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AP: Owens gets earful from Eagles fans


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Owens gets earful from Eagles fans


BETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP) -- Philadelphia Eagles fans just couldn't bring themselves to hate Terrell Owens.

Notorious for their boorish behavior, many fans booed the disgruntled All-Pro receiver and some taunted Owens during Wednesday morning's practice at Lehigh University.

But it took just a simple smile and a little interaction for Owens to win them over again.

"This ain't San Francisco," one fan yelled as Owens knelt along the sidelines, listening to the derisive jeers. "You ain't bigger than this team. Shut up and play."

They took their best shots, and scolded Owens for hiring agent Drew Rosenhaus.

Finally, Owens stood up, turned to the crowd, cracked a smile and pumped his left arm up, urging them to make more noise.

The fans suddenly erupted in cheers and the same guy who was riding Owens the loudest started chanting the "T.O." song. Owens flashed a wider grin, nodded his head in approval and walked back toward the field.

It was the first time this summer fans could see Owens practice, and some of the Philly die-hards started lining up at 4 a.m. just to get a glimpse of him running patterns with the NFC champions.

Owens was wildly popular in his first season in Philadelphia, helping the Eagles reach the Super Bowl for the first time in 24 years. But Owens lost many supporters when he and Rosenhaus began loudly protesting for a new contract just one season into the seven-year, $48.97 million deal he signed after coming to the Eagles in March 2004.

When Owens emerged from the locker room for the morning practice, fans booed. As he jogged onto the field and closer toward the crowd, many of the boos turned to cheers.

The boos were loud when Owens dropped a pass early in the drills. They were louder when Owens first went to the sidelines and stood -- no coincidence -- away from quarterback Donovan McNabb.

But the fans couldn't resist giving Owens some love once he showed them he was listening to their remarks.

"We're gonna give you hell, but we still love you, T.O.," a fan screamed.

Owens refused to speak to reporters for the third straight day, and hardly talked much with his teammates. He nearly started a riot when he tossed a towel into the stands, though.

"He looked good," Eagles coach Andy Reid said.

Asked his thoughts on the crowd's reaction to Owens, Reid said: "I didn't notice anything."

He wasn't the only one.

"When I'm on the field, my main focus is to make as many plays as possible," said McNabb, who squabbled with Owens in the offseason.

The other receivers certainly heard the fans.

"It doesn't affect us and it doesn't affect T.O.," wideout Greg Lewis said.

McNabb reiterated he doesn't have a problem with Owens, though it seemed the two stars purposely stayed away from each other. McNabb threw a crisp, long pass to Owens at one point, and even was his lead blocker on an end-around early on.

"I don't think you particularly have to like the individual or hang out with the individual," McNabb said. "I think you have to have a good business relationship. It's funny how the assumptions come out for us and our situation. Everyone said last year how we were just the best of friends, and we were hanging out and doing everything. We had a good business relationship then, and we have a good business relationship now."

Owens started the friction when he took a shot at McNabb, saying he "wasn't the guy who got tired in the Super Bowl."

McNabb responded with harsh words, insisting he didn't get sick and wasn't tired in the fourth quarter of the 24-21 loss to New England.

The two still haven't sat down for a face-to-face chat.

"I don't want a private moment. It's not needed," McNabb said. Notes: Reid had no update on Brian Westbrook's contract situation. The Pro Bowl running back was a surprise holdout on Monday. "I think that it is very important to come in and get your timing down," Reid said. "You get your legs and your wind, get used to the heat and so on."

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Originally posted by SkinsNatsFan

I don't understand why this guy is still a story. He didn't hold out. He's in camp. He's pouting. Philadelphia fans are booing. So what? Move on to something that actually is a story.

TO is a media whore, and constantly creates non-story dramas to get his name in the headlines

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Originally posted by bubba9497

TO is a media whore, and constantly creates non-story dramas to get his name in the headlines

It would not surprise me one bit if the guy who started out taunting, then turned to chanting, was a plant by T.O. or his agent. Just the thing he needed...a hating fan turned from away from the dark side.

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Look, T.O. was a piece of crap before he went to the Eagles, and he managed to win over Eagles fans then. He hasn't changed. He's still a piece of crap. And, he's going to win over Eagles fans again if he produces.

But more important is how the locker room perceives him, and between McNabb and Douglas, he's doing his damage in there, where it counts

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Can you say "fair-weather fans"?

Eagles fans are all talk.

As long as T.O. produces, they will shut up.

They act like hes not bigger than the team, and he cant do this or that, but when all is said and done, they will love him no matter what he does because he will score TD's.

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The dude came back from a broken leg...he has put it all on the line for his team...Show him the money!

As much as I hate the Eages, I'm on TO's side on this one.

Furthermore, I cant beleive McNabb had the nerve to talk about Farve but wont talk about TO.

TO owns McNabb. McNabb will through him the ball or McNabb will get an ear full on the side lines.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

Owens gets earful from Eagles fans


BETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP) -- Philadelphia Eagles fans just couldn't bring themselves to hate Terrell Owens.

Notorious for their boorish behavior, many fans booed the disgruntled All-Pro receiver and some taunted Owens during Wednesday morning's practice at Lehigh University.

But it took just a simple smile and a little interaction for Owens to win them over again.

"This ain't San Francisco," one fan yelled as Owens knelt along the sidelines, listening to the derisive jeers. "You ain't bigger than this team. Shut up and play."

Finally, Owens stood up, turned to the crowd, cracked a smile and pumped his left arm up, urging them to make more noise.

The fans suddenly erupted in cheers and the same guy who was riding Owens the loudest started chanting the "T.O." song. Owens flashed a wider grin, nodded his head in approval and walked back toward the field.

:doh: Just goes to show how stoopid Eagles fans are.

Eagles fan: "You suck, T.O.!"

T.O.: :D

Eagles fan: "T.O., T.O., T.O."

:doh: Dumbazzes!


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Originally posted by HeHateMe

Can you say "fair-weather fans"?

Eagles fans are all talk.

As long as T.O. produces, they will shut up.

They act like hes not bigger than the team, and he cant do this or that, but when all is said and done, they will love him no matter what he does because he will score TD's.

Agreed. They say he isn't bigger than the team, but they cheer him & chant "T.O." because he smiled at them & flexed a muscle, acting as though he IS bigger than the team. :doh: Typical Eagles fans.

:eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck

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It's funny... I went to a Skins vs. Lions game in RFK stadium many years ago, '95 I think.. About at half time half the fans were booing and yelling at Frerrotte, the other half either sat quitely on their hands or or tried to yell some encouraging things to him.

Go figure... even you civilized Skins fans do the exact same thing.

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Originally posted by RunPortisRun

The dude came back from a broken leg...he has put it all on the line for his team...Show him the money!

As much as I hate the Eages, I'm on TO's side on this one.

Furthermore, I cant beleive McNabb had the nerve to talk about Farve but wont talk about TO.

TO owns McNabb. McNabb will through him the ball or McNabb will get an ear full on the side lines.

It was the FREAKING SUPERBOWL. I bet you every single player, if in TO's position would have played last year. Dont give me wrong, I thought it was one of the gutsiets performances of all time, but common. It was the SUPERBOWL. Thats what these guys work their whole lives for, half of them would play in it with fractured necks if they could. I dont think he was out there for his team anymore than he was for himself. All NFL players want to play in that game. Period.

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Originally posted by TerpsEagles

It's funny... I went to a Skins vs. Lions game in RFK stadium many years ago, '95 I think.. About at half time half the fans were booing and yelling at Frerrotte, the other half either sat quitely on their hands or or tried to yell some encouraging things to him.

Go figure... even you civilized Skins fans do the exact same thing.

As someone who has been to many many skins games I have to say we are quite even when it comes to being mean or downing a player..

However in DC we are extremely overly insanely critical when it comes to QB's. Any other position we tend to give more lee way. Not the QB position though ;p

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Originally posted by TerpsEagles

It's funny... I went to a Skins vs. Lions game in RFK stadium many years ago, '95 I think.. About at half time half the fans were booing and yelling at Frerrotte, the other half either sat quitely on their hands or or tried to yell some encouraging things to him.

Go figure... even you civilized Skins fans do the exact same thing.

That is about the most sophmoric attempt at an anology I can recall TerpsEagles.

Redskin fans were divided on Gus. Some (like me) thought he was horrible. Others thought he was a likeable guy who just needed confidence, reps, receivers etc.

Philly fans are fickle and fairweather. They boo a guy until he throws them a bone, then they start chanting his name? WTF is that? How is that even remotely similar to what you saw at RFK?

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Originally posted by RunPortisRun

The dude came back from a broken leg...he has put it all on the line for his team...Show him the money!

As much as I hate the Eages, I'm on TO's side on this one.

Furthermore, I cant beleive McNabb had the nerve to talk about Farve but wont talk about TO.

TO owns McNabb. McNabb will through him the ball or McNabb will get an ear full on the side lines.

What? $49M isn't enough? Exactly how much money do you want the Eagles to show?

This will be an interesting season to watch. TO may have passed the point of diminishing returns. If his behavior causes the rest of the team to be disfunctional, they'll either cut his @$$ eventually or go down the toilet. The Vikings reached that point with Moss, the 49ers reached that point with TO, the Seahawks reached that point with Robinson... if TO is still an Eagle next year I'll be amazed.

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My question is that if it were the Redskins, and not the Eagles, if it were Portis and not Owens....would you guys not act the same?

While folks call Eagles fans morons, I believe those same folks deserve to be called hypocrites because you know that ALL of you would act the same.

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Originally posted by red zone

That is about the most sophmoric attempt at an anology I can recall TerpsEagles.

Redskin fans were divided on Gus. Some (like me) thought he was horrible. Others thought he was a likeable guy who just needed confidence, reps, receivers etc.

Philly fans are fickle and fairweather. They boo a guy until he throws them a bone, then they start chanting his name? WTF is that? How is that even remotely similar to what you saw at RFK?

It's not. He's just grasping at straws.

I think a more appropriate analogy would be when we picked up Deion. A lot of people at TC were saying a lot of crap about Deion, but then when he was in sight, A LOT of people started cheering. Needless to say, I was not one of them. As a matter of fact, when he first stepped out onto FedEx Field for the first game that year, I was one of the few people chanting "Deion Sucks!" I'm old school. Once a Cowboy, always a Cowboy. :dallasuck

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Originally posted by SkinsNatsFan

I don't understand why this guy is still a story. He didn't hold out. He's in camp. He's pouting. Philadelphia fans are booing. So what? Move on to something that actually is a story.

Its all about T O he has to be in the spotlight!!!

:point2sky HAIL TO THE REDSKINS :point2sky

:logo: REDSKINS IN 2005 :logo:

:eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck

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