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New Madden 06 videos


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Well, I haven't seen the videos, did they change the presentation?

Remember, there are GAMEPLAY elements that have changed. People really need to let go of the graphics considering they are one entry away from a huge upgrade(and even then it'll need work, I know.)

But I think the passing cone and some of other other additions make it much more realistic and more fun for actual football simulator/coach/players. The morons who run back 14 yards and throw blind across their body--their days are numbered.

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The game play looks the same and shows some of the same flaws to me.

In the 1st or 2nd video Kerry Collins is able to throw a perfect 35 yard pass back pedaling and off his back foot jumping in there air :doh:

In another video a CB is in perfect position to make a stop on a pass, and as typical with Madden, you just see him put his hands up for the INT and it goes right by him when he's clearly in the way.

Did you guys see the size of Ramsey's passing cone, it's tiny!!!!

On the plus side, when the guy was playing defense and moving the DE around, the OT was still able to block him and not give up a cheese pass rush.

But with that all said, I already have Madden 06 reserved for the xbox360. Damn monopoly:mad:

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Did you guys see the Redskin clip where Ramsey did the play action pass & Gardner dropped the ball? Classic.

I always preferred the NFL2K series to Madden, but if this is my only football fix this year, so be it. I didn't expect it to blow me away, but the XBOX 360 one better.....

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I've been playing Madden 05 recently after starting with ESPN 2k5. Now I think that both games are too flawed to even play.

When I play on all-madden level, I can't run the ball. The guard or tackle gets blown up behind the line every play. What's the deal with that? Still, I can take Vick and run for 1st down after 1st down.

The dyansty mode is OK, but I don't see anything special. The draft prep is average. Free agency is OK. The training camp mode for preseason is just a silly way to improve guys through a dynasty.

Madden needs a complete overall, from top to bottom. They have been tweaking the same game since 2001. After playing Madden, though, I see how ESPN desperately needed to fix it's running game.

I would like to see a "Burnout 3" type slowdown for action that focusing on the individual matchup for a few seconds and then goes back to the main view.

**Wow, the video still shows the QB dropping back 12 yards to pass.

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running in madden 05 just takes lots of practice and patience.

and it sure is easier when you have a better center and guard.

it's pretty real if you ask me. portis was grinding out alot of tough yards last year too...2, 3 yards a pop, and then get lucky and hit one for 5+ or really lucky, break a tackle and your off to the races...

i play with Norv's offense though. i can't stand the Gibbs offense and i had to make a transition from Spurrier the last couple years to 05...

i don't want to spend that kinda jack on the new xbox, but i'm afraid i am too weak and will buy it and the new madden when they come out....i'm addicted.

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Originally posted by big z

running in madden 05 just takes lots of practice and patience.

and it sure is easier when you have a better center and guard.

it's pretty real if you ask me. portis was grinding out alot of tough yards last year too...2, 3 yards a pop, and then get lucky and hit one for 5+ or really lucky, break a tackle and your off to the races...

i play with Norv's offense though. i can't stand the Gibbs offense and i had to make a transition from Spurrier the last couple years to 05...

i don't want to spend that kinda jack on the new xbox, but i'm afraid i am too weak and will buy it and the new madden when they come out....i'm addicted.

hey big z, is that JLH in your sig?

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Originally posted by In Flames

hey big z, is that JLH in your sig?

of course! :cheers:

and the logitech wireless i have better work for the new xbox as well cuz i don't want to shell out for a new one of those again...but it is oh so sweet, i tell ya.


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I see the same dam thing. The tackle or tight end just completely goes ahead and some de just stops me before the line.

I LOVE HOW Collins goes back 12 yards jumps on his back foot, and moss goes over everyone and gets it.

I want realistic running.

What i have played in ncaa I have liked there running. I think...

video games are not as great as i used to think.

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i only run out of the I and sometimes out of the proset, but that's usually a sweep...

i think the key is to run right at them...you try to go wide...even with portis, and yeah, you'll get stuffed alot.

but if you run just off the guards, then you can pound away...but you need some money passes to keep the D honest, and then of course...you can take your shots deep as well.

when i play my buddy? who's a hated cowboy fan, so we have good games, he always knows if i'm passing or running...but can he stop it? rarely. as long as you learn not to throw pics? this game is money.

admittedly, i haven't played in a few months...maybe it's time to fire it up again...i think i stopped 14 seasons into franchise or something.....

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