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Ramsey to Arizona or Jets (Merged)


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yeh, i can be more specific. I have been a redskins fan for years. But, It wasnt until i was a jr or sr in highschool that i took a more active interest in the team, and i became a fan of Ramsey. He is the first player i have been an honest fan of, and besides that i think he has great potential if given a proper chance, instead of constantly being jerked around. But mostly my commitment to him is due to my own personal "infatuation" with him as a fan.

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I can't remember a trade during the regular season - this isn't baseball. I'd rather have Ramsey as a backup to Brunell than Jason Campbell - unless all is lost. If that happens then I would rather play Ramsey unless he's still terrible. Then I'd play Campbell and see if he has any real potential. Maybe Ramsey will learn something from Brunell while he's holding the clipboard - like throwing the ball away when all is lost versus a sack or pitching it up for grabs.

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Redskins Notes: The New York Jets inquired about Redskins quarterback Patrick Ramsey before signing free agent passer Vinny Testaverde yesterday, but were quickly rebuffed, Redskins officials said.

Vinny Cerrato, Washington's vice president of football operations, said he had a "10-second conversation" with Jets assistant general manager Mike Tannenbaum on the matter. "We told them we're very happy with our quarterback situation," Cerrato said, "and we're not interested in making a trade."

NFL executives contacted yesterday said they do not believe Washington would trade its backup passer before next month's trade deadline, although they anticipate a parting of ways in the offseason. "Is there a market for Ramsey? Yeah," one general manager said. "But we really believe they're going to need two quarterbacks, and they have to know that, too. What happens if [Mark] Brunell goes down?" Another general manager said: "Gibbs is not going to trade [Ramsey]. He's always wanted depth at quarterback. I could see why Ramsey would want out, but it's not going to happen anytime soon with Gibbs calling the shots there."

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While I understand why Gibbs doesn't want to trade him now, I wish we would. I like Ramsey, and going to the Jets could be just what his career needs. A team that wants him, and needs him to start now. We all know he's done in DC, and I would think we could pick up a servicable backup to Brunell for a season or two till Campbell is ready to start.

After what he's been through, and the class he's had through out his time here, it's the least we could do.


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I agree with Pete. I understand Gibbs thinking but at some point you have to cut your losses. Patrick could go to the jets and start and the Redskins would get some compensation for him or they would not do the deal. If they trade him now he starts, if they wait until the end of the season PR might not get that opportunity....not to mention that I do not think the Skins will get any compensation for Ramsey after the season b/c they know the Skins will be looking to get rid of him anyway. If the Jets traded and got PR and PR did well then both the team and PR are set, but if it lingers to the end of the season I think the Jets and other teams will look to the draft for a QB. Let him go and get us a pick. I can't imagine a veteran QB that cannot run Gibbs offense, give me a break.....yes, it's different but we're talking about professionals here learning this stuff everyday. Everyone said no one could pick up the defense lingo when Pierce left and we seem to be doing okay.

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