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Thito's Pictures: Official DTC tailgate..... Chicago @ Washington (9.11.05)


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I think I do know what he was talking about, but the grammar/spelling was not up to par.

I hope he didn't mean the mall.

And yes, I am smart.

I believe I said, "For example" before writing the mall. Just to kind of give you and idea of what he meant by "out of FedEx."

And I'm sure you are smart, why else would I have put, "Hey smart guy?" ;)

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Jealous, are we?

You should start a 'florida girls' thread so we don't have to see all those other pictures in order to see the ones that matter :)

although I must admit, that was one helluva nice cell phone and I did enjoy looking at it. mmm mmm Motorola. :silly:

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I believe I said, "For example" before writing the mall. Just to kind of give you and idea of what he meant by "out of FedEx."

And I'm sure you are smart, why else would I have put, "Hey smart guy?" ;)

So, sorry. I didn't see the part that said "for example."

Maybe I'm not so smart after all :(

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The following pictures in this post are PART 1 from our infamous, DTC “post-game” tailgate at F-51. With a Redskins victory, there were lots of smiles to go around. Enjoy…..

The Mayor stylin with the megaphone. It’s a celebration ****es!!






Los… Redskins win!!


Hungover, sore, sunburn.


And still lovin life!!




Myself & Jenn




Myself & Megan


The Mayor


The Mayor




Myself representin!!


The President


Steve crushing the DTC Punch!!


DaCoach & SOC


Dustin joins the fun.


Myself, Isaac, Dustin


Myself enjoyin RiggoRanger’s ribs. Bangin!!


Still one more set to follow, but this set will only be posted on the DTC message board. Go to: http://deadtreecrew.proboards30.com/index.cgi?board=thito to check 'em out.....

DTC 2005!! Big things!! I'ma miss y'all man!!

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Whats up fellas, Big up to you all for having a kick A$$ shin-dig.. I live here in the desert( Tucson,az) and i don't know any down skins fans. How can i get down with the DTC? I am going to the skins-cards game in Dec.. Where can i get some sweet gear fot the game. It's hard finding stuff down here.

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Whats up fellas, Big up to you all for having a kick A$$ shin-dig.. I live here in the desert( Tucson,az) and i don't know any down skins fans. How can i get down with the DTC? I am going to the skins-cards game in Dec.. Where can i get some sweet gear fot the game. It's hard finding stuff down here.

I'm in Las Vegas. The DTC should be poppin at the AZ game as well. We'll see you there.

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That looks like a hell of a time. I think i would have to get back into "game shape" before i tackle that DTC bong, though.

I can't beleive that we've gone seven pages & nobody's made a Fred Hoiberg joke. Too much gawking at the Florida girls, I guess (not that there's anything wrong with that......)

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Something came up tonight on The Stadium message board. . . which brought back into focus who the DTC is and why we exist.

It was found in this thread: "Most annoying thing @ FedExField?"

I found answers such as these:

By da#1skinsfan:

The worst thing by far is how visiting fans come in and run the place.

Can we get a collective "we will take no **** from Eagles fans" on November 6th or what?!?!

By Rabidfan:

How about more opposing fans Jerseys in the stands than any other stadium in the league.

By SamSneed36:

The most annoying thing in any stadium is the same: an Iggles fan

By TheOtherGardner:

3. Annoying opposing fans....A lot of fans are very respectful, last year i met a guy wearing a Dallas jersey, him and i were talking ALL game long, he said "that was a nice play" when it was necessary, and vice versa! I CANT STAND opposing fans that will get up in your face every time their team does something, jesus christ, yes cheer, but dont talk trash.

By Phat Hog:

1. The number of Cowgirl fans that show up

2. The number of Iggles fans that show up

3. Cost of drinks!

4. See #3


Too many fans from other teams.

By Renegademrnate23:


Originally Posted by RabidFan

How about more opposing fans Jerseys in the stands than any other stadium in the league.

YES this pisses me off.

By Dreamshatterer

During a non cowboys a game, 1 idiot walking around in a cowboys jersey.

By Skinsman4u: (I enjoy this one)

Don't feel bad, My family's been holding season tickets since the Corine Griffith days so we finally get seats on the field South end of the end zone sec 11, row 3, seat 1 and what happens there's a computer glich and we get our tickets in the mail and their printed as sec 12, row 3, seat 4... ticket office admitted mistake and next year we'll be permanently in sec 11 or at the tunnel in sec 10...yeah and during the Monday Night game against Dallas, one Dallas fan jumps up and tells me to shut up; but Dallas fans are of a socialization process that was well actually no process at all...gee it must really suck to be a Dallas fan and as far as Philly fans, we can blow their feathers off just as we blew all the hair off the bears! Hail!

By renegademrnate23 again: (I enjoy this one as well)

No one, and I mean NO ONE makes fans wearing other jerseys feel more UNWELCOME than me, but then "skins fans" give me the old, oh dont do that, we aren't philly, be nice. Look, I am not going to physically attack anyone in a cowboys jersey (unless they ask for it), but if you have the balls to walk into Fed Ex wearing the opposing team's jersey, then you also have earned the right to hear me right behind you ALL GAME, and if that makes me a bad fan, I am sorry, but I will not allow you to feel "comfortable" rooting for another team in the SKINS' house. But I wont kill you like philly.

And as far as complaints about Fed Ex, I stand by the only one I really have, people being there that shouldnt be, AKA, people on cell phones, in suits, more worried about the image of having season tickets then they are about the game. GO SKINS.

Just a reminder of who we are, and what our mission is.

And that mission is to say






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I see we have the same hating from the same people that did it over on my DTC picture thread.

Why all the hating???

Or is it jealousy???

We are all Redskin fans here that love our team and hate it when opposing fans come to OUR HOUSE and talk crap.

Some of you people just don't get it, do you???

I have already said what I wanted to say over in my thread.

It's funny that the biggest haters are also the ones who have posted the most in BOTH threads.

Now, back to the topic.

Great pics, thito.

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The Mayors top 5 pics of 9/11

I got that DTC punch in my cup, you know i'm ****** up, Eagle fans shut the **** up!


Fresh of his debut album Zonin: F-51 Style, the CEO of the DTC lets everybody know that the DTC runs Fed Ex Field.


Look at the President making moves pre-game style. The President was on the move all day, but took time out to cook, and to give the Mayor a rest on the megaphone.


The haters with Icy Hot Stunaz pics, this one is for you. DTC bling. Watcha know bout it?


And finally. The Mayor #1 picture from 9/11. I think it speaks for itself.



I want to thank the DTC girls (formally known as the FLA girls) Jenn aka MissDTC, Becky, Megan, and of course Heather for the past weekend. Riggo Ranger, Skinsfann44, The Coach, SOC, Rock (walkman44), Seth, Los, Litos, Kenny, Corey, Big Suge, Sarah, Iceman, Sherri, Skinsfan1311, and I know I missed some people, but mad love to you all!

To the CEO and the President. It aint just a dream anymore.

To the haters. "you can hate us know, but we won't stop now"

The the Redskins fans! 1-0 baby! HAIL TO THE REDSKINS! WE WANT DALLAS!

Hail to Extremeskins!

Hail to the Redskins!

Hail DTC!

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