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"New" Skins Fans

The Sisko

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Over the past couple of months I've noticed a decent number of folks come to the board who have declared themselves new fans of the Skins. That just got me to wondering what if anything might make any of us switch allegiances and move to another team ??

I for one can honestly say that if there was global thermonuclear war and the entire social order broke down I (or my vapor and ash) would still be looking forward to the Skins beating the cowgirls. I've followed them for so long, I just can't imagine it any other way. I suppose there's something that might do it, but I haven't been able to think of what that "something" might be yet.

Anyway, no disrespect intended for those folks who are new fans of the team. Just something I have a hard time understanding I guess.

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part of being a fan I think is rooted in who you followed growing up. if you were a fan of a team when you were 10 or 15 years old I think you probably are going to be a lifelong fan as long as the team doesn't relocate. :)

certainly, I live in the DC area and have been a Skins fan for a long time.

but, when you DON'T have a professional sports team to watch in your area growing up, ie baseball in Washington, I think you can and do switch allegiances based on players you like to follow or the teams relatives and friends follow.

My grandfather grew up in NY and was a Dodgers and then Mets fan.

We used to watch the games together so I became a Mets fan in the 1970's. I also watched Orioles games but never felt an affinity for Baltimore itself or the fans there.

So people ask me, how can you be a Mets fan if you follow the Redskins and Caps and live in DC?

I am sure fans in cities where there is no established NFL, MLB, NBA or NHL franchise hae similar experiences with twisted geographical loyalties :)

I admit that is one of the reasons I have not been a college football fanatic. I went to a college that didn't have a football team. It was NCAA basketball that rocked the campus :cool:

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I agree with bulldog. A die-hard, hardcore fan like many people on this board would never change from loving our Washington Redskins. In my family, I would be shunned. My kids WILL be skins fans and like it. Anyways, with me, its a way of life. Its almost like a skin color. Its just the way you are and there's no changing it. BUT....that's only football with us. When it comes to baseball, I don't give a fudge.

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I was a die hard Miami Dolphins fan for as long as I have memories. When the Dolphins dumped Shula and Marino in the way that they did, I could no longer root for them. For the past 2 foot ball seasons, I have not had a team to root for. I could not stand Norv Turner and Marty was not a favorite either. I have always been a Gator fan since visiting the school when I was 10 (my family visited Florida quite a few times) and later, I loved the way Spurrier coached and got under everyone's skin. I always wished Dan Marino could be in an offense such as the fun and gun.

When Spurrier was hired, I instantly became a Redskins fan. I have already attended three days in Carlisle and read these message boards each and every day. I am not the typical Gatorskin, I could care less who the qb ends up being. Just a Skins fan. I do not have a NFL team in my home town, but the Redskins are the closest so that is a major convienience.

One observation that I have noticed while in Carlisle and on these boards. There is an obvious division among Skins fans. Some are pulling for Sage only because he was a Skin last year and some are pulling for Danny or Shane because they were Gators. It really shouldn't matter. Who ever helps us win is the "man".

Spurrier is a major personality that people either love or hate. I love him, and obviously a bunch of "new Redskins" fans feel the same way. I know several people who are Skins fans only because of Spurrier. That's just the way it is. If in 10 years, Dan Marino goes on to coach the Cowboys, then by god, I may have to pull for them. (please god, don't let that happen.) I will never claim to be a Die Hard Skins fan like so many of you are. I can't quote player stats from years ago (I can for the Dolphins though), but I'm still a Skins fan.

Can't we all get along?

Hope that helps you understand where the "new fans" are coming from.

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you know what the worst part of fandom is?

the same people that were all wearing Bulls jerseys 3 or 4 years ago are all wearing Lakers garb now :mad:

and the same people that were Broncos fans in '97 and '98 are back to wearing their Dallas hats now :mad:

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you misunderstand me.

what I was trying to say in my post was it was disgusting to see these front-runners buy the jersey of each team that has just won the Super Bowl or NBA championship and have it on the following week :laugh:

I have no problem with somebody deciding to follow the Skins because of loyalty to Spurrier because as you said the team is starting fresh and you are going to take the good with the bad.

You aren't going to wait until all the hard work has been done and the banner hoisted and THEN pop out of the woodwork to get your championship t-shirt :laugh:

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OK, sorry, I agree with you totally.

I have sworn my loyalty now. If I go down with the ship, that's fine. But I'm a skins fan now, while they haven't done a thing.

And it will make me sick too if we win and start seeing Danny W or Sage R jerseys everywhere....

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Switch to being a fan of another team? Doesn't seem possible. Most of us would probably switch our allegiances to political parties first.

Those bandwagon fans are annoying, particularly those fans of, um, the Cowboys or Eagles or some other insane choice, but I look at Skins bandwagon fans like this... They cheer and hoot and buy their jerseys and are the first ones to leave when the Skins are behind. They stop watching the games if the Skins are losing, or switch to another team, whatever. So, fine, they aren't as invested in the Skins and don't get as tortured when we lose. And they suck because of that and it really pisses me off.

However, Skins bandwagon fans don't get the kind of pleasure we get when the Skins are winning. They aren't propelled by the same kind of anticipation of the upcoming game, they can't revel in reciting or recalling old Skins players or meeting those players watching them progress in their careers, and they simply don't get as much satisfaction from a win. One win, be it by 3 or 21, will keep me glowing for days or even a week. Bandwagon fan? Goes home and forgets about it the next day.

So I try not to pay them too much attention. I'm too busy thinking about the Skins.

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I never thought I could like another team until my team was stolen from me! When the Colts left Baltimore it hurt......real bad. So I decided on the closest team. Had nothing to do with anything. Other than I wanted a "home" team and knew Baltimore (I know you guys hate that word) was not gonna get a team for a long time. I'm glad I realized that at such a young age, I was a freshman in high school! So the 'Skins were my team from that day on. I still get all kinds of **** from my brothers and sisters (5) about "defecting" and not waiting for the Ravens. I HATE the Ravens because Baltimore did, pretty much, the same thing as Indy......stole a team from a football town with a jackass as an owner.

I can understand all the Gator nation climbing "on board" cuz they are following SS and I respect that. It just adds to the Redskin fans around the world.

PS. Does my current (soon to be fiance') girlfriend with family season tickets, since forever, make a difference in my feelings towards her?



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It's my impression that people who switch teams frequently really miss out on a lot. The ups and downs are part of following a franchise. For example, if I was a bandwagoner and I was rooting for a particular team and that team gave up a critical touchdown, I wouldn't throw stuff, kick my dog, and feel like I need anger management for a week, because I'd know that I was just moving onto another team next week.

There's nobody like this on the board (that I know of), but I know some people at work that are like this. It drives me crazy when they're like, "Go Saints!" Then the Saints lose and they're like, "uhh...Go Raiders! I like Jerry Rice!"

I just want to eat their children...well, maybe not. :)

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Yea, what Bulldog said.

I grew up in Western PA and it was disgusting to see Browns fans become Steeler fans become Bills fans. Aren't these teams suppose to be rivals?

In the seventies, I hated the Steelers. I was so sick and tired of hearing about them.

Someone at the network that showed the NFC at the time displayed some class by showing the Skins on a regular basis. I loved how they always hung in there tough and made it interesting. Sonny was a master of the comeback.

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Bandwagon fans know who they are.

They more than likely have jerseys from several teams in there closet thats wearable when a winning season is possible.

True fans are with the team unconditionally; enduring the Era of Norv and the cult of marty ( imagine if Danny took a sip of the Marty koolaid and believed).

I feel for those B' more colts fans.

What are you guys are going to do with the proposed statue for Johnny U?

He wont align himself with Irsay's indy colts or the baltimore browns err ravens so this is interesting.

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Ummmmm, is there another team besides the Redskins?

Honestly I agree that if you have followed the skins since childhood, you will 99.9% surely be a lifelong fan. I know I could never even imagine rooting for another team, at least in a serious manner rather than supporting them as a sign of respect for them if they are a friend's favorite team, etc. For me, the Redskins are a year round addiction. 24/7/365.

If someone wants to bandwagon, that is their prerogative. Doesn't mean that I like it. These fans will disappear into the woodwork when Spurrier is long gone when you and I will be still here to the end of our days bleeding our burgundy and gold.


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Actually, now that I think about it. I've been able to convert several people who thought they were fans into being skins fans.

My little brother liked the dolphins because of the color of the unis :doh:

I've also had a couple of women say that they thought they could like football but nobody ever explained it to them. No brothers I guess.

One game, didn't matter who was playing, and they were permanent skins fans in each case (as far as I know).

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Navy: I don't know where they will put a Johnny U. statue. It would be obsurd to put it at Cleveland/Baltimore/PSINet (what the heck is the name now? who cares) Raven stadium. That would make me very angry. The Colts have NOTHING to do with the Ravens.

Maybe something in the Babe Ruth museum?


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Uh, Bulldog; you'll probably hate me. I'm one of those 90's Bulls fans that switched to LA in the 00's. Though I was also one of those 80's Lakers fans that switched the Bulls in the 90's. :laugh:

Actually it depends whether or not you follow the sport religously or if you're just a casual fan.

Never was much of a sports fan as a kid and even my early teens. The Skins actually made me become more of a sports fan.

I followed the Skins casually from Sb 17 to SB 22; and become a die hard fan after SB 22. Tried to root for a second team-Panthers when they first started but that didn't work out. Can only root for one team.

Only follow baseball casually but have been a casual Yankees fan since 1981.

Don't really follow hockey but I'll root for my local team: Columbus BlueJackets

In Basketball, I've bounced around. It's hard to watch a sport where the regular season isn't too important. Sorry when 16 out of 29 teams make the playoffs- all you basically have to do is go about .500. I liked the Lakers in the 80's because of Kareem and Magic. Then the Bulls because of Jordan. Back the lakers in the post Jordan era.

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I am new to the board, but that doesn't mean I am a "bandwagoner."

Even though I have lived in Texas all my life, and in Dallas or close to it in my adult years, I have not been a fan of that team. I try not to hang out with criminals.

I am here to stay. Just getting here late.


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Better late than never I always say.... :D

"I have not been a fan of that team. I try not to hang out with criminals. " ChaaaaaaaChing!


One can always count on a Southern woman to have good tastes in the company she keeps. :cool:

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