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Bush's Speech


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Larry, you know me good enough, this was a definate set up. I have it on TIVO, but there is absolutly no question it was a setup. They played the Major Garret role on.

The guy asked a lady "Do you blame anyone for this" and she says "yes, I blame the mayor of the city".


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From the sounds of it, it does sound like a setup. But it sounds like an ABC setup.

(And, do you want to claim ABC knew what answer they were going to get? Or, did ABC think they were setting up Bush?)

In either case, I'm going to judge Bush on what Bush did, not on what ABCs post-game show did.

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Chomerics is there ANY chance the victims blame the mayor???


Or is this a complete SHAM?

I agree this was a failure at all levels, but to blame the whole thing on the mayor is stepping over a little...their only so much a mayor can do...no state or city has the means to handle a situation like this...that where the Federal Government has to step in.


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Dude, make fun of me all you want, I know what I saw. That was a PR setup.

Where did the chairs come from? Where did the people come from? Backdrop of the Astrodome, then he asks questions like "What could have been done?" THe answers were right out of Fox News, things like "THe mayor could have bused us out when ever he wanted, why didn't he bus us out of the city. I saw the buses in a picture". They ask another one "how was his speech" and she answers, "just wonderful" . . .

Larry, and lucky, you have to get the video of the interviews at the end, it was classic Rove. I tell you what, this man is good, he definately is "the wolf" in pulp fiction.

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Let's assume that you're right, and that interview was staged. Let's assume that ABC set out to get that result, but that you were just too observant for them to get away with it.

Are you claiming that the people interviewed were actors? (Did any of them look like gay internet porn stars?)

Or, alternative theory:

Do you really think ABC picked 6 black people to interview because they wanted somebody to blame the Mayor?

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From the sounds of it, it does sound like a setup. But it sounds like an ABC setup.

(And, do you want to claim ABC knew what answer they were going to get? Or, did ABC think they were setting up Bush?)

In either case, I'm going to judge Bush on what Bush did, not on what ABCs post-game show did.

I have it on TIVO, but the entire endgame was a complete setup.

On the speech, man we do not have the money to be doing this, we need to re-examine our priorities and increase taxes now, because we're going to be paying like 50% in taxes to clean up this mess when these people are dead.

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Dude, make fun of me all you want, I know what I saw. That was a PR setup.

Where did the chairs come from? Where did the people come from? Backdrop of the Astrodome, then he asks questions like "What could have been done?" THe answers were right out of Fox News, things like "THe mayor could have bused us out when ever he wanted, why didn't he bus us out of the city. I saw the buses in a picture". They ask another one "how was his speech" and she answers, "just wonderful" . . .

Larry, and lucky, you have to get the video of the interviews at the end, it was classic Rove. I tell you what, this man is good, he definately is "the wolf" in pulp fiction.

Son, I understand. It's been a while, but I've been there before. The paranoia, peeking through the mini-blinds because you swear you heard someone tapping on the window. It will wear off soon enough.

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Do you really think ABC picked 6 black people to interview because they wanted somebody to blame the Mayor?

Nope, not actors, definately put on TV, but told exactly what to say. THey were told the questions they were going to be asked, and then told what they had to answer.

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No wait, Chom may have a point. Remember during an MTV sponsored Democrat Presidential debate, some young lady was going to ask a question (a substantive one), but then she was told what question to ask. If memory serves, is was about something inane, like dating or clothes or food or something.

The point here being that there is a precedent for it. I think he's high on crack if he thinks ABC would be a willing tool of Rove, though.

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Koppel talks to Dean Reynolds. There is 7 people in a parking lot in chairs. One child, one in a wheelchair. The Astrodome is in the backdrop, and there is a RV to the left of the people. They are in the Astrodome Parking lot. They are sitting on foldup canvas chairs, camping chairs.

First person

Reporter- "You heard the president say the people are with you do you think that?"

Person1- "yea, because in Texas, people have been really good to us."

Reportsr "Do you harbor any anger towards the president because of the slow federal response"

Person1- "No I don't hold any responsibility towards the president what so-ever because the city government and the state government should have been there before on their job"

Reporter- "And they weren't?"

People- "Nah, no, no, no, no LORD they wasn't. I mean they had RTA Buses Greyhound Buses Just sittin there goin under water when they could have been evacuating people"

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Reporter- "What do you think of his speech"

Person- "Well, I think the speech was wonderful, him specifying that we'll have like mobile homes or something, but I think it was a fine speech"

Reporter- "Was there anything you found hard to believe? Anything you thought well, that was nice rhetoric but the proof is in the pudding"

Person3- "No he didn't"

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Son, I understand. It's been a while, but I've been there before. The paranoia, peeking through the mini-blinds because you swear you heard someone tapping on the window. It will wear off soon enough.



Funniest thing I have read here in a long, long time. :notworthy

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reporter- "Do you think that maybe he arrived maybe just a little bit to late?"

person3&4 "well, maybe just a little"

Reporter- "What is the one mistake that could have been prevented, that could have made your lives much better. Would it have been simply getting all of you out much sooner"

Person 2 "I had the oppertunity to get out, but I stayed there"

Person6 "Well there were buses just sitting there and they could have driven us out"

Person1 "It really wasn't Hurricane Katrina who tore up the city, it was when they opened up the flood gates. It was not Katrina itself, it was the floodgates. When they opened the floodgates, thats where all that water that came in.

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You guys can think anything you want, but this was definately a setup. They cherry picked out of the Astrodome 7 people who were against the mayor and put them in front of the camera. I didn't see any of the other channels, but I will say that ABC was a definate PR stunt.

They just passed a law that the government wasn't allowed to do this anymore, I have no idea how they got away with it.

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Nope, not actors, definately put on TV, but told exactly what to say. THey were told the questions they were going to be asked, and then told what they had to answer.

Really. You actually believe that? :laugh:

Dude, you really have lost your mind. BTW, would it be too much to ask to have some proof of this? Any 8x10 glossies of the secret service men pointing guns at their heads? Do you even have proof that Bush has done this in the past (like the proof we have of Saddam supporting terrorism)?

Just so we are clear, It's OK for you to make sh#t up about Bush with no evidence whatsoever but a decade of supporting terrorism, the attempted assasination of a former US president and numerous contacts between Saddam and al Qaeda mean nothing. Riiiiiiight.


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Really. You actually believe that? :laugh:

Dude, you really have lost your mind. BTW, would it be too much to ask to have some proof of this? Any 8x10 glossies of the secret service men pointing guns at their heads? Do you even have proof that Bush has done this in the past (like the proof we have of Saddam supporting terrorism)?

Just so we are clear, It's OK for you to make sh#t up about Bush with no evidence whatsoever but a decade of supporting terrorism, the attempted assasination of a former US president and numerous contacts between Saddam and al Qaeda mean nothing. Riiiiiiight.


You couldn't see it if it hit you square upside the jaw, so I'm not expecting you to see when you're being set up. Hell, you still think Fox News is "fair and balanced"

You see, ther are people in this world that are played, and people who actually do the playing Mike, and you get played all the time. It isn't rocket science to figure out what is going on.

Now, look at what is on ABC. How to survive a nuclear attack :doh:

Lets play on the fear of Americans, it worked before, this time, it won't work though. The Bushies are pulling out all the stops, no question about it, but to many people see throught the thinly disguised veil. When a person who isn't even involved in politics can see through the BS, it means they're slipping and out of moves.

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