLB seems to forget that football is in all of their cities well if you dont include the land of eh and land of flakes and most fans will find other options.

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Baseball has its head in the sand. And this time, I'm with the owners. The Players' Association is greedy at the expense of the game. Watching Glavine stand up and say "They're talking salary cap, and we're not" basically cuts to the heart of the matter. Baseball players and boosters seem to be blind to the fact that it is not the national pasttime. It is New York's pasttime, that's about it. Everywhere else they have no chance in hell to win it all, so the people don't go to games, don't buy the merchandise, don't give a rat's a$$ if they win or lose.

Yet still these guys seem to think that it's some gold standard of sport. Sorry guys, that's the NFL. Parity is wonderful. Everyone but the Bungle fan has a legitimate shot to contend for the crown. I mean, Ravens and Pats, that's all one has to say. The MLB is being outstripped by the NBA and even the NHL; how long before the MLS is laughing at it? Yet still these guys don't realize that it's in the majority of players' interests to have a cap, so guys like Giambi can stay in Oakland and every team has a legit shot at the title. The hubris is disgusting.

And you know what else is gross? Steroid use is flagrant. I don't want to be the guy to rain on Cards fans' parade, but McGwire was so racked with anabolic steroids that it completely invalidates his run at Maris' record. Bonds, too. This year, the MLB has more players with a size 8 head than ever before. Guys, you can lift until the cows come home and the muscle doesn't blow up around the skull. But these guys show the telltale effects: Lantern Jaw, Ginormous noggins, tweaky ligaments that simply can't control the muscles anymore and John Rocker-esque tempers. Remember that Clemens-Piazza fracas a couple years ago? Roids. Look, you don't go into a blind rage and toss a shard of a bat at a player in the World Series on National TV if you're not a roid rager. Ridiculous.

I was watching my Mets get their a$$es handed to them by the Padres last night, and this guy named Trenidad Hubbard was so pumped up it was ridiculous, comical even. A few years ago he played for the Braves and maybe weighed 170, tops. Last night he was at least 225, bulging everywhere, lantern jaw, looked like his skin was going to bust a seam. He was sending balls he hit one-handed, off balance to the warning track every at-bat. Then on a routine one-hopper to center field, he misplayed it because he was so jacked he had no flexibility. It's just embarrasing that he's in the bigs and so fragrantly jacked on anabolics.

The game sucks as it is. The players are cox who need to realize that scorning the fans only weakens the game. Bring on the strike, lock 'em out for 2-3 years, take the union down to its knees, and start all over with a hard cap and random testing.

And then, I'll be happy to bring my dough to Shea on opening day.

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Well said smooty.

Mike Piazza, 62 round draft pick, 168 lbs. Look at him now. When my brother was with the dodgers during spring training a while back, he said Piazza had zits all down his neck and back and you could see where he injected himself in his a$$. What about Brady Anderson, Lenny Dykstra, Darren Daulton, these guys were tiny and then huge.

Screw MLB.

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Please Strike, Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease! If the NFL owners are smart, they can start the season a little earlier by making a couple of the pre season games regular season games. Everyone plays crappy at the start of the season anyway. Then, with less exposure to meaningless games, there's less chance someone getting hurt for basically nothing. Also, I and other fans sure would be happier with the season starting earlier. Strike, strike, strike, strike, STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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After the last strike I vowed to never go to or watch another MLB game. Well it took the homerun derby between Sosa Mcquire to get me to even look at stats. Then the Mets Yankee world series to get me to watch a game on tv again. But I have not gone to a pro game since that strike nor have I bought any mechandise. I have not watched a whole game since that subway series. I really don't care anymore. This strike is either going to kill baseball or save it.

The players and there unions are ruining the game. Don't get me wrong, I love the game of baseball. I go to the minor league AA trenton Redsox's. These guys play because they love the game. They all have hope they are going to make it to the big's but most of them know they aren't. They play there hearts out for the love of the game. They are the only real ball players left. The MLB'ers have lost the passion for the game, they only love there agents and there bank accounts.

If I was an owner I would lock them out. Then bring in all the AA guys at there present salaries and start all over. Then Baseball would be fun again and it would have a rebirth in my opinion.

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I may be mistaken, but didn't the 0-4 Redskins vs. the 0-4 Cowboys on MNF get better head-to-head ratings than an MLB playoff game last year? I don't know anything or care anything about baseball to know for sure, but I think I heard that somewhere.

Strike. Don't strike. Don't care.

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