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In honor of Westbrook36


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Gatorade dumping is synonomous with big wins the playoffs if not the biggest game of the year.

You are young so I will forgive your ignorance of the facts.

The dump was popularized by the Giants in their first Super Bowl season. They dumped Gatorade on Parcells nearly every win.

Perhaps since then it has been used for playoff wins but it has been used for way, way, way more insignificant games than the Skins victory over Dallas.

It's not like they dumped it over him when they defeated Chicago or anything.

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Perhaps since then it has been used for playoff wins but it has been used for way, way, way more insignificant games than the Skins victory over Dallas.

It's not like they dumped it over him when they defeated Chicago or anything.

And that would have been stupid to. I thought it was stupid when Carolina dumped gatorade on Fox for every single playoff win they had in 03. Believe me, I'm not someone who is going to change how I feel about things, based on those types of circumstances.

My problem was people who have a problem with the Eagles finally winning the nfc championship, and that wasn't enough to do it. But some how the redskins victory warrented it. There is no way that is excusable to me. If you did think that it warrented it last monday night, then I certainly think you should feel any playoff win, or what have you warrents it. I just happen to be more scrupulous in the warrenting of gatorade dumpage then others.

But that also lends to the other fact in this topic. You've got people in this topic whining basically for the sake of whining that eagles players do something celebratory after making a play. Yet you would never see them bash the skins players for doing it. I saw marcus washington dancing around after making plays on monday night. I've seen many other redskins players do these things these past few years under this current roster and I'd be willing to bet you wouldn't see any of those same people bashing them for it. To rephrase what I already stated, they should just be clear and state that the only reason they are typing out that drawn out message is to pass off a seemingly legit reason for their resentment of the eagles for beating them these past 7 games. Seemingly, being that their feelings towards celebrations are unique only to the eagles, and only when it is convenient.

It's kind of hard to respond to this thread? You need to brush up on those reading comprehension skills. It's quite obvious what's being said here.

And by the way, Y100 does NOT rock. That station is lame as hell.

No. I read last night on this thread that the Eagles are showing too much emotion in this victory, despite Akers kicking a game winning kick to beat Oakland with a significant injury.

Yet I also read in another topic that it seemed only McNabb seemed to care about what Akers was doing on the field.

Nobody else who was not an Eagles fan seemed to object with either of those two statements. Proving my point I made earlier. These things being said really mean nothing to their writers. Its only a mirage. If people here throw players, writers, coaches or whomever under the bus in order to make to promote their own self blinding propoganda, then so be it.

Just as in another topic I see plenty of people having a good time at the expense of Antonio Peirce's game on Sunday. Yet he was a core redskin just a few months back... I said he was over rated last year, and I got laughed at. And now my feelings are okay, I suppose. Thats the difference with me. I pride myself on keeping my opinions balanced at all times.

And yes, Y100 does rock.

BTW, to the guy calling Reid stupid for putting Akers back in. He did cite in the post game interview that in hindsight, he would of done things differently. In hindsight, he would of activated Todd France. But I suppose you didn't watch that before commenting?

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The only difference is afterwards, the Eagles acted like they have been there before while the Redskins...... :laugh:

Been where? A team that has to have 7 or 8 straight perfect seasons *JUST* to be at .500 is is saying something? Tells us all, just where Philly "Has been!" To Hell and back maybe?

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You are right, Halt, Y100 doesn't even exist anymore. It definitely does not rock. At least there is still 94YSP for that. Why even bother responding to TR1 about the Eagles being cheap. The Eagles can do no right, nevermind that the 12 million will be used to extend key players on the Eagles. Apparently it has to be done immediately to make TR1 happy. Westbrook is already under contract this year so there is no need to rush a deal.

I'm guessing the better alternative is to pay huge money to land a top flight qb like Brunell, that would make TR1 finally think the Eagles are a top flight organization.

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For people who state that David Akers was faking his injury......are any of you former or current athletes? If so, then you must know the pain of a sprain, pull or tear.

FYI......reaching for a beer, popcorn and/or cheetos do not count for those ALL PRO ARMCHAIR QBS!

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Yeah I've pulled my hams and it sucks, no doubt about it. I don't think he was faking injury, but all the collapsing and melodrama was purely for the cameras.

I tore my hammy in college running the 400 meter dash. It hurts like all hell. As far as him falling out......it was because he just won a game for his team. The thrill of victory and the rush of adrenline. Once the kick went through, all the pain came back. I know exactly how he felt because I tore mine around the 350 mark of the race. I limped to the end then fell out in pain and tears. I've never felt pain like that before in my life! Even breaking my ankle in 3 places couldn't compare to that!

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I tore my hammy in college running the 400 meter dash. It hurts like all hell. As far as him falling out......it was because he just won a game for his team. The thrill of victory and the rush of adrenline. Once the kick went through, all the pain came back. I know exactly how he felt because I tore mine around the 350 mark of the race. I limped to the end then fell out in pain and tears. I've never felt pain like that before in my life! Even breaking my ankle in 3 places couldn't compare to that!

...and the award for best supporting actor goes to #5!! :laugh: JK.

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I think that the enthusiasm was legit. My guess is that he actually worsened the tear on that play. It was probably stupid of Andy Reid to let him do that.

The announcers noted that he kicked the ball much more forcefully on that one kick. Akers may have essentially traded his entire season to win that game.

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You are right, Halt, Y100 doesn't even exist anymore. It definitely does not rock.

:laugh: That's hilarious. I haven't been through Philly in a while and had no idea that station is now defunct. When did this happen? That station was lame as hell, but even I didn't think they would go belly-up. :laugh:

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For starters it was kind of cool to see the Eagles rally around Akers after making that field goal while very injured. It was the direct contrast to the Cowboys' Larry Allen trying to rip off his kickers' head for missing an EARLY (not game-losing) extra-point. That sickened me.

However, I gotta ask this- Would Akers have received such love and support from his teammates had he MISSED that field goal? Hmmmm...... :2cents:

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A hamstring for an older kicker is the kind of injury that lingers...beats me why he was even kicking on Sunday. I suppose the Eagles in some strange way thought they were saving some money...in any case, start to see stories about Ackers no longer being an Eagle...there's some kid who's a lot cheaper that they'll be able to bring in and not miss a beat...

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A hamstring for an older kicker is the kind of injury that lingers...beats me why he was even kicking on Sunday. I suppose the Eagles in some strange way thought they were saving some money...in any case, start to see stories about Ackers no longer being an Eagle...there's some kid who's a lot cheaper that they'll be able to bring in and not miss a beat...

Akers is old now? :laugh:

The hope in your thread that Akers injury lingers is sickening to read but is par for the course for you. When you don't have winning seasons, all you are left with is hope that good teams fall.

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