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Could this be the best Bear repellent for my Alaska trip ?


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If you're going to be in Alaska in a place where you face the real possibility of encountering a bear, you need firepower. Your flamethrower will work (he says, tongue in cheek), but it will get heavy after a while.

Seriously, I recommend a revolver with a caliber no smaller than .454 Casull. That's what's in my left hand in the picture.

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Maybe I'll just stop by the SPC and pick up some puppies,

and walk thru the woods with the doggies on a leash, and if a bear charges, I'll just toss up the pups towards the beer, to give them a snack to keep 'em a busy while I take off

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Originally posted by redskins4life234

Denali wont let ypu bring any repellents in.

Please explain. What kind of repellants are you referring to ?

I know they dont allow guns, but are you saying they dont

even allow Pepper Spray repellants ?

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Originally posted by BlueTalon

Who or what is Denali?

Denali is the name of the National Park that

surrounds Mt McKinley, the highest point in

North America. The park by itself is about

the size of Massachussetts, and it is thriving with

wildlife, such as brown and black bear, caribou,

moose, wolves, fox, marmot......not to mention

some of the best hiking, camping, and natural

scenic views in the world.

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Originally posted by Mickalino

Denali is the name of the National Park that

surrounds Mt McKinley, the highest point in

North America. The park by itself is about

the size of Massachussetts, and it is thriving with

wildlife, such as brown and black bear, caribou,

moose, wolves, fox, marmot......not to mention

some of the best hiking, camping, and natural

scenic views in the world.

Hmm. If I ever have occasion to go to Denali, I will be packing heat. I understand what rules are for, but rules that are not well thought out and that could jeapordize my life are not rules that I'm going to take too seriously. The possibility of meeting up with a brown bear (or even a black bear) is one that should not be taken lightly.

My heat would fall under the category of "what they don't see won't hurt me."

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