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Air Force Coaches remarks

Redskins Diehard

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For those that haven't heard, the HC at Air Force recently stated that his program needed more minority athletes in order to be competitive.

"It just seems to be that way, that Afro-American kids can run very, very well. That doesn't mean that Caucasian kids and other descents can't run, but it's very obvious to me they run extremely well,"

Here is a link to a complete summary.


Wondering what everyone thinks of this. I think he said something that everyone knows, but most are afraid to say. I think it was Jimmy "the Greek" that made similar comments many years ago and subsequently lost his job.

Just tryng to see everyone's thoughts opinions on this.

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Stereo-typical... don't agree with a preson in his position publicly stating something like this...

I agree...wasn't a smart career move. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Probably should have left it with "we need more speed". I think that option would've have led people to infer what he continued on to actually state.

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One of my high school teachers, who was also the track coach, got off on a tangent in history class one day...

He said the reason his track team was not doing well was because of slavery. As you can imagine, we were a little confused as to what he meant. So he basically went on to say that slave masters would breed the big black men with the big black women to make stronger children. This has led to a stronger, faster race of people...so all his white kids are getting their ass kicked on the track.

Several students reported him, but nothing was done about it.

If I remember correctly, his remarks preceded Jimmy The Greek's by a couple of months. I know he said this before Jimmy...just can't remember how much sooner he said it....

...he still teaches at the same school today.

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Its not really a "University". It is a federally funded military academy. Your "scholarship" comes with a 5 year commitment to serve in the armed forces.

Diversity is important to the overall mission of the institution, but 40 times are not necessarily.

...what if their airplane breaks down and they need to get out and push?

Seriously though, I think it's too easy too just dismiss these comments as rascist - that word gets thrown around too easily nowadays.

The truth is, among the fastest men in the world, a disproportionate number are Black. This is a fact - there is no racism in stating the truth.

The problem with the statement is not the observation, it's the generalization. Recruiting ever Black kid in the country is not going to help your football team - you're going to end up with a bunch of kids that look like Chris Rock or Nelly, who were both pretty good in The Longest Yard, but might not actually be that good on the football field.

If you want your team to be faster, just recruit faster players. What will probably happen is you will have more Black players, but it's not because you were looking for Black players, it's because you were looking for fast players. However, if Black players aren't coming to Air Force because they aren't comfortable in the environment for some reason, then the Academy might need to do things to make itself more attractive to minorities.

There's two separate problems here:

(1) Make sure your school is sufficiently attractive to students of all races.

(2) Recruit the best football players.

You can think about race in step 1, but probably not in step 2.

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Honestly, he's absolutely correct. But I don't think he should be doing it in that forum because people are going to take it and run with it.

I don't understand why he should be fired for saying you need more afro-american athletes to be competitive. That's insane. Just because someone says the black word doesn't mean you should be dismissed.

I think majority of black and white people would agree with that statement anyway.

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since people are asking for him to be fired, Im guessing this coach is white

:violin: :violin: :violin:

I think he's stating the obvious and I wouldn't fire him. I wouldn't have said it as plainly as he did, because a poor choice of words when discussing race never fails to summon critics. But I wouldn't fire the guy.

Having said that I'm not going to buy the white man as a victim nonsense.

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I'm totally offended, I'm white and to tell me I can't run as fast as a black man is racist. That's like telling me white men can't jump. Well on second thought, maybe that why I only got a D3 basketball scholarship. I wasn't fast and couldn't jump. But I do look like Larry Bird, only not as tall.

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Ok, don’t take me wrong. But this reminds me of a little incident a few months ago with Paul Horning and Notre Dame. Horning said that the school might need to lower its requirements so more black athletes could attend the school. Coach DeBerry seems to be dancing around the same idea. However, since it is an Academy, and they are very difficult to get into with their high standards much less having to be appointed, I don’t foresee that ever happening. Plus, a military career isn’t what big, talented pro-football wannabes are looking at. Let’s see; 4 years of discipline, hard work, extreme studying, to be followed with low pay, 5 years of service to your country, and possible hazardous duty? “Hell no! I want to party on a scholarship, enter the draft in my junior year and get millions! Oh yeah, b*tches, lots and lots of b*tches!”

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I don' think anyone here is calling for him to be fired...he just used a bad choice of words...Now if he did a Paul Horning and said Air Force Academy needs to lower its academic standards to get more blacks in so we can have a better football team, then i would have a problem.

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Sorry but what he said was accurate and he didn't mean it in a bad way, heck i bet coaches say it all the time

We need to stop freaking out when people say black or white, look at the NFL how many white cornerbacks are there??

The only reason why I have somewhat of an issues iwiths this is it is the Air Force Academy, and they have other issues like this bite them.

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oh my god!!!! he said black kids are better athletes than white kids!!! he must be head of the kkk. Hes right except for hockey.......those who have gotten bent out of shape about the coaches comments need to head to there nearest pharmacy and grab the biggest bottle of chill pills you can find......then OD on em..

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Is anyone saying this guy is a terrible racist? Seems to me like most people just think his choice of how to communicate this thought is the problem. What he said rings true....unless you are talking about baseball were hispanics clearly own all.

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