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Canada releases sex murderer


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Sex Killer Homolka Plans to Live in Montreal

This is really messed up.


MONTREAL — One of Canada's most notorious female criminals says she's going to live in Quebec now that she's been released from prison.

Karla Homolka (search), 35, was secretly spirited from prison Monday after serving 12 years for the rapes, torture and murders of three teenage girls, including her younger sister.

Homolka received the relatively light sentence in return for her testimony against her ex-husband Paul Bernardo (search). Homolka told the court and psychiatrists she was a battered wife who took part in the rapes and murders to protect herself and her family.

Months after prosecutors made the deal, however, Bernardo's attorneys handed over homemade videotapes by the couple that indicated Homolka was a willing participant, drawing the ire of Canadians.

"I don't want to be hunted down," Homolka told RDI, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's French-language news network, after her release. "I don't want people to think I am dangerous and I'm going to do something to their children."

Speaking in slightly accented French, Homolka said in the interview she's "unable to forgive myself."

"I think of what I've done and then often I think I don't deserve to be happy because of this," said Homolka, who appeared drawn and tired.

Homolka said she went directly from the prison to the television studio. She said she decided to give the interview after consulting with her lawyer. She plans on living in Quebec and acknowledged those in the French-speaking province know less about the horrific details of her case.

"It's certain that the mood in Quebec is not like the mood in Ontario. I have a support network here," Homolka said.

Her lawyers and father have said for months that she intended to resettle in Montreal, having learned French during her 12 years in a Quebec prison.

Michele Pilon-Santilli, a spokeswoman for the correctional service, confirmed the release of Homolka — who has changed her name to Karla Teale — but would not say where she was headed.

Homolka became the symbol of evil in Canada in 1993 when she was convicted of manslaughter for her role in the kidnappings, rapes, sexual torture and murders of Ontario teenagers Kristen French (search) and Leslie Mahaffy (search).

She was also convicted in the 1990 death of her 15-year-old sister, Tammy, who died choking on her own vomit on Christmas Eve after Homolka held a drug-soaked cloth over her mouth while both she and her husband raped her.

"What I did was terrible and I was in a situation where I was unable to see clearly, where I was unable to ask for help, where I was completely overwhelmed in my life and I regret it enormously because now I know I had the power to stop all that," Homolka said.

Homolka said she didn't leave Bernardo because she was young and afraid of being abandoned.

Tim Danson, the lawyer representing the French and Mahaffy families, told The Associated Press his clients were stunned that Homolka was free.

"They thought that they had made the necessary mental and emotional adjustments to get ready for today, but when I gave them word that she'd been released, there was just stunned, painful silence," Danson said in Toronto, the provincial capital of Ontario.

In return for her sentence, Homolka testified against Bernardo, a Toronto bookkeeper serving a life term for two counts of first-degree murder.

One of the videos released months later indicated Homolka had offered up Tammy as a Christmas gift to Bernardo in 1990; it showed Homolka performing oral sex on her unconscious sister after slipping sleeping pills in her alcohol. Tammy died choking on her own vomit.

In the following two years, the couple kidnapped and videotaped the rapes and beatings of 15-year-old Kristen, then 14-year-old Leslie.

By the time the videotapes were revealed, Homolka's plea bargain had been sealed. But Canadians were outraged that she would be released in 12 years.

"People think she's cheated the system," said Jack Jadwab, executive director of the Association of Canadian Studies (search) in Montreal. "A violent crime like this, publicized the way it is, represents to many Canadians a bit of a stain on our reputation for being a nonviolent society."

Earlier Monday, one of her attorneys, Christian Lachance, told Quebec Superior Court Judge Maurice Lagace that because Homolka's safety could not be assured by police, he said the media must be prevented from reporting her whereabouts to protect her from threats. Another judge last week rejected a similar plea, saying it violated press freedoms.

Lagace ruled Monday that Homolka should defend her point of view the week of July 25, but it was not immediately clear whether she would appear in court.

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Considering both Karla and Paul Bernado both lived next to my hometown (St. Catherines, Thorold)... I know this story pretty intimately.

As a couple, they kidnaped, raped (some of the most disgusting stuff you could imagine), and murdered a few young girls.

The problem was, when they arrested the couple, it took them awhile to find all the evidence (VHS tapes were hidden in the rook, then the lawyers went into the house and took them without the police knowledge).

The lawyer for Homolka then plea-bargained with the Crown for a reduced sentence... so that Karla would testify against her husband.

And in turn, they would release the VHS tapes.

After agreeing to the plea bargain and viewing the VHS tapes, the Crown (and subsequently, the entire country) witnessed that Karla played AN EQUALLY HUGE ROLE in the kidnapping, rape, torture and murder of each of those girls.

No one imagined a female would partake in such deplorable behavior.

But the ink was already dry on the plea-bargain. She got 12 years.

Turns out, she got a PHD while in prison (courtesy of the taxpayer), learned French and took up a lesbian lover in prison.

Not a bad haul.

I would imagine someone is going to kill her in the next few years.

There's a reason why she fears for her life.

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani

I watched a TV show about her and her bf. Sick peoples...

Was it "Autopsy" on HBO?? That is a great show. I wish they would do a new one. That lady that narrates the show sounds spooky and the music is too.

They were f*cked up people.

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Originally posted by SkinsForLife260

Theres sickos out there.

Aint that the truth. I never caught this story before, and it's just a shame she gets to live a somewhat normal life now, while three people are dead.

On another note, I found out that we have a convicted child rapist living about 1/2 block away from us. From his back patio, he can clearly view the grammer and middle schools.


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Originally posted by Pete

Aint that the truth. I never caught this story before, and it's just a shame she gets to live a somewhat normal life now, while three people are dead.

On another note, I found out that we have a convicted child rapist living about 1/2 block away from us. From his back patio, he can clearly view the grammer and middle schools.


Isn't the justice system grand!

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Originally posted by Doggmatic

Hey DH, this is kinda of topic, but whats a rook?

And yes, I would venture to guess she'll be taken out as well.

Sorry, that was a typing error :)

"roof" (ie. attic)

I got a little lazy, because I didn't figure this thread would get much attention.

Now I'm embarrassed :)

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Originally posted by TheSteve

Isn't the justice system grand!

To be fair, Karla isn't the first person to get a plea bargain in return of her testimony against her boyfriend.

You have to understand, given the LONG delay in finding these culprits, the Crown WANTED and NEEDED a quick conviction. Of somebody, ANYBODY!

Without the VHS, no one would have suspected a husband/wife combo to be so involved (ie. that a women would willingly partake in such acts).

The truth is, to gain the plea bargain, she presented herself as a beaten and controlled wife who was obligated to partake in such acts under fear of death.

Once the plea was offered by the Crown, she had the lawyer present the tapes.

Then the tapes clearly displayed that not only was Karla a willing participant (including the rape and murder of her own sister), but they murders were pre-meditated and both were equal culprits.

But, no one would have known that if not for the VHS tapes.

Tapes that would have been destroyed with no plea bargain.

The problem isn't with the JUSTICE SYSTEM, it's with the slimeball lawyer who KEPT those VHS tapes as leverage.

That lawyer also subsequently resigned from representing Karl after the first few months... and delayed handing over the tapes to the Crown for months.

That lawyer subsequently lost his licence to practice law.

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Originally posted by Die Hard

The problem isn't with the JUSTICE SYSTEM, it's with the slimeball lawyer who KEPT those VHS tapes as leverage.

That lawyer also subsequently resigned from representing Karl after the first few months... and delayed handing over the tapes to the Crown for months.

That lawyer subsequently lost his licence to practice law.

I agree 100%, and if nothing else the lawyer had a small piece of justice served against him.

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Originally posted by SkinFaninOKC

Was it "Autopsy" on HBO?? That is a great show. I wish they would do a new one. That lady that narrates the show sounds spooky and the music is too.

They were f*cked up people.

I saw that episode and agree. I was wondering why her name sounded so familiar. One thing I've learned is if Michael Baden is assigned as the Forensic Pathologist for a case, he will find exactly what has gone down. Dude makes Quincy look like Dr Nick Riviera.


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Originally posted by TheSteve

This isn't a big story because it isn't a guy. That's all.

Not true. While I had never heard of her, there have been a few stories about her and what she did here in NY. Maybe it's because we are so close to Canada

I have done some more reading on this since I posted the top part of the message. I see her GF is in jail for the same thing and she is getting out as well. According to the news articles the jail system in Canada is pretty lax. Most of them made it out to be an "Adult Daycare" that was pretty laid back. In one of the pics, there is another girl Tracy, Sherry's accomplice who only got 8 years for her role in the crime she commited with Sherry. Im sure that these 2 are going to live together and never have the urge to hurt anybody ever again :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Skin-N-NY

Not true. While I had never heard of her, there have been a few stories about her and what she did here in NY. Maybe it's because we are so close to Canada

Sounds about right. I only remember hearing about in passing and from the episode of Autopsy on HBO. My fiance, who is from Buffalo, said it was regularly on the news in the mid-1990's.


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Until our society stops embracing female superiority and insulation from responsibility in exchange for TRUE equality and responsibility, you'll see cases like that.

Reminds me of the 12 year old girl who was involved in a 'relationship' with another girl's lesbian lover(we're already in sick territory here) The three girls tortured and burned this girl ALIVE. None of them received life sentences or death.

One of the most tragic things about criminal justice is because the victim is often dead or incapacitated, the perp gets to fabricate a story that is suited only to reducing their sentence and public perception of responsibility/evil intent.

When we start acknowledging that women can be monsters too, and give them sentences commensurate with what we give men for the same crime, you're going to continue to have women who claim to have been 'browbeaten' or 'abused' into serial-killing or raping other innocent human beings.

If any man made a similar claim in court, he'd be laughed at in public before his hanging or his life sentence was handed down.

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