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Skins O sucks in madden 2k3!!!!

Fred Smoot Fan

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I finally got Madden 2003 for PC today(much better than PS2 version btw) and was I disappointed. Our O is only rated 70 and all QBs are pretty much terrible, I have not been able to hit any WRs in stride yet. I tried playing with Rams and Warner was just throwing lazers right on the money every time, I think Waffle should be bumped up to like 80 or something. Also whats up with no love for Smoot, 79 my @$$(I quickly remidied that problem with roster editing haha). My last preseason game vs Panthers I won 50-7 defense recording 5 INTs, 3 sacks and Bailey returning a pick 65 yds for TD.

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Originally posted by Fred Smoot Fan

I finally got Madden 2003 for PC today(much better than PS2 version btw) and was I disappointed. Our O is only rated 70 and all QBs are pretty much terrible, I have not been able to hit any WRs in stride yet. I tried playing with Rams and Warner was just throwing lazers right on the money every time, I think Waffle should be bumped up to like 80 or something. Also whats up with no love for Smoot, 79 my @$$(I quickly remidied that problem with roster editing haha). My last preseason game vs Panthers I won 50-7 defense recording 5 INTs, 3 sacks and Bailey returning a pick 65 yds for TD.

That's where your GM skills come into play. Build 'em up. If the PC Madden is anything like the PS2 Madden, then you'll see that Patrick Ramsey has a high Throwing Power and Accuracy. If I were you, I'd sim a season or two. Draft some speedsters. Sign, draft or make some trades for some Guards. You'll be good to go after that.

*wondering can I install Madden on my PC at work*

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why would the makers of Maddens make any of the QBs on the Skins that good? None of them have proven anything yet. Wuerffel an 80? Keep in mind when this game was designed, Wuerffel hadn't completed a pass in a real NFL game in like 3 years (he still hasn't) and you expect his video game likeness to be dropping lasers like Kurt Warner?

I am with you on the Smoot rating though! Like Uptown says, boost em up a little to your liking. I boosted Smoot's awareness and tackling and he got up to a 85 or something, which is about right for now. His speed isn't the problem.

I do wonder if the updated rosters/ratings you can get with the PS2 network adapter will make Wuerffel better due to his preseason performance?

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I bought it yesterday for the Cube. And you are defineately right, our O sucks big time.

I simed the seasons with each QB starting (except Sage) and the outcomes were horrible.

With Matthews we went 4-12. David barely got 1000 yards. Gardner and our D were the only bright spots. Gardner had like 113 catches for nearly 1200 yards and all three of our LBs had over 100 tackles.

With Weuffel we went 4-12 again. He would have had better stats then Matthews but he got injured (Sage subbed for him for some reason...). Davis had 1300+ yards. Recievers didn't do much, and only Trotter had 100+ tackles.

With Ramsey...........we went 10-6 for some reason. Go fig.

I'll be buying NFL2k3 to see if we do better there. Gotta love Sega's 2k series.

btw, we're bad but Dallas is worst :laugh:

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Originally posted by Fred Smoot Fan

I finally got Madden 2003 for PC today(much better than PS2 version btw) and was I disappointed. Our O is only rated 70 and all QBs are pretty much terrible, I have not been able to hit any WRs in stride yet. I tried playing with Rams and Warner was just throwing lazers right on the money every time, I think Waffle should be bumped up to like 80 or something. Also whats up with no love for Smoot, 79 my @$$(I quickly remidied that problem with roster editing haha). My last preseason game vs Panthers I won 50-7 defense recording 5 INTs, 3 sacks and Bailey returning a pick 65 yds for TD.

These games are created before any real playing is done this year. They are going on past numbers...too bad....very


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I like the game. I don't mind the skins being rated low w/ the offense, b/c I know my gameplay will bring them up to where they need to be, by the end of the season. Thats what I did last year, and Davis was ranked 98 after 3 seasons.

I plan on using Ramsey, and making him the next Montana. I think this year's AI is amazing. It makes the game a lot more realistic.

Personally, I love it. :pint:

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I can't be the Redskins, I will get too frustrated. I usually simulate a season and wait to see who gets fired and try to turn that team around. It's pretty fun that way.


Do most of you play on Pro or Rookie? I started out on pro and adjusted the sliders for the AI, but still had trouble. The opposing D was too good and I can't consistantly complete passes.

How's this for luck. I simed a season and took over with the Lions after Morningweg got canned. I traded McMahon and got a first round draft pic and got O line help. My team looked good to go. Week one, I came from behind to win with a Joey Harrington TD pass with no time on the clock, only one problem, he broke his ankle and was out for the season. DAMN!!!

I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but there are career ending injuries as well. McNabb broke his leg and was done. Pretty cool.

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How is the Redskin defense on the Madden 2003, besides Smoot? How did Trotter, Armstead, and Arrington look. Is Arrington even part of the defense? It sounds like Madden underestimated the Redskins for this year, just like everybody else. I will never forget how Madden went on and on about the Cowboys during their Super Bowl years, even when he was covering a different game. I know we have only played two pre-season games..but I think we all know that we should be a better team than last year's 8-8.

Maybe we can get Madden to put out a special updated Madden 2k3 (he has a lot of spare time on his long road trips) that is actually based on how team's are doing during the current season. This would allow him to make more people happy and bring in some extra bucks to boot! He will have to upgrade the Skins and downgrade the Cowboys, who will be going with Hutchinson by mid-season, due to Q having a QB rating less than 60.

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You have to type in arrington's name and change his number. I have trouble with the defense, but I think it's me.

You can update the game through out the season with either a "sharkport" or the network adapter that comes out in 2 weeks. That is a pretty cool feature. If they realize the Skins are better, it can be updated.

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Here's my problem with the game. Our defense is rated like a 91. The Seahawks are like 95. Sorry, going to fix that. Haven't played much but the passing game seems much more realistic. I've designed some plays that work but, I can't merge them into a team playbook. So, unless I'm mistaken, I'd have to create a few dozen plays before playing with the playbook. That angers me :).

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Originally posted by SkinsLegacy44

I like the game. I don't mind the skins being rated low w/ the offense, b/c I know my gameplay will bring them up to where they need to be, by the end of the season.



You must be kidding. Having beaten you on countless occasions, I can say that your gameplay is that of a child. I must say that I'm looking forward to continuing my dominance over you in every aspect of 2K3.

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I dont know what u guys are doing but I am putting up around 40 points a game in 5 minute quarters with the skins. I can pass easily at around 400 yards per game but I hardly ever run unless I see someone going stricktly dime or quarter.

Here are my passing tips that will help you guys out. U have to use Shane because he is rated much better in throwing accuracy and power than the other skins qbs. He isnt that bad with fairly high numbers in both areas. Now one play that can pick up big yardage consistently is the fade pattern out of single back formation with 3 wides. I always throw do the receiver doing an out pattern on that one. The key is to use the route based passing system so you can throw the ball to the sideline BEFORE the wr makes his actual break. This nets around 15 yards but if you break a tackle or make someone miss it can get really big yards. This beats man coverage and evevn works well against most of the zones. Other good routes I throw alot are comebacks. These pick up slightly less yardage but are very good routes to pick up YAC on. Other routes that work good are Deep ins. Shorter ins and some of the slants dont work to well but the deeper ones do because you can hit the receiver in the area over the linebackers but infront of deep playing safties. I also throw passes out of the backfield to the backs and that is a fairly safe throw that gets good yardage.

Ok that should help. In 5 minute quarters I would say Im averageing around 380 yards passing, 63% completion, with probably 1 int a game.

Also, I am a new poster and think this board is great I have been reading it for a while but I WILL EASILY WIN THE MADDEN LEAGUE ON THIS BOARD . I will challenge anyone on this board once everyone is playing online I cant wait for a little tournament action!! :D

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Do most of you play on Pro or Rookie? I started out on pro and adjusted the sliders for the AI, but still had trouble. The opposing D was too good and I can't consistantly complete passes.

Yeah on Pro, you must constantly run to set up the pass.

On rookie, it's whatever...the longer runs, however, do come when you pass it alot.

Also when playing Pro or higher, if you use any touch when throwing the ball, interceptions are about 98% likely. Even on short passes. Of course the fact that all of our QBs suck in the game may have something to do with that.

How is the Redskin defense on the Madden 2003, besides Smoot? How did Trotter, Armstead, and Arrington look.

Our LBs look great. Trotter is everywhere. Arrington bats down everything that comes near him. All three are tackling machines.

Our corners are good, but could be better. Smoot is a monster though...in rookie, a normal CB in all the others.

Our D line is ok. Except for Dotson, he's like a 12. Of course that's with no Gardener trade.

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I don't know what you're all whining about. I think Madden is great. You had to expect that Weurffel would be bad. but what makes the game so great is that not only can you increase/decrease certain players attributes, but they're ratings change over the course of a season. Just be patient and you'll come to realize what a great game Madden 2003 is

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