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FedEx Field rated low by TSN


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I'm in the minority here...I love FedEx field! My only issue is with the mini-tron..I don't care about the food, as I tailgate...traffic is never an issue with me, I park in one of the Blue lots and I'm outta there in 15 minutes, tops. (that's because I go home on 202, not 95) I went to the scrimmage, at Mullet & Trailer and, truthfully, the place made me feel claustrophobic. Their jumbotron, however, is the best. Don't let anyone fool you about parking, or the loot-rail...parking is a nightmare on gameday, and the loot-rail flat out sucks....packed trains, some so full, that they skip stations altogether, and they take forever....also, you can't take camera-bags into M&T, but you can take purses,(???), which really pissed off Mrs Skinsfan...we both agreed, that M&T gameday experience blows and couldn't wait to get back into the cavernous confines of FedEx...like previous posters stated...winning will change a lot!

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Having been to games at FedEx three times, I can unequivocally say that there is no way in which being there is better than watching the game on TV. What else needs to be said?

I don't think we'll ever get an honest answer on this point, but my sense is that a huge number of the old season ticket holders from RFK, the ones who had tickets passed down in the family for decades and so forth, bailed out during the time period between Gibbs I and Gibbs II, some after the stadium change was made, and the rest after Snyder's M.O. became apparent. I don't know who holds the tickets now, but I strongly suspect that a large number of season tickets are owned directly by ticket brokers, not individual fans as they claim. The rest are owned by companies who hand tickets out as perks. And when you go to the stadium and see packs of teenagers/twenty-somethings who look like they just got off an episode of COPS rolling in with no adults, you know something is going on that we're not being told about, because there's no way they can afford those seats if the whole stadium is sold out as season tickets...which is what Snyder claims.

Personally, I almost think he's handing out free tickets in opposing teams' cities to fill empty seats that are NOT sold out to season ticket holders. I have no way of proving it, but that's the only thing that would explain the crowds at FedEx...because Snyder has definitely managed to somehow pack the stadium with people without a large number of those people being fans of the team in any way, shape or form.

This is all speculation, but all I can say is the two times I've been since Snyder bought the team, I got the distinct impression that the majority of people in that stadium had shown up for the sole purpose of getting drunk and booing the Redskins, with those of who were serious, dedicated fans dispersed among them in tiny pockets.

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make this stadium easily metro accessible is still something I ponder often. Then there is the team itself. The players and coaches have taken a chapter out of the Patriots playbook by just running out on to the field and not doing introductions. I haven't heard the PA announcer announce Joe Gibbs and have him run out of the tunnel since he returned to coaching. All of you who say that he doesn't want put the attention on himself and individuals can shove it. I want to build that fever pitch by hearing Sean Taylor's name, Lavar Arrington's name, Chris Cooley's name and by God Joe Freakin Gibb's name so I can loose my S*** and go nuts with 90k other fans in the stands. I live and die by the team but the fan experience at Fed Ex is a 2 on a scale of 10.

I think if they announced the players fans would actually be in the stadium in time to see the players anounced. Ill bring up the Ravens and The Ray Lewis introduction, If any one here has experianced it they will know what I am talking about. All I can say is M&T Bank Stadium goes freaking ape doo doo and is extremally extremally loud. I think your right, they need to do something before the game to get the fans jacked up, because what they are doing now isnt working.

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there could be more Redskins history throughout the stadium, that's fa sho

But that would take away valuable ad space.

I refer you back to the "2" for Game Day Experience. The game day experience at the stadium, not his playing virtual GM, has been my biggest gripe about the Snyder era.

To name a few: Snyder sold the naming rights of the stadium for $$$, the loud commercials during TV timeouts, high concession prices including $7 beers, no food allowed in the stadium, no cheaper food allowed to be sold by vendors on the grounds, second highest ticket prices in the entire league, price and availability of parking, congestion in and around the stadium, the huge chain link fence erected to restrict access to the stadium, not allowing foot traffic into the stadium, putting dream seats right in front of most loyal long tenured fans of the team to make mo' money, the dangerous non-working escalators, NFL Experience for kids taken out for more revenue producing corporate hospitality tents, removal of the standing room only areas near the end zone bars for more revenue producing seats, allowing people to move up the season ticket waiting list ahead of others by buying into things like the Tailgate Club for $1500, etc.

Hey, don't get me wrong I'm a big Skins fan. Not a big Snyder fan however.

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Having the whole team run out together is probably Gibbs' preference and I have no problem with it. Before he returned last year they did player intros and it still didn't make a difference. People just don't seem to care enough to get to their seats on time. You would think that the regulars who go all the time would know enough how long it takes to get to the stadium, get a parking spot, and then move through the security lines to enter the stadiums. I think unfortunately you have too many people who just get tickets foir games from time to time and treat the experience a little too casually. These are the same people who get up and walk in front of you during a play.......how clueless can you be?

For the people who do get in the stadium early, I would recommend playing a little more rockin music in the hour or so before the game to help get the fans who are there fired up.

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Having been to games at FedEx three times, I can unequivocally say that there is no way in which being there is better than watching the game on TV. What else needs to be said?

I don't think we'll ever get an honest answer on this point, but my sense is that a huge number of the old season ticket holders from RFK, the ones who had tickets passed down in the family for decades and so forth, bailed out during the time period between Gibbs I and Gibbs II, some after the stadium change was made, and the rest after Snyder's M.O. became apparent. I don't know who holds the tickets now, but I strongly suspect that a large number of season tickets are owned directly by ticket brokers, not individual fans as they claim. The rest are owned by companies who hand tickets out as perks. And when you go to the stadium and see packs of teenagers/twenty-somethings who look like they just got off an episode of COPS rolling in with no adults, you know something is going on that we're not being told about, because there's no way they can afford those seats if the whole stadium is sold out as season tickets...which is what Snyder claims.

Personally, I think he's handing out free tickets in opposing teams' cities to fill empty seats that are NOT sold out to season ticket holders. I have no way of proving it, but that's the only thing that would explain the crowds at FedEx...because Snyder has definitely managed to somehow pack the stadium with people without a large number of those people being fans of the team in any way, shape or form.

This post is ridiculous on so many levels, oh where to begin......

Having been to games at FedEx three times, I can unequivocally say that there is no way in which being there is better than watching the game on TV.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion here, but watching the game live and feeling the electricity of the crowd during a win (yes they've been few and far between of late) is FAR better than sitting at home. I've been a season ticket holder for 3 years now and I HATE when we play on the road because I just don't enjoy the games as much.

And when you go to the stadium and see packs of teenagers/twenty-somethings who look like they just got off an episode of COPS rolling in with no adults, you know something is going on that we're not being told about, because there's no way they can afford those seats if the whole stadium is sold out as season tickets...which is what Snyder claims.

I'm 24, have a mortgage and am married with a child yet I manage to afford season tickets. And furthermore, I've sat in two different sections during the time I've had season tickets and I can tell you that in those two sections the average age of those around me was no where near twenty something.

Personally, I think he's handing out free tickets in opposing teams' cities to fill empty seats that are NOT sold out to season ticket holders. I have no way of proving it, but that's the only thing that would explain the crowds at FedEx...because Snyder has definitely managed to somehow pack the stadium with people without a large number of those people being fans of the team in any way, shape or form.

If you really think that Dan Synder is GIVING away tickets then you need to have your head examined. The Redskins have sold out EVERY home game since 1968, but don't take my word for it........ask the NFL. http://www.nfl.com/teams/story/WAS/7003544

The reason why Fedex is full of the opposing teams fans is twofold. First off, the DC metro area is a very transient place. A large percentage if its inhabitants hail from other areas in the U.S. Secondly, far too many "fans" sell their tickets on ebay. I used to sit behind one of the endzones and literally every game I sat next to a new person who bought the tickets on ebay. Thankfully the team has taken actions to prevent this.

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I'm 24, have a mortgage and am married with a child yet I manage to afford season tickets. And furthermore, I've sat in two different sections during the time I've had season tickets and I can tell you that in those two sections the average age of those around me was no where near twenty something.

I'm not talking about married people with kids. I'm talking about packs of kids who look like they could be in high school.

If you really think that Dan Synder is GIVING away tickets then you need to have your head examined. The Redskins have sold out EVERY home game since 1968, but don't take my word for it........ask the NFL. http://www.nfl.com/teams/story/WAS/7003544

The reason why Fedex is full of the opposing teams fans is twofold. First off, the DC metro area is a very transient place. A large percentage if its inhabitants hail from other areas in the U.S. Secondly, far too many "fans" sell their tickets on ebay. I used to sit behind one of the endzones and literally every game I sat next to a new person who bought the tickets on ebay. Thankfully the team has taken actions to prevent this.

Giving away tickets is pretty unlikely, I'll admit. But the seats being owned directly by brokers is not as unlikely. Maybe Snyder really does try to keep them out, and they trick whatever system he has to spot them, or maybe he just calls them up and says "I've a bunch nobody wants, they're yours for the right price". I don't know. There's no question a big part of it is the constant losing, but it's pretty sad that the old crowds that were apparently pretty much static throughout the 70s and 80s, if not going back further, are gone forever.

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I always forget that Snyder didn't build FedEx, because the blueprint and location of the stadium certainly have his name written all over it.... eg. the largest stadium in the NFL so he can pack all of his customers, I mean fans into it.... a stadium in the middle of nowhere so fans have no option but to pay for parking.... but that stuff really isn't his fault.

jwebst1 has perfectly explained my feelings as i enter Fedex...in the eyes of Snyder, I am no longer a fan but a potential paying customer. Thanks jweb, I wasn't able to pinpoint it before.

Fedex does have a good energy level, which will likely increase once there is a winning team on the field, but the stadium to me is boring, expensive to visit, and a pain to get in and out of.

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Didn't everybody hear or herd how loud the stadium was against Tampa Bay at the hom opener? They said it was the loudes NFL stadium has ever been. Even louder than Arrowhead Stadium at KC (trust me, that place can get VERY loud) If the Skins start winning, we can really help the team by screaming our @$$ off when the D is on the field.


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I'm in the minority here...I love FedEx field!

I'm also in the minority, I'm not going to say I love it, but I really don't mind it, and I do believe some of these complaints are being way overblown.

Like the commercials. Don't like them? Don't look at them! I'm seriously not getting the gripe with the commercials. It's EXTREMELY easy to not pay attention to them.

I do agree however, that our "Jumbo"trons aren't very Jumbo.

There are more complaints than solutions being offered. Maintaining a stadium that size cost money. How would you raise that money?

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I'm also in the minority, I'm not going to say I love it, but I really don't mind it, and I do believe some of these complaints are being way overblown.

Like the commercials. Don't like them? Don't look at them! I'm seriously not getting the gripe with the commercials. It's EXTREMELY easy to not pay attention to them.

:cheers: Exactly!

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Having been to games at FedEx three times, I can unequivocally say that there is no way in which being there is better than watching the game on TV. What else needs to be said?


Huh? Dude, it's football, not a night at the opera...most of the drunks are harmless...just people having a good time... No way is watching the game on TV is better...(though there is something to be said for being indoors when it's snowing/sleeting sideways). Yeah it sucks when they lose,but, oh man, when they win, there's electricity in the air and that great feeling that can't be had, sitting in front of a tube...sure, it's commercial, but what stadium isn't? The crass comercialism is the price we pay to keep these guys in million-dollar contracts.

So beers are $7.00, and the food is overpriced and sucks...that's what tailgating is for. The bottom line is are you there to watch football, or to eat?? I don't give a rat's a** if I have to sit on a milk-crate, as long as I have a view of the field; let the wine & cheese crowd worry about the amenities...give me a place to sit, and a pot to piss in, and I'm happy. Sure, there's a few things that could be better..but it's our house and we need to make the best of it. Watch how the complaints go down, as the win's pile up..... Try attending a few more games...you'll see.....

:helmet: :logo: :helmet: :logo: :cheers:

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