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Fresh Start with Ramsey


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We all are disliking Ramsey right now, but the fans along with the coaching staff should not treat him like a redheaded step child when he comes into to camp. I think we should try to bring him along the same way we would have if he came on time. We might have to give him even more attention. If the Redskins fans and organization treat him with a screw you attitude he may not develope to his potential and that would be a waste. I think we should have a fresh start with Ramsey. He has a very good arm, and with Spurrier teaching he will be a special player in a few years. He could be our QB of the future, so we should just clear the air and give him a fresh start, because it would be a waste to limit his potential. He deserves a little punishment, but we can't be to harsh on our soon to be team leader.

What do you think?

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The thing that turns me off about Ramsey is that he said he wanted to work toward a chance to start this year. Well, actions speak louder than words and his actions say money is more important than being the starter this year.

I understand it's a business but when you act against what you say publicly, you lose trust. And when your agent plays hardball and d!cks around p!ssing people off and you keep your mouth shut and don't talk to the press during negotiations, naturally we're going to think you share your agents stance.

Booing fans don't do a lot for confidence and that puts even more pressure on you to perform. Screw up and we'll be all over you. You have to remember it takes a lot longer to forgive the rich than to forgive the poor.

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Great maxim, riggo.

And the thread is on point, too. Hope the kid can get his head screwed on straight and just take his lumps when they inevitably come, from ol' vets to scattered boos at Fedex.

He'll be OK.

From PFW:

Buchsbaum: We’ll soon find out where the Redskins stand on Ramsey. It’s no secret that they offered him to the Bears in a deal that would’ve involved Chicago’s first-round pick next year and one of the Bears’ backup guards, Mike Gandy from Notre Dame who was a third-round pick in 2001. Apparently, after the strong showing of Danny Wuerffel in Japan, head coach Steve Spurrier feels he can win with the quarterbacks they’ve had since the opening of camp. They didn’t seem to feel any urgency in getting Ramsey into camp, and it looks like he will not be able to compete for the starting job this year. It’ll be interesting to see how Ramsey reacts to this.

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Ramsey has been treated like a dog since he signed. You would have thought he shot somebody. I am glad he is a Redskin and I think that many folks have "assumed" way too much with the negotiations that have taken place the last couple of weeks. You are telling me the Redskin's management that has less than a stellar reputation over the last few years with the way players have been drafted, signed, and treated were "squeaky clean" and that it was all Ramsey's and his agent's fault. I don't think so. I think if we knew all the facts then folks would have a right to be upset. So, unless you were in the meeting with Mendes, Spurrier, Ramsey and his agent, I would hope we can all give the kid at least the benefit of the doubt. He is a Redskin and to me that is all that matters. I think Ramsey has a bright future and it is time for folks to let by-gones be by-gones. Hail to the Redskins!

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Performance heals all wounds...

YDM (You Da Man)! :cool:

Everybody will accept, appreciate and aplaud him ............... if:

-He moves the ball

-Scores TDs

-The team doesn't NEED him due to serious injuries to the rest of the QB staff and he isn't able to perform. If the team should have to turn to him and he falls on his face, THAT might be insurmountable.

Other than that, he'll be fine :high:

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When has Ramsey been treated like a dog since he signed? Happily I was fishing all day, so maybe I missed something. Did somebody speak harshly to the young fella?

Ramsey is just going to have to suck it up for a while. Surely, he knew that there is a slight skepticism in Redskin country toward first round QB picks who don't show up for work on time. He is gonna have to prove himself in a variety of ways.

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Hey Rapid. How about answering a more important question. Did you catch anything?

This whole thing is overblown. Ramsey signed a 5 year contract. That's 250 weeks give or take. How important is two of those weeks? If he had reported on time and then come down with a bad case of the flu, would that be the end of his career? If so, Cliff Russell had better be applying at Home Depot.

A lot of posturing goes on in a high stakes negotiation. Once it's over, it's over.

There's only one guy who's opinion of Ramsey matters. And he's not about to pass on talent because of a two week holdout.

We all saw DW play last week. If he can do that regularly, and if Matthews can play like that as well, Ramsey had no chance of starting no matter when he reported.

Heath was a bust because he couldn't deliver the goods. Arrington held out and it may have delayed his becoming a starter. How much has that affected his career?

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While some of you are trying to spin the it doesnt matter he is in camp, on WTEM Lavar twice told the media and fans that we need to give Ramsey a chance and not turn on him.

So the leader of the defense knows Ramsey is gonna be in for a rude awakening.

All I see is an ungrateful kid who hasnt proven himself get a guaranteed roster spot because he was picked 32nd instead of another young kid that busted his @ss and now may not get a chance unless we go with four QBs.

Ramsey better hope that Sage sucks in the 2nd half against the panthers.

Yeah right that will happen against the 3rd string of the puddy tats.

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Guest Goatroper

The kid needs to put the past behind him and focus on finding a new team to play for next year.

The IR comment says it all.

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Make no mistake about it, I'm disappointed that Ramsey wasn't signed earlier and avialable all throughout camp.

Do I have hard feelings toward Ramsey for holding out? Not one bit. Now that he is a Redskin, he has my whole and uncompromised support. Anything less than that for Patrick or any other Redskin amounts to less than total support for the team, which I'm sure, we can all agree is unacceptable.

That being said, if Patrick is a non-factor this year, Coach Spurrier doesn't see the potential for him to become our QB of the future and the cap implications are reasonable, I would trade him in a minute for Gandy and the Bear's 2nd and 5th next year.

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It's highly unlikely the Redskins will take a $2.4 million cap hit to get rid of Ramsey next offseason. He's here for at least two years now. The holdout is complete. We are not drafting a QB in the first round next year.

Perhaps if a desperate team comes to us and offers a first rounder we might be willing to swallow the hit, but, we aren't swallowing it for a second rounder.

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Originally posted by Hoosierskin

You are telling me the Redskin's management that has less than a stellar reputation over the last few years with the way players have been drafted, signed, and treated were "squeaky clean" and that it was all Ramsey's and his agent's fault. I don't think so. I think if we knew all the facts then folks would have a right to be upset.

Hey Hoosierskin, what are you referring to with the "less than a stellar reputaton" comment?

The only complaints I've ever heard about the Snyder front office are that they sometimes overspend, as was the case in 2000, and that Snyder meddles more than some people prefer.

As to knowing all the facts, we know the key facts:

1. The Redskins offered slotted salary terms to Ramsey from early in the negotiations.

2. Spurrier felt so strongly about the damage from the holdout that he favored trading Ramsey to the Bears.

I don't understand where this should leave us in any way happy with Ramsey and his agent.

Do you understand the irony of Ramsey's contract? He just banked $3.1M -- and he's removed himself from being able to contribute in 2002. In what way should we be happy about this?

I'm also tired of people who minimize this, saying "it's only 16 days lost". It's half of training camp, and it's the part of training camp in which the most basic learning occurs. The second half of training camp is focused more on repetition, not basic learning.

Ramsey also missed many of the offseason workouts, because of league rules prohibiting attendance by rookies prior to their college class graduation date.

There's no time in 2002 for Ramsey to make up for these losses. During the regular season, teams simply review the last game and prepare for the next game. Ramsey will probably spend most of the year preparing our defense by running a simulation of the upcoming offense.

Ramsey had one chance to be in a position to contribute in 2002, and that was to show up on time and do everything right. This is a major blow, and a selfish one.

I don't really care if Ramsey ends up being a great QB. That's irrelevant. I simply don't like him right now -- he's just a distraction, and an expensive one at that.

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