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This is one of the reason why I hate the Bucs


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because of fans like this one, who wrote in the Tampa newspaper...

"I wonder what Coach Gruden thinks when the WFLA, Channel 8 sports people spend more time on Steve Spurrier and the Redskins than on the Bucs. Perhaps they've forgotten about the Jacksonville and Miami teams. If it's football, we have our own teams. We don't need the Redskins shoved down our throats just because the crybaby of all time has relocated to Washington. Good riddance."

Gene Wise


Gee Gene, who's the real crybaby here ???

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I suppose we in the Washington area are not as aware what kind of media coverage the Skins are getting down in FLA because of Spurrier.

It may very well dwarf what the Jags and Dolphins are doing.

Let's face it Spurrier is a lot more interesting than Tom Coughlin and his 7-9 team.

He is also a lot more interesting than Dave Wannstedt.

Now, Gruden is an interesting character in his own right and the Bucs are a competitive team so it is surprising to me that the Tampa press is covering the Skins at the expense of the local boys :)

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Judging from his letter it appears this guy despises Spurrier and no doubt rejoiced when he quit. Poor baby now goes postal just hearing a name on the local sports that he hoped to forget. I'd guess the local teams still get their fair share and any amount of Spurrier coverage is too much for poor Gene.

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might be because the Skins started camp a week earlier than the Bucs. but it is mainly beause of the college following here. The gators frequently got more press than the local college teams solely because of thier long time 1A status.

Once the season starts I'm sure Spurrier will still get news here but the Skins are not the reason he is.

Nice reach though.

To put it in perspective that was all that was mentioned about the skins in a corner of one page then the following 4 full pages plus the cover of the sports section was on the Bucs. You guys are WAY to full of yourselves regarding Spurrier. he is a media fav because of his mouth and ego.

And it seems to me Mick is the one crying here. Hating a fan base because of one editorial tucked in the corner of an 8 page sports section. Go back north or don't read the paper.

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I would be a bit ticked off if my local team got less coverage than another team's coach, but that's to be expected when that other team's coach was a former local coaching legend in the college ranks. Whatever . . . :jerkoff:

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As a Florida Skins fan (from Norfolk, VA) It's been great! When SOS was hired a local all news station caried his entire press conference live, long after espn cut away. I wouldn't say the skins get more press than the local teams but they sure do get a lot.

The thing is that love him or hate him, Spurrier is a FL icon. He's both a mythic figure and hometown boy who made the big time.

All I know is that after years of Fins, Bucs and Jags overload, I'm just shy of nervana at the coverage they are getting in the sunshine state. This is going to be one hell of a fun year for football!:cheers:

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I have relatives in Naples, FLA and the last time I went down I was in Tampa with my Skins hat on from SBXXVI.

I ran into more transplants from the DC/MD/VA area that had been career military/government or private business people and they were all Redskins fans.

Ran into some Giants and Bears fans as well.

Most of the locals were Bucs fans, but they were mild fans, and as Dollar said focused more on college football. THAT was what they were going to live and die by, not the NFL.

I also think once some of the Giants people and us got into a discussion of the NFC East and all the Super Bowls it turned off the Bucs fans who didn't have a frame of reference for that.

One guy was trying to compare Super Bowls with appearances on New Year's Day bowl games. :laugh:

Nice try. :)

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You all realize why there are alot of Packer, Bears, Giants, Skins etc. fans here don't you? people move down here to get away from those home states. You don't see Native Floridians (wouldn't they be American Indians anyway?) moving up north. Why leave paradise for a filthy landlocked city?

Beaches, golfing, fishing, sunshine etc. It's a natural paradise that draws them here. Tourism funds this state.

There are more New Yorkers down here than any other from my experience, and I don't blame them. Whenever someone can afford to get away from those places they move. The only ones that stay are the ones that can't afford to leave.

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I was LOL when I read that in the Tampa Tribune yesterday. Luckily the editor that replied to Gene, most likely a retiree, from ELLENTON :rolleyes: gave a good answer.

Skins are in camp, Bucs weren't....no news

SOS is a LEGEND here and The Trib is somewhat biased for my Gators and Stevie

Mr. Gene Retiree probably has no clue anyway. One the same front page was an article on the Rays losing again, the Bucs getting ready for camp:cheers: and I think Lance Armstrong or golf.

Given the day those article appeared....not much was happening and I thought the timing to put Steve on the front page was brilliant.

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Right on my brother! I was there! It was great. I couldn't believe the turnout of Skins fans. You may have even seen me. I was the damn fool yelling like a mad man and waving a big Redskins towl over my head while tailgating before the game. I was wearing my black Superbowl Ring shirt. Where we were parked seemed it seemed to be Redskins central. I was just buzzed enough to think it was my sworn duty to tell every skins fan I saw to "make this our house" and make lots of noise.:doh:

I'll be there this year as well. I plan on getting there real early. Hoping to meet up with any extremeskins members who happen to be going as well.

"Remember, back in the day of the old school NFL. The Skins fanbase went all the way into Florida and out to Memphis."

I never knew about that untill that day. I heard about that from several people I met.

Damn I'm ready for some football!

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Well, dollarboy, NOW who's too full of himself?

Florida has some great attributes, as you say, which makes it a great place to visit. I've got relatives there and thoroughly enjoy it when I can get there in the winter months and soak up the sun.

And when I get old enough, at retirement age and no longer able to deal with the vibrant cities of the eastern seaboard, I'll be glad to find a porch somewhere in Florida to spend my days on. Ten years later they'll dig a hole and plant me.

Some people move to FLA to live, but many many move there to die. And people leave there too, but most of 'em are in a box.

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Dollar, just for your information I see a LOT of Florida license plates up here in DC and NY in the summer when the temps and humidity in Florida get unbearable :)

I see enough plates to have gotten to know the names of more than a few Florida counties :laugh:

what is really funny is when local people from Tampa were talking about how congested their 'downtown' area was :laugh:

I mean, three cars, a push cart and a dump truck stopped at an intersection hardly counts as an East Coast rush hour :)

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Hey it's hot just about everywhere at this time of the year the only bonus in Florida is the beaches are near and plenty. being in a City area with lots of pavement and concrete is brutal also.

One thing I do like is that we actually got other team fans hating us now. :) Kind of feels good compared to the past when they either felt sorry or didn't care because we were no threat.

worry or concern brings out the hate (but mostly press coverage and hack writers stirring the pot helps fuel opinions too)

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I still feel kinda sorry for you guys. I mean people HATE the Skins. They hate our Owner, Coach, QB's and the fact that we've won more titles than a lot of teams. Nobody felt sorry for the burgh even though their titles are 20+ years removed and ours is a decade in the past.

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Originally posted by RiggoDrill

Florida is great for retirees, vacationers, and college kids on spring break. Other than that, there isn't a whole hell of a lot going on there. My best friend grew up in St. Pete and said it was the most boring place on earth.

It's all what you make of it and what you enjoy. There are unhappy people in every city. If you hate snow, like sunshine, fishing, water sports, golfing etc. you'd love Florida. If you love skiing, mountain climbing, ice skating you'll hate it.

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if we're talking about good climates, we have to be talking about san diego/so.cal. you know we have it good out here when people complain about summer days being 82 degrees and winter nights getting all the way down to 40 degrees. you want beaches? got em. golf? that too. oh and 1dollar said no mountain biking, hiking, skiing, etc? we got all that too. the only thing we don't have is the redskins.

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Dollar, it's not that we fear your football team so much as the fact that every year since '99 the team was supposed to be knocking on the door for the Super Bowl and all the team's hot dogs like Sapp and Keyshawn have been out and about acting as if they ALREADY won the SB.

the reality is the team has been a first round, wildcard loser the past two years and those games against the Eagles weren't even close. :laugh:

I mean, you guys got shellacked!

so, perhaps a little humility might be in order.

I think that is what has bothered people. Instead of each new player or draft pick being the 'missing' piece to a championship, how about just considering that as another piece to improving on the wildcard record of the team the previous season? :)

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