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Originally posted by luckydevil

two cheers for DNC spin


We need comedy talk radio, there's enough political crap on the air already.

Give me Comedy Centrals "the Daily Show" on the radio or something along those lines. I'd love to have something entertaining to listen to on the radio for a change, right now it's crappy pop music or partisan talking heads spewing hatred.

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The Bush Spin?

Amazing How one "CABLE" channel compared to all of the cable networks as well as NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS (still) that force feed you the exact same anti bush, America is bad and you americans arent helping stuff daily has liberals quaking in their boots.

Yesterday liberals were amazed that even with high gas prices that americans are still filling up their cars and SUVs and enjoying the summer.

Yeah this was on ABC, news channel 8 here locally.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

This has the capability of get more listeners (both of them) than Air anti America and avoid bnakruptcyas well as have a longer shelf life than America coming together

Funny, because I consider your post the most Anti-American thing in this thread so far.

Removing liberty is NOT American, no matter how many times Bush says it is so. But then again, we're talking about a political party who thinks intellegent design is actually science, so what do you expect. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by NavyDave

The Bush Spin?

Amazing How one "CABLE" channel compared to all of the cable networks as well as NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS (still) that force feed you the exact same anti bush, America is bad and you americans arent helping stuff daily has liberals quaking in their boots.

Yesterday liberals were amazed that even with high gas prices that americans are still filling up their cars and SUVs and enjoying the summer.

Yeah this was on ABC, news channel 8 here locally.

When was the last time you watched ABC news? Libral media??? :rotflmao:

This from a man who watches Fox News all day, the fact that you don't see the contradiction is completely mindblowing.

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Cho.. I think he's simply trying to compare apples to apples.... only there is one apple on this side and nearly a dozen on the other. You keep chanting the "no liberal biased on network TV" mantra... maybe someday you yourself will believe it.

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Originally posted by Cskin

Cho.. I think he's simply trying to compare apples to apples.... only there is one apple on this side and nearly a dozen on the other. You keep chanting the "no liberal biased on network TV" mantra... maybe someday you yourself will believe it.

The liberal media myth is one of the most successful campaign strategies in history....nothing more. If the media really wanted to promote the left then they wouldn't allow right wing group like the swift boats to dominate headlines and drown out their guys message. If you think about it even for a second you see that the results don't match the accusation.

If the media goes on and on about pepsi people, being the sheep they are, run out and by pepsi. It's how the world works. In politics everyone talks about what the media is reporting. If they were as bias as right wing conspiracy theorists say they are you would hear nothing from the networks and the paper other then that which the Democratic leaders wanted you to hear, or at least that which is in their best interest. You don't.

The media may not be as right wing friendly as you like it but the scope of bias claimed by some is a pathetic excuse to avoid answering tough questions. Bush screws up and it gets reported....pffft just more media bias we all know Bush can do no wrong.

It's really a amazing campaign tactic and one that will no doubt be studied in the future. The GOP has successfully convinced more then half the country to ignore it's critics. Stunning and historic achievment.

But hell I'm an open minded guy, I dislike liberal economic beliefs almost as much as I dislike right wing social stances so let's do this. You tell me how the vast majority of the media is entirely behind the democrats, yet we see it having no measurable effect at the polls. Either the media isn't as bias as people like to say they are, or we are witnesses to a psychological break through proving once and for all that propaganda delivered via every possible form of media is completely ineffective.

I don't buy it. But I'm sure you have mountains of anecdotal evidence showing that a broadcaster once slept with the cousin of a friend of Bill Clinton, so it must be so.

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Originally posted by Destino


We need comedy talk radio, there's enough political crap on the air already.

Give me Comedy Centrals "the Daily Show" on the radio or something along those lines. I'd love to have something entertaining to listen to on the radio for a change, right now it's crappy pop music or partisan talking heads spewing hatred.

Nicely said Destino - give me some d@mn humor!

I am so sick of people saying you must be a lib/con because you don't preach whatever party line I suckle to. Guess what? Most of the people I know don't robot themselves into a party line. They have "lib" and "con" views depending on the subject.

At the end of the day, sometimes I just want some humor that holds the mirror up to everyone. :type: :2cents:

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

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Originally posted by NavyDave

The Bush Spin?

Amazing How one "CABLE" channel compared to all of the cable networks as well as NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS (still) that force feed you the exact same anti bush, America is bad and you americans arent helping stuff daily has liberals quaking in their boots.

Yesterday liberals were amazed that even with high gas prices that americans are still filling up their cars and SUVs and enjoying the summer.

Yeah this was on ABC, news channel 8 here locally.

WTF? People are filling their cars because they HAVE to you know, go to work.

"liberals were amazed that people are still filling up their cars and enjoying the summer"??? What kind of dribel is this? Playing a page straight out of Kilmer17's book with that kind of banter.

In case you didn't know, Ford and Chevy have been LOSING money because they refuse to come out with more fuel efficient vehicles the way foreign automakers are.

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