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WP: When It Comes to Gibbs, D. Williams Understands


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When It Comes to Gibbs, D. Williams Understands


By George Solomon

Sunday, September 18, 2005; Page E02

Doug Williams knows how recently demoted Patrick Ramsey feels. In his four years working for Joe Gibbs as a quarterback for the Redskins from 1986 to '89 he bounced from holding clipboards for Jay Schroeder and Mark Rypien to becoming most valuable player of Super Bowl XXII in Washington's 42-10 victory over Denver in 1988 and on to a sad farewell a year later.

Demotions and promotions were part of life for Williams in his 11-year pro career, which began in Tampa Bay in 1978 and included stops in Oklahoma (1984) and Arizona (1985) of the U.S. Football League before signing with the Redskins as a backup in 1986, when he threw one pass.


Despite being named MVP of Super Bowl XXII in 1988, Doug Williams, above, knows how Patrick Ramsey feels. (By Amy Sancetta -- Associated Press)

At 50, Williams is now a personnel executive for the Buccaneers, with a successful head coaching run at Grambling and a brief assistant coaching stint at Navy on his résumé. His four years working for Gibbs included being an afterthought, surprise starter, MVP/star, replaced and displaced.

"Joe Gibbs is one guy who makes a decision he believes will help the team win," Williams said in a telephone interview. "He always told me he had to cut personal feelings from personnel decisions. Even when his decisions went against me, I found him an honorable guy. I came here from the USFL and was thankful for the opportunity. When I wasn't playing, I still felt I was the best quarterback. But I dealt with the situation. I was humble by the way I came up. There were few black quarterbacks in the league and I had the chance to compete for playing time. That's all you can ask. I considered it a privilege to play in the league."

I had a similar conversation with Williams last season, when the roles were reversed and Ramsey took over for Mark Brunell. Williams's view this time: "Brunell better play his [rear end] off; Ramsey ought to take what happened and work at getting better. And if you ask for a trade, make sure you know someone wants you. Joe won't throw Jason Campbell to the wolves, but he won't let him sit forever, either."

After last Sunday's game, which the Redskins won against Chicago, 9-7, Gibbs watchers left FedEx Field convinced he would replace Ramsey with Brunell for Monday night's game in Dallas. Statements such as "Mark doesn't make mistakes; I'm sure glad he's back" and not saying Ramsey would start if healthy were hints enough.

Gibbs was wise to officially announce the switch last Monday. But he was wrong to name Ramsey the starter last January rather than keep the position open for a competition that Brunell would have won this summer. "It's something I needed to do," Gibbs explained, if not to the satisfaction of Ramsey and a growing number of fans becoming disenchanted with the coach.

I agree with Gibbs's move to Brunell -- as well as with my friend, the Ol' Ball Coach, who used to say, "If one guy can't do it, try the other guy." What I do not agree with is Gibbs congratulating the fans at FedEx Field for making so much noise Bears QB Kyle Orton had trouble getting off his plays. I call that behavior bush league. In similar situations at NFL stadiums, the QB should step back and wait for the noise to subside, or until the home team is hit with a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.

'Athletic Looting'


Leave it to NCAA President Myles Brand to make a bad situation worse, announcing Division I basketball and football players at schools closed by Hurricane Katrina will have to sit out a year if they transfer to another college. Brand said some players planned to transfer together to a single college, a move he called "athletic looting."

What? Did he say "athletic looting?" Get real.

"What an exaggeration," said John Thompson, WTEM and TNT commentator, who used to regularly recruit in New Orleans during his 26 years of coaching basketball at Georgetown. "You want to protect the interest of the kids -- not worry so much about the school -- and do what's best for the player. After what these kids have been through, the NCAA ought to permit them to play anywhere, not punish them, and make judgments."

Retired DeMatha coach Morgan Wootten, who like Thompson is a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame, said a number of good high school basketball players affected "will lose the year and maybe their opportunity to play in college."

"We had seven players over the years from New Orleans," Thompson recalled. "A rich tradition there. Starting with Steve Martin [now an executive with the NBA New Orleans Hornets]. They all had old-fashioned values -- good kids -- strongly attached to the city and their high schools. The kids we had were smart and willing."

Touching the Bases


· Disappointed the Caps and Peter Bondra did not find a way to make deal for Bondra to finish his career here. But team owner Ted Leonsis is committed to a youth movement. "We have 20 first-round picks in camp and we will go through growing pains. But it will make the core team of prospects stronger and we won't change our strategy," Leonsis said, pointing to the overachieving Nationals and last season's Wizards as models of success.

I like young, fast teams, but not growing pains. So how about signing some defensemen?

· Did I really hear Nats GM Jim Bowden second-guessing Frank Robinson having Chad Cordero pitch to Atlanta's Chipper Jones and Andruw Jones in the ninth inning last Sunday, when Cordero surrendered back-to-back home runs to both sluggers in a tough-to-take 9-7 loss? Bowden's done a good job, especially having to operate on MLB-mandated payroll of about $55 million. Robinson has done a terrific -- if not perfect -- job keeping these guys alive in the playoff chase, this late in September, and does not need to be second-guessed by his own front office.

If all eight groups seeking to buy the Nationals received "highly detailed" purchase agreements from MLB this week for around $450 million, how can Bud Selig and Co. complete the deal before the end of the World Series? How can all eight groups still be in the running? Who is going to sign that lease for the new stadium if the mayor is in Greece? If the Nats draw 2.7 million fans at RFK, will MLB open the books and show us where the money went? It certainly didn't go for a starting pitcher. How much went to Peter the Great?

· Soccer fans get cranky when I ask dumb questions, such as why is D.C. United -- in the middle of a late run to repeat as MLS champion -- flying 5,000 miles to Santiago, Chile, this week to meet Universidad Catolica in the quarterfinals Thursday of a competition called Copa Sudamericana?

"I love these tournaments and think they are important for our league, players and fans," explained United President Kevin Payne. "This is what we have to do if you're going to be a player in an international sport. It will make us a better, more visible team."

I'll accept that, even with the 5,000-mile schlep, now that I know Feinstein's next book, "My Sudamericana: A Good Flight Spoiled," will chronicle the tournament.

Have a comment or question? Reach me at Talkback@washpost.com.

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When It Comes to Gibbs, D. Williams Understands


By George Solomon

... What I do not agree with is Gibbs congratulating the fans at FedEx Field for making so much noise Bears QB Kyle Orton had trouble getting off his plays. I call that behavior bush league. In similar situations at NFL stadiums, the QB should step back and wait for the noise to subside, or until the home team is hit with a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Geez, can anyone ever do anything right for these post columnists? The crowd finally wakes up in FedEx and this guy calls it bush league?

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What I do not agree with is Gibbs congratulating the fans at FedEx Field for making so much noise Bears QB Kyle Orton had trouble getting off his plays. I call that behavior bush league. In similar situations at NFL stadiums, the QB should step back and wait for the noise to subside, or until the home team is hit with a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.

This guy is not a football fan and should be writing about tennis or golf, such a sissy.

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"Brunell better play his [rear end] off; Ramsey ought to take what happened and work at getting better. And if you ask for a trade, make sure you know someone wants you. Joe won't throw Jason Campbell to the wolves, but he won't let him sit forever, either."

I think DW has assessed the situation very accurately.

What I do not agree with is Gibbs congratulating the fans at FedEx Field for making so much noise Bears QB Kyle Orton had trouble getting off his plays. I call that behavior bush league. In similar situations at NFL stadiums, the QB should step back and wait for the noise to subside, or until the home team is hit with a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.

This guy is kidding, right? The league tried that rule back in the 80s (in large part because of RFK), and it lasted all of one season if I remember.

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When It Comes to Gibbs, D. Williams Understands

By George Solomon

Sunday, September 18, 2005; E02

Doug Williams knows how recently demoted Patrick Ramsey feels. In his four years working for Joe Gibbs as a quarterback for the Redskins from 1986 to '89 he bounced from holding clipboards for Jay Schroeder and Mark Rypien to becoming most valuable player of Super Bowl XXII in Washington's 42-10 victory over Denver in 1988 and on to a sad farewell a year later.

Demotions and promotions were part of life for Williams in his 11-year pro career, which began in Tampa Bay in 1978 and included stops in Oklahoma (1984) and Arizona (1985) of the U.S. Football League before signing with the Redskins as a backup in 1986, when he threw one pass.

At 50, Williams is now a personnel executive for the Buccaneers, with a successful head coaching run at Grambling and a brief assistant coaching stint at Navy on his résumé. His four years working for Gibbs included being an afterthought, surprise starter, MVP/star, replaced and displaced.

"Joe Gibbs is one guy who makes a decision he believes will help the team win," Williams said in a telephone interview. "He always told me he had to cut personal feelings from personnel decisions. Even when his decisions went against me, I found him an honorable guy. I came here from the USFL and was thankful for the opportunity. When I wasn't playing, I still felt I was the best quarterback. But I dealt with the situation. I was humble by the way I came up. There were few black quarterbacks in the league and I had the chance to compete for playing time. That's all you can ask. I considered it a privilege to play in the league."

I had a similar conversation with Williams last season, when the roles were reversed and Ramsey took over for Mark Brunell. Williams's view this time: "Brunell better play his [rear end] off; Ramsey ought to take what happened and work at getting better. And if you ask for a trade, make sure you know someone wants you. Joe won't throw Jason Campbell to the wolves, but he won't let him sit forever, either."

After last Sunday's game, which the Redskins won against Chicago, 9-7, Gibbs watchers left FedEx Field convinced he would replace Ramsey with Brunell for Monday night's game in Dallas. Statements such as "Mark doesn't make mistakes; I'm sure glad he's back" and not saying Ramsey would start if healthy were hints enough.

Gibbs was wise to officially announce the switch last Monday. But he was wrong to name Ramsey the starter last January rather than keep the position open for a competition that Brunell would have won this summer. "It's something I needed to do," Gibbs explained, if not to the satisfaction of Ramsey and a growing number of fans becoming disenchanted with the coach.

I agree with Gibbs's move to Brunell -- as well as with my friend, the Ol' Ball Coach, who used to say, "If one guy can't do it, try the other guy." What I do not agree with is Gibbs congratulating the fans at FedEx Field for making so much noise Bears QB Kyle Orton had trouble getting off his plays. I call that behavior bush league. In similar situations at NFL stadiums, the QB should step back and wait for the noise to subside, or until the home team is hit with a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct

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I am well aware of Gibbs' history of winning Super Bowls with three different quarterbacks. Really, Gibbs has never had a franchise quarterback that the team sticks with for more than a few years. It was nice to hear Williams' take on it, but I agree with what he said about Brunell needing to play his butt off. Gibbs' approach of running a team with the QB position in a state of constant flux is a model that has generally been rejected around the league. It will be interesting to see what happens, but if the Brunell move doesn't pan out, I think Gibbs will find himself at the wrong end of a heap of criticism. The way he's handled all this is just not how things are done in the NFL today.

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I agree with Gibbs's move to Brunell -- as well as with my friend, the Ol' Ball Coach, who used to say, "If one guy can't do it, try the other guy." What I do not agree with is Gibbs congratulating the fans at FedEx Field for making so much noise Bears QB Kyle Orton had trouble getting off his plays. I call that behavior bush league. In similar situations at NFL stadiums, the QB should step back and wait for the noise to subside, or until the home team is hit with a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Isn't crowd noise part of home field advantage? I am proud of the noise created at Fedex last week, and damned if this doesn't make us even louder against Seattle. I Remember when they used to call these penalties, and don't remember why they stopped. This would be a stupid rule, though, why should the hme team be given a penalty? this is what we pay for and this is the way we help and support our teams. I see it as my responsibility to make sure I make it as hard as possible for the opposing offense to work. Keep it up throughout the year fellow Skins fanatics!


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I agree with Gibbs's move to Brunell -- as well as with my friend, the Ol' Ball Coach, who used to say, "If one guy can't do it, try the other guy." What I do not agree with is Gibbs congratulating the fans at FedEx Field for making so much noise Bears QB Kyle Orton had trouble getting off his plays. I call that behavior bush league. In similar situations at NFL stadiums, the QB should step back and wait for the noise to subside, or until the home team is hit with a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Isn't crowd noise part of home field advantage? I am proud of the noise created at Fedex last week, and damned if this doesn't make us even louder against Seattle. I Remember when they used to call these penalties, and don't remember why they stopped. This would be a stupid rule, though, why should the hme team be given a penalty? this is what we pay for and this is the way we help and support our teams. I see it as my responsibility to make sure I make it as hard as possible for the opposing offense to work. Keep it up throughout the year fellow Skins fanatics!


WTF? That guy is an idiot. WOW!

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I remember they used to throw flags for that...but Longshot might be right when he says they took the rule out. I mean, the crowd isn't going to shut up.

Solomon is a jackass. So, its bush league for a coach to thank and appreciate the home team fans cheering?? What, are they going to have to start cheering by section now?? Because, Mr. Solomon, there are 90,000 people there...they might be a tad bit loud...idiot.

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Gibbs' approach of running a team with the QB position in a state of constant flux is a model that has generally been rejected around the league.

It's not like he's doing this just for grins. His qb's have pretty much sucked since Theismann (and believe me, he had his flaws). It's amazing Gibbs has been able to do what he has with guys like Schroeder, Williams and Rypien. I'm pretty sure if he had Marino or Montana, he wouldn't be pulling them to create a constant state of flux. He's just trying to find someone who can make a freakin play. I'd like to see how Parcells, Belichick or Walsh would have done with those guys.

If they win this year, it's not going to be because Brunell or Ramsey become all-pro players. It will be because they haven't screwed things up.

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I only looked at the Doug Williams part of the article....That bush league comment to me was BUSH League!! You cant go into any stadium in the World, be it professional, college, high school and not hear the fans screaming there head off if you play at their field or court. When I played high school and college bball, I thrived off opponents fans doing that so I could shut them up. This dude has no idea what he is talking about. He definitely couldnt have play any type of sports other then maybe elementary school pee wee league.

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It's not like he's doing this just for grins. His qb's have pretty much sucked since Theismann (and believe me, he had his flaws). It's amazing Gibbs has been able to do what he has with guys like Schroeder, Williams and Rypien. I'm pretty sure if he had Marino or Montana, he wouldn't be pulling them to create a constant state of flux. He's just trying to find someone who can make a freakin play. I'd like to see how Parcells, Belichick or Walsh would have done with those guys.

If they win this year, it's not going to be because Brunell or Ramsey become all-pro players. It will be because they haven't screwed things up.

Good point. I just think the whole philosophy seems contradictory with what Gibbs admitted needed to change after last season. We got Moss and Patton because of the need to make plays. We shunned size and height at WR because we were looking to hit speedy guys downfield. If that is a major objective, the QB will need to do more than just not screw up. Now suddenly in the Bears game with Brunell, everything was a throwback to last season's ultra conservative approach, which is pretty much how Gibbs also called plays in the preseason when Brunell was in there. Has Gibbs really changed his tune, or has he become freshly convinced that last year's approach on offense wasn't so misguided afterall?

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It will be interesting to see what happens, but if the Brunell move doesn't pan out, I think Gibbs will find himself at the wrong end of a heap of criticism. The way he's handled all this is just not how things are done in the NFL today.

This has nothing to do with the NFL "today." Gibbs was SOUNDLY criticized for his handling of the QB situation at the time in '87. All the "If you have two quarterbacks you don't have any" crowd came out of the woodworks. People laughed at the idea of a broken down Doug Williams being able to defeat the Bears or the Vikings or the 49ers (who were the prohibitive favorite that season).

If it doesn't work out with Brunell, he will go back to Ramsey, so he better be ready. And Ramsey still can't get the job done, he will eventually give Campbell a shot.

Gibbs will find his man, "today's NFL" or not.

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I agree with Gibbs's move to Brunell -- as well as with my friend, the Ol' Ball Coach, who used to say, "If one guy can't do it, try the other guy." What I do not agree with is Gibbs congratulating the fans at FedEx Field for making so much noise Bears QB Kyle Orton had trouble getting off his plays. I call that behavior bush league. In similar situations at NFL stadiums, the QB should step back and wait for the noise to subside, or until the home team is hit with a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Unbelievable. I think that's one of the dumbest things I have ever seen in print. Bush league? This is the NFL buddy - it's called home field advantage and Gibbs has a right to be proud of the best fans in the NFL!

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I guess he would have said the same thing about Tennessee, Michigan, Virginia Tech, Florida, or Texas A&M fans... What a loser.

What little podunk school or team does this poser cheer for, and is their official school cheer a golf clap?

Sheesh - the loudest I have heard Fed Ex was when Tech played USC there with 80000 screaming Hokies in the stands. The game vs. the Bears was the second loudest. I was proud to be a Skins fan and hearing all the ticket holders showing and shouting out their pride.

What a disgrace to a sports column this schmuck is. I hope he is banned from the Skins scene by the team for a comment like that - bet he is a closet Poke fan.

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