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Is Taylor innocent?


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Originally posted by Bigskinbauer

i just have one question about the lie detectors, I am guessing that there are places to get administered and they have a reputation of being accurate and they probally don't take bribes, my question is are most of these places legitimate. If so then Taylor took a risk taking the test, and that is thing that surprises me.

He took the test under his own will, that says something-- he believes he is innocent


Anytime there is money involved and when it is a private organization then you can bet the questions we worded in a way that would be benificial to

Taylor, expecially when there is millions of dollars on the line. I haven't seen the questions so honestly it would be hard to make a call in that respect. But if he went to the DA and had taken one, I would be more apt to belive a passed result. Again I am not saying he is guilty by any means, but I just have a hard time beliveing that the questions he was asked were not benificial to him. I really doubt his attourney would allow the DA to administer one to him because his attorney cannot control the questions. We shall see when this goes to trial whenever that may be.

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Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but if you're going to post a poll, don't title the thread with one question, then make your poll question the exact opposite. :laugh:

You ask 'Is Taylor Innocent?', and make your poll question 'Did Taylor Pull a Gun?'. :doh:

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I don't know if he pulled a gun.....I'm guessing that the DA has some proof other than two guys who "may have" stolen Taylor's ATVs in the 1st place who says he did.

It was one of these "gentlemen" or an associate who shot at Taylor and his buddy when they came back, correct?

Again....I don't know how this will pan out. But he has hurt the Redskins with this and the aquitted DUI charge.

I have lost respect for Taylor, hopefully he can turn things around and have his life be as talented as his football abilities.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

:doh: missed that......

however, having taken one before....I can tell you those ****s are pretty darn accuate..... and can make you squirm

Having taken one myself, I can tell you they're absolute bullsh!t.

I was completely honest, and still failed. My roommate in college took one, was absolutely honest, and told the results were "inconclusive." Traitor Aldrich Ames continually passed polygraphs while he was sending US agents to their deaths. Serial Killer Mark Hoffman passed his with flying colors - after practicing lying while hooked up to a biofeedback machine.

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Originally posted by warren

Ah man, I messed this up. I voted "NO" thinking the poll was about whether or not Taylor was innocent. But now that I look again, the poll asks " Did taylor pull a gun? ".

I made the same mistake. I think the title needs to be changed and the poll thrown out.

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Originally posted by amaprius

Taylor is not innocent...The real question is ... Will he get away with it?


Too bad.

Someone needs to make a stand on these athletes getting away with out and out crimes...even murder(see Ray Lewis).

My friend was killed by a drunk driver and these cops and judges let these kids get off scott free from DUI's, just so they can kill with their cars or guns or knives(OJ), etc. and get away with that too.

The justice system in america needs balls. They have no balls right now.

What does this sad incident about your friend and a DUI have to do with Sean Taylor?

This 22 year old obviously was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Who knows if he pulled a gun or not. The real question is is the DA can prove that he pulled the weapon. I think it's probable that he will get off.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

If Taylor didn't do anything but confront the guys... and they were the thieves... he didn't do anything different than most people would...

You know what Bubba, since it's your birthday, I'm actually going to agree with this statement.




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Originally posted by Riggo-toni

Having taken one myself, I can tell you they're absolute bullsh!t.

I was completely honest, and still failed. My roommate in college took one, was absolutely honest, and told the results were "inconclusive." Traitor Aldrich Ames continually passed polygraphs while he was sending US agents to their deaths. Serial Killer Mark Hoffman passed his with flying colors - after practicing lying while hooked up to a biofeedback machine.

In college? What college need you to take a polygraph test..or cant you tell me? :)

As for what Taylor did or did not do...I dont know what to think.

I need more accurate information.


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Originally posted by Bigskinbauer

Just wondering the opinion on whether taylor is innocent. We have heard that they have witnesses and the witnesses played football in highschool with Taylor and one has been quoted on saying "whats the profit for me". I also suspect the people that were the victims have also said that he pulled a gun but they are not very crediable expecially if they are the ones who did the shooting at the house taylor was staying at.


the question should be would Taylor been arrested in about 40 other states? NO. Imagine how many people would be in jail for just waiving a gun accross this country.

I like to know two things. Why isn't the police investigating the shooting at Taylors house (I know they say they are but I get the feeling the are not)

And second why aren't the policy saying anything about the stollen property and who stole it. I mean if the "victims" were the thieves I think this begs the question who is the victim here.

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Originally posted by TheGreek1973


the question should be would Taylor been arrested in about 40 other states? NO. Imagine how many people would be in jail for just waiving a gun accross this country.

He would be arrested just like anyone else, but the punishment might be more severe in FLA because they are actually doing something about crime.

I like to know two things. Why isn't the police investigating the shooting at Taylors house (I know they say they are but I get the feeling the are not)

Uh, I guess that can't be answered to your liking....They say they are investigating, what else do you want them to do? Make up a name to appease people? And the shooting wasn't at Taylor's house, it was at a friend's house.

And second why aren't the policy saying anything about the stollen property and who stole it. I mean if the "victims" were the thieves I think this begs the question who is the victim here.

Maybe because Taylor hasn't reported them stolen yet?



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