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Rex Grossman hurt again (merged)


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Originally posted by SkinsD

Was very sad to hear this, I feel bad for the Bears faithful (which generally is a nice crowd). Good for us tho in the opener!

I know they got Orton but maybe they would like a vet like Brunelll!!!

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who had this cross their mind, we can dream can't we?

If I were the Bears and decide not to look for a veteran, why not start Orton? You know you won't go anywhere with Hutchinson so why not give the kid a chance.

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Both injuries to Grossman appear to have occurred on artificial turf (at Minnesota and St. Louis). He wasn't injured much as a Gator. One smart thing Spurrier did the day he arrived at UF was demand that they remove the artificial turf. They promptly did.

I ran on the old hard as a rock artificial turf at the Swamp. I can't imagine doing it more than once or twice per week.

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Crying shame -- Rex looked real good. Confident, poised, throws a beautiful ball -- I expected big things from him this year.

That said, the bears made a HUGE mistake in not signing some quality vet to be his backup. I mean, the same thing happened last year and it killed their season. How do you make the same mistake twice?

The good news for them is that there's still a month to go before the season starts -- they could sign someone like Jeff Blake. Apparently they have no interest in resigning Jeff George -- despite the urgings of George's number one fan, Lenny "All You Can Eat means All You Can Eat damnit!" Pasquerelli.

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Grossman summed it up best when he said "S- happens sometimes"

It’s a shame that the most talented QB to come out of Florida in some time has to deal with so many injuries. I hope he is still given an opportunity to have a decent career, considering how some GM's refuse to wait.

Now it time to be insensitive:

Considering Benson is not there yet, is it too early to sing "The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck…"

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