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Thito's Pictures: Official DTC tailgate..... Chicago @ Washington (9.11.05)


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Well, pretty similar. I am actually talking on a the new i836 by Motorola and I am pacing in front of a 2006 Escalade. Did you check out the shades? Burberry. Custom Jersey, custom shorts, custom shoes and a custom headband?

Again, can you provide any pictures of your wonderful weekend

Or were you playing hide the thumb with your pals in Johnson City watching the game on your 13" with rabbit ears. Pass the Blue Ribbon!


Pretty impressive, I see that you also have a custom made traffic cone!!!!

How might one go about about aquiring one of these rare pieces of "bling"?

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Definitely some hating going on in this thread.

These guys is doing their thing to the fullest. If it ain't for you, then don't look at the pictures.

If people ain't stepping on your toes, there's no need to start something. All they're doing is posting pictures.

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"Definitely some hating going on in this thread."

Understatement of the year. The DTC attracts hate like free porn attracts losers.

Nothing we can do, but I will say thank you for defending us. The Sir, I would like to see you at a game this year, drop me a PM if you can make it, Ill take care of your "enertainment" for sure!

Everytime I see what the haters write, I look at this pictire. Does it look like I care what you think about me?


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These pictures are awesome! I just want to say a big thanks to The Mayor, The President, The CEO, Thito and everyone else who made our trip to DC an unforgettable one! All of us "FL Girls" had a great time!! It's only right that people hate on you...why wouldn't they?! ;) Us FL girls are use to all the haters, we love the attention...it's great! Keep it comin!

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"Definitely some hating going on in this thread."

Understatement of the year. The DTC attracts hate like free porn attracts losers.

Nothing we can do, but I will say thank you for defending us. The Sir, I would like to see you at a game this year, drop me a PM if you can make it, Ill take care of your "enertainment" for sure!

Everytime I see what the haters write, I look at this pictire. Does it look like I care what you think about me?

I don't think a picture (that's the proper way to spell it BTW) can tell someone what you think.

However, the fact that you BRAG about having custom this and custom that and what type of cell phone you have does imply you care what people think about you.

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Its funny how I remember such an unpopular kid from high school. Yeah, i'm talking to you RonMexico.

Let this thread stay on topic. Seth has a few more photos to download.

That being said, Ron Mexico and Rictus28, you both have made your points. You both hate the DTC, the multiple pictures comparing our likeness and the predictible reply by rictus with his quotes and emotiocons got the point across.

Thanks for stopping by guys, we do have our own website you know, you can feel free to go there and hate.

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That being said, Ron Mexico and Rictus28, you both have made your points. You both hate the DTC

I never said I hate you or your friends. I just hate the way you bully people who don't like the Redskins. All I was doing was pointing out that your statement about not caring what others think was incorrect. Stop hating on me.

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We're obviously going to get some haters. I mean we're the tightest out right now. That's what comes with being on top.

But another picture of the Icy Hot Stunnas?

Another Kriss Kross reference?

I am embarrassed for you guys who can't come up with something that hasn't been done 5,003,392,483 times.

If you're coming at us, come real with it.

What did the DTC do to you?

Or is it rather that we do something that you all can't?

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"The rediculous attack on someone as classy as TK (which has since been deleted) is all I needed to see."

A. I know of no attack, and I don't know who TK is.

B. Im aure if if there was, it was a long time ago. Why are you holding the grudge? Are you TK?

C. If thats "all you needed to see", why do I see your name viewing this thread all day? I mean, all you need to see, yet your camped out here like its Star Wars 5 and we have the tickets.

D. Let Seths post stay on topic. I would be happy to veiw your hatred and assumptions after Seth posts the rest of his pictures.

We don't need this thread locked up because a handul of haters came together and held hands.

Go eat lunch.

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"The rediculous attack on someone as classy as TK (which has since been deleted) is all I needed to see."

A. I know of no attack, and I don't know who TK is.

B. Im aure if if there was, it was a long time ago. Why are you holding the grudge? Are you TK?

C. If thats "all you needed to see", why do I see your name viewing this thread all day? I mean, all you need to see, yet your camped out here like its Star Wars 5 and we have the tickets.

D. Let Seths post stay on topic. I would be happy to veiw your hatred and assumptions after Seth posts the rest of his pictures.

We don't need this thread locked up because a handul of haters came together and held hands.

Go eat lunch.

You know who TK is, and if not... :doh: TK IV II I

That was just one example, I don't need to go into more. I don't like anything you guys stand for, and for you to call other haters is laughable.

I came to this thread (while at work) because I knew the upcoming New Kids on the Block style argument was coming, which I find amusing. I also like laughing at the pictures.

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And rictus, have you ever seen us bully other fans out of FedEx? I would wager that you haven't.

Seen with my own eyes? no.

To quote Skinsfan44

“Well, when that happened, the DTC went on a all out verbal assault on these Bear fans to the point that FedEx security came and told the Bear fans that they had to move for their own safety. They were escorted far away to the other side of the green lot. :laugh:”

Thats all I need to know.

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Some of you guys on here are ridiculous. Seth puts up pictures for everyone to enjoy and you guys come on this thread and just start bashing people. I mean really, you A. obviously have way too much time on your hands, B. nothing better to do or C. you need to get a life. I say D. all of the above. However, that's my opinion. Anyway....lets stay on topic shall we.....

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Seen with my own eyes? no.

To quote Skinsfan44

“Well, when that happened, the DTC went on a all out verbal assault on these Bear fans to the point that FedEx security came and told the Bear fans that they had to move for their own safety. They were escorted far away to the other side of the green lot. :laugh:”

Thats all I need to know.

Hey smart guy, he means outside of FedEx Field. For example, the mall, a restaurant etc...

If you're going to talk...atleast know what you are talking about. :)

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